Watermelon Brigades

#4: Of Borders & Walls (Native & Palestinian Solidarity)

April 18, 2018 Watermelon Brigades Season 1 Episode 4
Did you know that the companies building the apartheid wall in Palestine are the very same ones building the wall on the US/Mexico border?Amy Juan of the Tohono O'odham nation, which straddles that very border, went to see for herself last fall on a delegation to Palestine. In episode 4, Muna and Jams talk with Amy about her trip there, as well as learn about the ever-increasing border militarization that the Tohono O'odham have already been dealing with for years. Interwoven into this interview is plenty of talk about food -- we all can't help but collectively swoon over musukhan aka the Palestinian national dish -- and Amy closes out perfectly with a mesmerizing song. We dare you not to be moved.Subscribe to the Watermelon Brigades podcast via iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.