The Jason DeMars Podcast

An Overview of the Message Part I

May 31, 2024 Jason DeMars Season 4 Episode 9
An Overview of the Message Part I
The Jason DeMars Podcast
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The Jason DeMars Podcast
An Overview of the Message Part I
May 31, 2024 Season 4 Episode 9
Jason DeMars

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Discover the spiritual profoundness that awaits as we unravel scripture's deepest mysteries with the teachings of Brother William Branham. Take a seat at the table of faith where Branham's emphasis on doctrines like the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the godhead, and modesty serve as our bread and wine, nourishing our quest to restore the original apostolic faith. With scriptural prophecy from Malachi 4 and the parable of the ten virgins as our compass, we navigate through the tumultuous waters of Christian doctrine, aiming to anchor in the harbor of truth and understanding.

Encounter the pivotal role of Elijah in the biblical prophecy as we dissect the church's anticipated purification, a process destined to lead us to a spotless and perfected state of worship. As the message of restoration resonates through the echoes of time, we scrutinize the historical shifts and the Reformation's efforts, seeking to realign Christianity with its foundational pillars. Our gaze then turns to the Parable of the Ten Virgins, where we differentiate between the prepared and the unprepared believers, spotlighting the urgency to embrace the prophetic message for the Second Coming of Christ.

Finally, we challenge traditional views while standing firm on the bedrock of scripture to illuminate the nature of God and the identity of Jesus Christ. Join us as we confront the Trinitarian controversy, dissect the dual nature of Jesus, and discuss the scriptural directives on personal appearance, all within the context of a changing world yet unchanging divine principles. Embrace this journey of faith as we share insights that promise not only to enlighten but also to transform.

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Discover the spiritual profoundness that awaits as we unravel scripture's deepest mysteries with the teachings of Brother William Branham. Take a seat at the table of faith where Branham's emphasis on doctrines like the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the godhead, and modesty serve as our bread and wine, nourishing our quest to restore the original apostolic faith. With scriptural prophecy from Malachi 4 and the parable of the ten virgins as our compass, we navigate through the tumultuous waters of Christian doctrine, aiming to anchor in the harbor of truth and understanding.

Encounter the pivotal role of Elijah in the biblical prophecy as we dissect the church's anticipated purification, a process destined to lead us to a spotless and perfected state of worship. As the message of restoration resonates through the echoes of time, we scrutinize the historical shifts and the Reformation's efforts, seeking to realign Christianity with its foundational pillars. Our gaze then turns to the Parable of the Ten Virgins, where we differentiate between the prepared and the unprepared believers, spotlighting the urgency to embrace the prophetic message for the Second Coming of Christ.

Finally, we challenge traditional views while standing firm on the bedrock of scripture to illuminate the nature of God and the identity of Jesus Christ. Join us as we confront the Trinitarian controversy, dissect the dual nature of Jesus, and discuss the scriptural directives on personal appearance, all within the context of a changing world yet unchanging divine principles. Embrace this journey of faith as we share insights that promise not only to enlighten but also to transform.

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Speaker 1:

God sent Brother William Branham with a message to restore the elect back to the original faith of the apostles. This message was thoroughly vindicated by God. Unfortunately, we have two sides that have made a mistake those that take his every word as another Bible and those that reject him as a false teacher. God's purpose was to open the revelation of Scripture to our hearts, not to create a new Bible or some new religion. In this podcast episode, I want to give you a biblical overview of the message that God sent through His prophet. Remember, though, that the prophet pointed us to Jesus Christ and said he didn't care if no one remembered His name, as long as they remembered the truth of Jesus Christ. In this podcast, I want to cover the scriptures fulfilled by the message and the major doctrines in a very brief overview during this podcast. This is a list of what I'm going to speak about Malachi 4, the parable of the ten virgins, water baptism, godhead, modesty, serpent seed, predestination, the new birth and the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the evidence of the Holy Ghost, the order of the home and the sovereignty of the local church. Greetings Bible believers and followers of the End Time Message. Welcome to another episode of the Jason DeMars Podcast, the place where we explore the incredible mysteries hidden within the pages of the Bible. I'm your host, jason DeMars. It's time to get started on another journey into the heart of God's Word. If it's your desire to grow in revelation and see the message in the light of the Bible, you're in the right place. Today, brothers and sisters, we delve into the scripture guided by the extraordinary revelations that God chose to unveil through Brother William Marion Branham, a messenger with a unique calling to fulfill Malachi 4 and Revelation 10-7 and unlock the secrets of the end time message. Our purpose isn't to have another basic Bible study. We're going to dig deep and peel back the layers of prophecy, decoding the signs and perhaps discovering how the Bible resonates within the very fabric of our present day and time. In this podcast, my purpose is to help you grow in your faith through solid Bible teaching through the lens of the message of Malachi 4. So grab your Bible, a cup of coffee and let's get started. And remember that your feedback, testimonies, questions and prayer requests are always welcome. Please send them on social media or at jasondemarscom.

