The Jason DeMars Podcast

Mysteries Revealed - ETMH Section 13 - The Days of the Son of Man

May 03, 2024 Jason DeMars
🔒 Mysteries Revealed - ETMH Section 13 - The Days of the Son of Man
The Jason DeMars Podcast
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Speaker 1:

The Days of the Son of man Matthew 24, verse 37. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. The subject of the coming of the Son of man is a very important one in our day and age. We are living in the end time, and this is proven as we see many prophecies of the Scriptures coming together end time. And this is proven as we see many prophecies of the scriptures coming together. To illustrate this point, think about the war spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It references a war between Israel and their foes, moscow, persia, iran, tubal Turkey, ethiopia which would consist of Sudan and Somalia from biblical times and Libya, among others. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together as these nations are starting to align their mutual interests. It is particularly astonishing that we see Russia starting to align its interests with Iran, as well as Turkey coming into cooperation with Iran. Secondly, another sign of this time, as Jesus specified in Matthew 24, is that there are an increase in earthquakes and rumors of wars circulating. It is a time for us to lift up our head, for our redemption is drawing nigh. We are living in the hour of the fulfillment of the coming of the Son of man. One important point to note is that the the coming of the Son of man. One important point to note is that the first coming of the Messiah was quite contrary to that which was anticipated by the existing Jewish church world. They did not expect Messiah to come, suffer for our sins and be raised from the dead. They expected a conqueror. Not realizing that that aspect of Messiah would come later. They totally missed his coming because of their misinterpreted understanding of it. Luke 17, verse 30,. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed? In Luke 17, verse 30, the coming of Christ is referred to as His revelation. The word revelation means an unveiling, or something hidden is made known. When we are reading the scriptures that speak of His second coming, we should anticipate that it will come differently than the church world anticipates. We must leave it up to God to interpret His own word by bringing it to pass. Luke 17, verses 26 through 30. And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, also, as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. As the Lord begins to describe his revelation, he likens it to the days of Noah. For those of us who are familiar with the scripture, we will remember that Noah preached and prepared the ark for 120 years until the flood came.

Speaker 1:

Notice. It is the days of the Son of man. It is a period of time, not merely a sudden, immediate event that he speaks of. There are aspects of his coming that are sudden and immediate, but we must understand, as scripture teaches, that the days of the revelation of the Son of man is a period of time prior to the sudden and immediate destruction of man's kingdom. Jesus says that during the days of Noah, the eight drank and married like nothing was taking place. To the world, nothing had changed, but in the spiritual realm, many things had changed. During the days of Noah, there was a message being preached to the world. Nothing had changed, but in the spiritual realm, many things had changed. During the days of Noah, there was a message being preached to the world to repent and come into the ark. So during the days of the Son of man, which is a period of time prior to the destruction of the earth, there will be a message going forth calling the world to repent.

Speaker 1:

Next, the Lord likens the days of the Son of man to the days of Lot. What happened during the days of the Son of man to the days of Lot? What happened during the days of Lot? Homosexuality was in a blatant militant position in Sodom. Lot was there in Sodom and the sins of the city troubled him.

Speaker 1:

During the days of Lot, abraham was outside of Sodom. Abraham received a visit from three men, one of them being the Lord, god, and the other two being angels. God spoke to him of his promised son and Sarah laughed in her heart. God spoke to Abraham, having discerned the thoughts of Sarah's heart, saying why did Sarah laugh? He knew the thoughts of Sarah. Just as God appeared to Abraham during the days of Lot, god will again appear in human flesh to show himself to those who are called out of Sodom. One group of believers were in Sodom Lot and one group was outside of Sodom, abraham. The same is today. There is a people of God still living in the denominational systems of the world and there is a people of God elected and called out of the systems of the world. They have seen and witnessed God appear in human flesh again to discern the thoughts of the heart.