Variety Show for the Soul

Cherishing Ourselves: Honoring What Has Shaped Us

Jamie D. Season 1 Episode 23

Been through some stuff in life?  Sure, we all have.  Some much more than others.  What we go through in life shapes us as we go.

The situations early on, the ones that plucked us out of innocence and into a place of having life experience—those prove to be toughest.

Host Jamie D. talks us through honoring those times and how the ego mind likes to keep us out of harm’s way, and as a result, we may be in need of shifting our perspective to start pointing that ego mind to a new normal.

We are capable of protecting ourselves in a safe and nurturing way instead of being in perpetual combat mode.  We sometimes need to go within and have a look and a chat.  Sometimes more than once, and more still.  And that’s OK!

Topics touched on in this episode:

  • Self-talk
  • Energetic signals
  • Through cherishing something or someone else, you learn about how YOU are worthy of the same

The takeaway:  Jamie walks you through a very therapeutic approach to communicate with your inner child.  (At 9:36)

If you’d like to book a healing session with Jamie D. You can find her at the Human Soundcheck WEBSITE

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