Speaker 1:

Before we go into today's episode, I want to share something with you. Head over to jasondemarscom, where I'm giving away free books. These books have been ordered by believers around the world and many testimonies have been given about the great blessing they have been. I also want you to know that, by God's grace and provision, we are also covering the shipping costs. Free books and free shipping. My purpose is not to sell books but to proclaim the message of the hour free of charge. I've written these books to build your faith, increase your spiritual revelation and be a witness for God's message in the end time. Here's a list of a few of them A summary of the revelation of the seven seals, the end time message handbook, the mystery of the Malachi for Elijah, holiness to the Lord and Foundations. Head over to jasondemarscom right now and claim your free books. With that said, let's get into today's podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited for recording this podcast. I've wanted to do a broad overview of the message for quite some time. I'm not sure if it's going to take me one or two episodes. I have 29 pages of notes and an enormous amount of scriptures, so I'm guessing that it'll at least take me two different times of an hour to an hour and a half episodes. I guess we'll find out, you'll know, very soon. So we certainly appreciate everyone coming to tune in to the podcast Reminder. Please subscribe. Please give me a review on Apple Podcasts if you're listening there. Please subscribe on YouTube. Hit the like button, comment. Give me some of your feedback. That all helps the algorithm and helps spread the word about the message of the hour. I believe Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, and he's still working miracles, working through the gifts of the Spirit, through the five-fold ministry in this hour. This podcast is likely to be coming out towards the end of May or early June and I'm recording it. The end of April do the episodes, new episodes with the new season We'll record and we'll have new episodes through the end of October and then we'll take a couple months break and get started Season five next year.

Speaker 1:

There's quite a bit of travel coming up for me in June and July, august and then in November as well. I help with the youth camp that our church puts on every October, so there's quite a bit of work to do with that when that comes around. So please remember us in prayer. We certainly covet that. It's a walk of faith. We've been doing this now since August of 2012. The Lord called my wife and I to full-time in the ministry to walk by faith. God has been faithful. He's provided so much for us beyond what we ever could have imagined. And I don't even remember how many missions trips there's been since then. Probably in 12 years if we did three a year, with the COVID year as being an exception I guess I've probably been on close to 35 missions trips, all to the Middle East, and God has provided supernaturally many, many testimonies about that. I could do a podcast about supernatural testimonies of God's provision at some point in time supernatural testimonies of God's provision at some point in time.

Speaker 1:

But I want to get into the topic an overview of the message Now. First thing we need to do is show that there is a promise that the church will be restored to the original faith. Now all Protestants believe that the church fell away from the original faith and that a reformation of the church was necessary. But as this process began, we must realize that it was a process that started and there was a need to go entirely back to the original faith. The purpose was not to create hundreds of various denominations, all with a mode of truth resulting in dividing of the body of Christ, which, according to 1 Corinthians, 3, 3 and 4, that is a sin to divide the body of Christ. God's purpose for the church was not to divide it but to have it be the pillar and foundation of the truth. Instead it became a watered-down group that continually and slowly descends into apostasy. That's what we saw happen after the death of the apostles a slow descent into apostasy, turning away from the original faith, and every denomination is slowly winding its way into liberalism and unbelief.

