The Jason DeMars Podcast

Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 16 - What is the Third Pull?

May 24, 2024 Jason DeMars
đź”’ Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 16 - What is the Third Pull?
The Jason DeMars Podcast
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The Jason DeMars Podcast
Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 16 - What is the Third Pull?
May 24, 2024
Jason DeMars

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Embark on a transformative journey as we unveil the mysteries of Brother William Branham's "third pull" prophecy, a concept that has sparked curiosity and debate for decades. Our conversation travels through the symbolic visions of fishing and the enigmatic tent vision, piecing together Branham's teachings on faith and prophecy. We carefully dissect his allegorical language, untangling the spiritual significance of this profound message.

This episode is not just an exploration—it's an invitation to experience Branham's vision in a new light, free from the haze of complexity. As we connect the dots between the third pull and the opening of the seven seals, we reveal Branham's own warnings against grandiose displays, pointing instead to an authentic and personal encounter with the divine. Whether Branham's words strike a familiar chord or are entirely new to you, this discussion offers a fresh perspective on his lasting impact on modern spirituality. Join us and gain a clearer understanding of a prophecy that continues to resonate with seekers of truth.

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Embark on a transformative journey as we unveil the mysteries of Brother William Branham's "third pull" prophecy, a concept that has sparked curiosity and debate for decades. Our conversation travels through the symbolic visions of fishing and the enigmatic tent vision, piecing together Branham's teachings on faith and prophecy. We carefully dissect his allegorical language, untangling the spiritual significance of this profound message.

This episode is not just an exploration—it's an invitation to experience Branham's vision in a new light, free from the haze of complexity. As we connect the dots between the third pull and the opening of the seven seals, we reveal Branham's own warnings against grandiose displays, pointing instead to an authentic and personal encounter with the divine. Whether Branham's words strike a familiar chord or are entirely new to you, this discussion offers a fresh perspective on his lasting impact on modern spirituality. Join us and gain a clearer understanding of a prophecy that continues to resonate with seekers of truth.

Speaker 1:

What is the third pull spoken of by Brother William Branham? This subject tends to be complicated, difficult and sometimes divisive. My hope is that we can keep it simple and to the point. Here's a good explanation of the pulls from Brother Branham. And at that the angel of the Lord taken me out then and he taken me to a real bright stream of water. It was the most beautiful blue water and great fish were swimming around in it. He said I will make you a fisher.

Speaker 1:

And he said now cast your lure into the water and when you do pull it slow first time, the next time just give it a little jerk, not too hard, and the next time set your hook for the catch. And I started to throw my line in the water. I pulled and everything began rejoicing and saying that's wonderful, that's wonderful. I got all excited and jerked it hard on the next one out. I pulled the fish and all out of the water and what it was? It was a little bitty fish and it just about the size of the lure and I got my line all tangled up and I was straightening out my line and the man which was talking behind me walked around in front of me, dressed in Palestinian clothes and a turban on his head. He had a white robe. He said, brother Branham, that's it. I said I know it. I didn't do it right. I said I jerked it when I oughtn't to. He said don't get your line tangled up in these kinds of times. I said well, I'm running it as straight as I can. I'll be very careful. He said now, the first time I spoke with you, you put your hands on the people and told them what was wrong with them. And the second pull why. When you did, you would know the secrets of your hearts. And I made you a seer before the people, but you was always trying to explain it. You oughtn't to have done that. He said you made a public show out of it. I said I'm very sorry.

Speaker 1:

Then he taken me from there and I seen a great, huge tent. I never seen such a tent and it was packed and lined everywhere with people. And I walked out to the looked like I was standing above the people, looking down, where I'd just made an altar call and hundreds and hundreds of people were weeping and rejoicing after they accepted the Lord Jesus as their savior. And I looked and then I heard a man get up and say call the prayer line. And people began to line up over on this side, the left, from where I was looking down towards the platform, and they lined all the way up and down the street for a prayer line. I noticed to my left which would have been to my right if I was on the platform a little wooden building and I seen that light that all they have the picture of. You know, that's always in the meetings. I seen that light, leave me and go to that building. And go into that building and a voice said to me I'll meet you in there, that'll be the third pole. I said why? He said well, it won't be a public show like the other. And I came to.

Speaker 1:

The third pole is where people get confused and frustrated. They connect this with the tent vision. Some people believe that the tent vision was literal and that Brother Branham has to rise from the dead to fulfill it. However, the rest of the vision was in word pictures and therefore I do believe that the tent vision is also. He cast a lure to catch a fish and this represented the first pole. The tent vision was a prayer line and a little wooden building. Wouldn't this also be a word picture. I want to relate this to what the prophet explained. The third pole was in the future.

Speaker 1:

In the sermon Question and Answers on the Seals, he states Don't try to make yourself odd to be a Christian, because you see, you take yourself away from God and you, you, you, if you understand it, this is that third pole. You should have caught that the other day, see. Then, just, you remember, there'll be no impersonation like there was of the other two, see, so that's as far as you should know. The seven seals opening and being revealed is the third pull. In the sermon, the seventh seal, he said I'm not prone to be a fanatic, I'm just telling the truth. But you remember the little shoe that I was always trying to explain how that the soul laid next to so-and-so and the inner conscience and all that kind of stuff, which had only made a big bunch of impersonations start after it, how you'd have to take up the hand and hold the people and have vibration, and everybody had a vibration in their hand. But you remember when he took me up there and said this is that third pull and no one will know it. You remember that Visions never fail. No-transcript In the sermon Look Away to Jesus.

Speaker 1:

He explains the five manifestations of the spoken word and finishes by stating this Now there's my wife and we're both before God. But before the doctor's hand could even touch her body, on the road coming to her like that, something happened. The tuber left and they couldn't. He said I believe it was, wasn't it, sweetheart? I want to reassure you, mrs Branham. Is that right the way he said that? That's right, that that tumor isn't there. You don't have any tumor. What was it Just? Exactly according to the word of the Lord, amen. That's the fifth time. Five is the number of grace, a number of F-A-I-T-H. Two. There is no more doubt in my mind. I know what the third pull is and I know what it does, and I'll be reverent. Just keep quiet. The hour will soon arrive where God is going to do some great things for us.

Speaker 1:

A very definitive explanation of the third pull comes in the sermon Anointed Ones at the End Time. The first pull healing. Second pull prophesying. Third pull the opening of the word, the mysteries revealed, no more. There's no more higher order to reveal the word than prophets. But the only way the prophet can be vindicated is by the word. And remember, the third pole was the opening of them seven seals, to reveal the hidden truth that's been sealed in the word. So let's put it all together. The third pole is one the tent vision, people going in the little room and coming out different, not a public event. 2. The spoken word bringing the supernatural. 3. The opening of the word revealing of the seven seals, sure of what happens via the spoken word manifested in the bride, and the opening of the word. Through the spoken word and the opening of the seals, the bride will receive for rapturing faith and be changed.