The Gallimaufry
Two lovers of the past look at the weird, the wonderful and often overlooked bits of history. Gallimaufry means a confused jumble or collection of things and that basically sums us up. Crafted lovingly in a carpet shop basement. New episodes every month.
(We are not the pub in Bristol, but happy to hear music acts who wish to perform with us.)
The Gallimaufry
Alexander II: The Last Great Tsar
Often called the Russian Lincoln, we take a look at the life of Alexander the 2nd of well...Russia. Thought of as too emotional and lazy by his peers, he certainly showed them! Known for emancipating the serfs and trying desperately to reform Russia against a rising tide of violent terrorism, Alexander ultimately fell to an assassin's bomb. In his life he managed to make seismic changes to Russia, but his death would go on to have an even greater impact...