Speaker 1:

But God's purpose is to bring his church to perfection and spotlessness through the washing of the water by the word. We find that in Ephesians 5, 25 through 27, speaking of the great mystery which is Christ and the church, husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it, that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. The church cannot be washed by a perverted word. The church cannot be washed by a partial word. It must be washed by the full word, so that full word must come back into effect and be restored, so that the blood can have its full effect and become a bleeding word that washes the bride. It's not merely the blood that washes the bride, but it's the blood carried by the word that cleanses her and makes her without spot and wrinkle. Therefore, we know we have to have a fully restored word back to the original faith as delivered by the vindicated apostles.

Speaker 1:

Now there is a promise to restore the church back to the original faith. Malachi 4, 5, and 6 speaks of this and again we're doing an overview. I go into detail into all of these subjects. If you look and search through my YouTube channel or through Apple Podcasts, you can find each and every one of these subjects in a greater detail. All right, so behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, and he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the heart of the All right. So this is not merely a Jewish promise, because the Elijah that comes in Revelation 11 is smiting the earth with all plagues etc. Is smiting the earth with all plagues, etc.

Speaker 1:

This Elijah of Malachi 4 has come to declare God's graces available in order to prevent the earth from being smitten with the curse If they receive his message, they can bypass that. If they don't receive it, they cannot. This is not John the Baptist. Only one part is fulfilled through John the Baptist, as we read in Luke 1.17,. The angel Gabriel says to Zechariah that John the Baptist will go before Christ in the spirit of power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children. So he only says that it is one part of Malachi 4.6, the hearts of the fathers to the children. The last part is left to before the tribulation period, not during the tribulation period, but before the tribulation period. That's a very precise message the angel brings, but he never mentions turning the hearts of the children to their fathers. That portion is left for fulfillment later. Because we can see, after John the Baptist came, the earth is not smitten with a curse. It speaks of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. That didn't happen in 70 AD. That didn't happen. Then he burns the earth and the righteous walk out in the ashes of the wicked. After this, elijah comes. The great and dreadful day of the Lord takes place near the end of the great tribulation period.

Speaker 1:

Now let's refer to two scriptures to prove this point. There was a current at the time of Jesus. Fulfillment of the coming of Elijah and a future fulfillment Matthew 17, 10 through 13. And his disciples asked him saying why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come? Jesus answered and said unto them Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things, but I stand to you that Elias has come already and they knew him not but have done unto him whatsoever. They listed Likewise shall also son of man suffer of them. Then the disciples understood that he spake to them of John the Baptist. So Elijah will come in the future and restore all things. And Elijah has come, but he restored nothing. He turned them from the law of Moses to Christ and the new covenant.

Speaker 1:

Also, john the Baptist denies being the Elijah of restoration. John 1, 19 through 23 proves that out. They ask him the Pharisees and Levites what then, are you Elijah? And he saith I am not. So he is not the rest. He is Elijah that turns the hearts of the fathers to the children, that goes before the Lord to prepare a way before him. But he is not the Elijah that will restore the people back to the original faith. All right Now.

Speaker 1:

The church fell away from the original faith, created popes, archbishops, idolatry towards Mary, penance, sacrifice of the mass purgatory, the trinity of three individual persons, trinitarian baptism, etc. Etc. All those things shows the church departed from the original faith. Catholics and Orthodox deny that, but the truth is. It's obvious by reading Scripture that they're not following the original faith. If you read any encyclopedia of the Bible, even Catholics themselves admit they don't baptize the way the early church baptized. The church developed their doctrine and changed those things. However, god sent the Reformation and subsequent reformers for the last 500 years to bring us back to the Bible faith. But now he sent a prophet to gather all these truths together to bring restoration to the elected bride church of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Now let's look at the parable of ten virgins. Now let's look at the parable of ten virgins. Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were wise and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Speaker 1:

While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept, and at midnight there was a cry made. Behold, the bridegroom tarried. They all slumbered and slept, and at midnight there was a cry made behold, the bridegroom cometh, go you out to meet him. Then all those versions arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out or our lamps are going out. But the wise answered saying not so, lest there be not enough for us and you. But you owe, ye, rather, to them that sell and buy for yourselves. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came and they that were ready went in with them to the marriage and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgin saying Lord, lord, open to us. But he answered and said Verily, I say unto you, I know you not. Watch, therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Speaker 1:

Now we see there is two types of virgins. They're virgins, right, they hear the midnight cry, but one can respond to it, and the other cannot respond because of the lack of oil in the vessels that they brought with their lamps. They're both saved. They're both virgins. They're cleansed. They're not prostitutes to the word, but they're cleansed and they're virgins, they're both saved. One receives and walks in the midnight cry into the marriage supper and the other is kept out and gets left behind to go through the tribulation period. Wise virgins who enter the marriage supper and foolish virgins are shut out. So this shows us there is a bride of Jesus Christ that will go into the rapture and there are foolish virgin Christians who must go through the tribulation period but are ultimately saved. They are foolish virgins because they were not able to receive the midnight cry and they walked away from it. That's why they're foolish virgins and they will have to wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb by giving their lives in the tribulation period.

Speaker 1:

In the book of Revelation, there are tribulation saints in Revelation 7, and there are bride saints in Revelation 19. Let's read these two verses so you can see these are two different types of believers wise believers and foolish believers. Revelation 7, 9,. After this I beheld in lo a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues, stood before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes and palms in their hands. So it's a great with white robes and palms in their hands. So it's a great, huge amount of people, and cried with a loud voice saying Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, and all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces and worshiped God, saying Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power might be unto our God forever and ever. Amen.

Speaker 1:

And one of the elders answered, saying unto me what are these which are arrayed in white robes, and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said unto me these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. So these are white-robed saints that came out of great tribulation. They stand before the throne and they serve the Lamb day and night. All right that there's another type of saint that is seated on the throne with Christ, that is the bride saints, the wife of the Lamb.

Speaker 1:

Revelation 19, 7 through 9. Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come and his wife hath made herself ready and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white, for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me Write Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb, and he saith unto me. These are the true sayings of God. In Revelation 7, they have normal white robes, but in Revelation 19, they have fine linen robes. These are two different types of robes. This clearly differentiates their reward. They both receive rewards, but one isulation. One comes to the marriage supper, which takes place during the tribulation period, but the other is killed in the tribulation period and is given white robes to be servants. One is the bride of the lamb and the other serves the lamb. One is a queen, the other is a servant. Both are great rewards, but there are different positions in the heavenly order.

Speaker 1:

Think about, historically, abraham and Lot. They don't have the same reward, they didn't have the same type of faith, but they're both saved. So one has the true baptism of the Holy Ghost that leads them into all truth. The other one has the true baptism of the Holy Ghost, right, they're both saved. One hears and responds correctly to the word and the one must go out to find oil and winds up in the tribulation period. One just has a dip of the Holy Ghost in their lamps and one has the true fullness of the baptism of the Holy Ghost. One of them hears and walks in the fullness of the message that came through Malachi 4, and walks in the fullness of the message that came through Malachi 4, and the other one does not. Revelation 10, 1 through 11.

Speaker 1:

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with the cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head and his face was, as it were, the sun and his feet as pillars of fire, and he had in his hand a little book open and he set his right foot upon the sea and his left foot on the earth and cried with loud voices when a lion roared. And when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven and swear by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are, and the things and the earth and the things that therein are, in the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer, but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he has declared to his servants, the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me and said Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel and said unto him Give me the little book. And he said unto me Take it and eat it up, and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hands and ate it up, and it was in my mouth sweet as honey. And as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter. And he said unto me Thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.

Speaker 1:

So here we have a picture of the opening of the seventh seal. Why do I say it's the opening of the seventh seal? Because when the seventh seal is fully opened by the Lamb in heaven, then the mighty angel, which is none other than the theophany of God himself, because he's clothed with the cloud rainbow at his head, face as the sun, feet as pillar of fire. This is speaking of the presence of God. The mighty angel comes down with a little book open, so this is the seven-sealed book that's opened. When the seven-sealed book opens, the mighty angel comes down, cries with a loud voice, the voice of the archangel. This is speaking of the spiritual coming of the Lord that takes place before the physical meeting of the Lord in the air. First, the mighty angel comes down. He cries with a loud voice. When he does that, seven thunders utter their voices.

Speaker 1:

When those seven thunders utter their voices, it is revealing the hidden mysteries of the Bible, and this can be none other than restoring us back to the original faith, because Paul speaks of many different mysteries. Even Jesus speaks of some mysteries that are revealed by the New Testament. Those mysteries were lost through the ages, so it cannot be a new revelation outside of the Bible. It must be what is written in there and hidden, revealed to us in this day. So the seven thunders from heaven utter the mysteries. And who reveals them? Of course a prophet has to reveal them. That was none other than William Marion Branham, the seventh angel.

Speaker 1:

An angel speaks of a messenger. It can be earthly or it can be heavenly. The seventh church age messenger to the angel of the church in Laodicea, to the angel of this church, this church, this church. Each of those letters is addressed to the minister, the messenger of that age. This messenger will finish the mystery of God as it was declared to his servants, the prophets. So we can declare, we can see it's already been written down in the Bible, but the mystery of what it means must be revealed by the seventh church age messenger. So this little book becomes open with the seventh seal. The mighty angel comes down, seven thunders utter their voices. So the revealing of the seventh seal comes by the descent of the mighty angel. So God comes down in spirit form with an open book to reveal the mysteries, and the seventh angel is the voice of those hidden mysteries of the book. Then he speaks and finishes that mystery. Then the bride John being a type of the bride is to take that book and eat it and then prophesy again. And the Lord.

Speaker 1:

A number of years ago I struggled to understand this. And the Lord. A number of years ago I struggled to understand this. This is clearly what Brother Branham taught, but people bring confusion about it. The Lord dealt with me when I was on a missions trip and he showed me what order. There was confusion, thinking the seven thunders was future, but I asked the Lord. I said I want to be able to explain these things to the believers that I'm ministering to here in Turkey. At the time I'm riding in a taxi and the Lord says to me what order do these things take place in? In the scripture the mighty angel comes down, seven thunders utter their voices. The seventh messenger reveals the mysteries. He says yes, this is the order that it comes in.

Speaker 1:

So God's purpose here is to bring the mysteries down, to reveal them to us, so that we would eat the book. It would be sweet in our mouth and make our belly bitter. And make our belly bitter. It's to bring transformation to us and to cause us to then take what has been revealed and prophesy again. We have to go around the world to many peoples, nations, tongues and kings to reveal the mysteries, hidden mysteries, of the book, the book. Another part of that is the Son of man being revealed Luke 17, 20 through 37. We will read and try to break that down Now.

Speaker 1:

This is a parallel verse to Matthew 24, and I'm going to show you that in a moment. And when he was demanded of the Pharisees when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said the kingdom of God cometh not with observation, neither shall they say lo here or lo there, for behold, the kingdom of God is within you or is in your midst. And he said unto his disciples the days will come when you shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and you shall not see it. And they shall say unto you See here or see there. Go not after them, nor follow them, for as the lightning that lighteneth out of one part of heaven and shineth unto the other part of heaven, so shall the Son of man also be in his day, but first he must suffer many things and be rejected of this generation. And as it was in the days of noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, also, as it was in the days of lot. They did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded. But the same that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus, shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. All right, so we can see that the days of the Son of man is connected to his revelation.

Speaker 1:

Revelation means an unveiling, or apocalypto. It means an appearing. Anytime the word apocalypto is used, it's an appearing of deity. So it is something supernatural. It can be in physical form or it can be in spiritual form. Now let's look at what is spoken. It's not to be in any specific place, out in the wilderness, go here or go there. It's going to be a worldwide phenomenon. Now, this cannot be limited to one person or one body, but rather it must be something that brings light. When lightning comes, it illuminates the world. So we're going to see a mighty illumination that takes place in the days of the Son of man.

Speaker 1:

Secondarily, it is not an instantaneous event because it says as the days of Noah were, so shall the days of the Son of man be. Not the day of the Son of man, not the instant of the Son of man, but rather a period of time before the destruction of the earth. So we can say that the revealing of the Son of man takes place over a period of time. It will not be merely a one-man ministry but it will be a body, bride ministry that will go around the world. This is what we're speaking of, that the open book is taken first by the seventh angel messenger. He reveals it, but the bride is to eat that and prophesy again around the world. So we understand that the bride of Christ at the end time is to reveal the Son of man. It's Christ in bride form, the fullness of what is spoken in the Bible. It says that the bride is to be the fullness of him, that filleth all in all. So the bride is to reveal the Son of man in the last days. It started with the ministry of William Branham, but it continues with the fivefold ministry and all the bride of man in the last days. It started with the ministry of William Branham, but it continues with the fivefold ministry and all the Bride of Christ.

Speaker 1:

In the days of Lot, what happened? The Lord came down in the form of a man, veiled himself in human flesh and revealed himself to Abraham to speak of the change of the body and the coming of Isaac. In the days of Noah, there was a message preceding judgment that Noah preached get into the ark. So that was the preparing of the ark. The days of Noah, that's what it was the days of the son of man, this preparing of the ark that the elected would come back to the restoration of the Word and become a part of this revelation of the Son of man. It goes further Luke 17, 31,.

Speaker 1:

In that day, he which shall be on the housetop and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away. He that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot's wife whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it. Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in the bed, the one shall be taken and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together, the one shall be taken and the other left. Two men in the field, the one shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together, the one shall be taken and the other left. Two men in the field. The one shall be taken, the other left.

Speaker 1:

Oh my, so it's again a worldwide phenomenon. This couldn't be 70 AD in Israel. It's all at one time. Here this is showing it's a worldwide rapture. Some people will be sleeping, some people will be preparing dinner in their home, some people will be out in the field working. It's at three different times of day. Therefore, we know it's a worldwide phenomenon. People say at six in the morning there'll be the rapture. Sure, but where will it be? Six in the morning? In Jerusalem? Maybe In American time? Maybe None of us know the answer to that question. It's going to be a worldwide phenomena. It will take place at different times throughout the day, that we're all changed and we'll be caught up. See, it's a time where they will be taken.

Speaker 1:

This is what the Bible says, a time of the taking. We call it the rapture. Same thing. It's the taken. Some will be taken, some will be left behind. They answered unto him when Lord, he said unto them Wheresoever the body is, the soma is, the fresh meat is thither, will the eagles be gathered together. This is likened unto an eagle's gathering around a fresh kill. It's a fresh kill of the word, just like the manna came fresh each day, there's going to be a fresh kill at the end time of a restoration message, an opening of the book. Wherever the opening of the word is where this little book is open, the bride will gather together to eat that book. That is where the rapture will take place, is wherever the book is being eaten and digested and prophesied again Amen.

Speaker 1:

Now let's go into some of the doctrines together Matthew 28, 18 and 19. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying All power is given unto me in heaven and earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father. Now I want you to notice singular name, not plural, and it's name. Father is not a name. Son is not a name. Holy Ghost is not a name it's. Obviously, each of them are titles. There's one name and three titles. Now denominations will say that shows that there's three different persons. I, as a man, have three titles. I'm a father, I'm a son, I'm a human. None of them are my name. My name is Jason DeMars. So this gives us a clue. What is the name of the father, son and holy ghost acts? The book of acts shows us very clearly. The book of john shows us very clearly, acts 237 and 38.

Speaker 1:

Now, when they heard this, the gospel preached by peter, they were pricked in their hearts and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles, men and brethren, what shall we do Then? Peter said unto them repent and be baptized, every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. So what is the singular name of the Father, son and Holy Ghost? It's the Lord Jesus Christ, his full name, along with his titles. Jesus is the name, but we differentiate which Jesus by saying the Lord Christ, this same Jesus whom you have crucified. God has made him both Lord and Christ. So he is the Lord Jesus Christ. And this is how baptism was performed in action in all of the book of Acts Acts 8.16, for as yet he was not fallen on none of them. Only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Acts 10.48,. And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ Acts 19.5,. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Speaker 1:

It's very clear Baptism in the book of Acts was done in the name of Jesus Christ, in obedience to what Jesus said, for the name of the Father, son and Holy Ghost is the Lord Jesus Christ. There's no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. Whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Jesus Christ. Baptism is to be done in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Any church that's not doing baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, get away from it. Come out of it. If you haven't been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must repent and get re-baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you want to arrange for that, please contact me. We'll help you make arrangements with that. There's believers around the world that baptize in this way.

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Now, I do not believe in the UPC doctrine, the Jesus-only doctrine. I don't accept that. All right, now I want to look at Godhead that we just now alluded to, mark 12, 28,. One of the scribes came and, having heard them reasoning together and perceiving that he'd answered them well, asked him which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him the first of all commandments is hero Israel, the Lord, our God is one. Lord is one Lord.

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Galatians 3.20, in a number of different translations, tells us that God is one person. Now the mediator is not a go-between representing the interest of one individual, but God is one individual. That's the Wiest translation in the Amplified Classic translation. Now a go-between, intermediator has to do with one and implies more than one party. Yet God is one, only one person. God is only one person.

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John 4.24,. God is a spirit. Matthew 3,. So let's look at this. God is a spirit. God is invisible. God is eternal. God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, is all-knowing, all-powerful covers all space and time. God is one person. God is one spirit. God can be in heaven, god can be speaking to people on earth. God can speak a million times to a million different people, sit on the throne in heaven and still be one person, one spirit. God. What is God? God is a spirit, all right, so.

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And God exists outside of the space, time continuum, this dimension of time and space and matter matter. God exists apart from it and isn't limited by it. Regarding time, he is eternal. He's not limited by past, present and future. Like we are, the past is never the past, the future is always present. The past is never the past, the future is always present. So we have to stop thinking of God and putting God into our box Now. Matthew 3, 16 and 17,.

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Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water and lo, the heavens were opened unto him. He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo, the heavens were open unto him. He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting upon him and lo, a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Trinitarians say this is three different persons Spirit of God descending God the Father in heaven and Jesus on earth. Again, limiting God, limiting God by our natural understanding of things. God can speak from heaven and descend from heaven at the same time and still be the very same person. We don't need this artificial nonsense limitation.

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Jesus was on earth, the Son of God. He is a man. His body, soul and spirit was created by God. The life that was in him comes directly from God because God is his Father. So who is the Father of Jesus? The Bible says the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and Jesus said God was his Father. So if we're taking it as two different persons, is the Holy Spirit his Father or is God the Father his Father? Well, god is a Spirit. God the Father, his Father. Well, god is a spirit. Therefore, god is his Father, the spirit overshadowed Mary. God is a spirit, simple. Ephesians 4, 4-6. There is one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in you all, who's dwelling in believers? The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, or the first person of the Trinity, god the Father? Well, god is a spirit. It's simple. So God the Father, who is a spirit, is in us, right? It's very simple.

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Now, the church has developed doctrines and they've said if you don't believe in our trinity of persons, you're lost and going to hell and everyone is afraid of that. But I'm not afraid of that. I'm afraid of God who's revealed through the Bible, and I want to be faithful to the Bible. 1 Timothy 1.17,. Now, unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise, god, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. God is the only one who is immortal. God is the only one who is immortal. He only has immortality. He is invisible. You cannot see God. Therefore, we understand Jesus Christ is the visible, the invisible made visible. So anything visible is not essentially who God is. God in his essential being is invisible.

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Now he brings the Logos forth from himself John 1 and 1, to reveal himself. But this is not another person. The Logos is with God, because God is a spirit and that comes forth from him. That Logos is the self-revelation of who God is a spirit and that comes forth from him. That logos is the self-revelation of who God is. Ephesians 1.11, in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. Singular personal pronouns used over and over again through the scriptures. Personal pronouns used over and over again through the scriptures.

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One person works everything after the counsel of that one person's own will. He didn't form a council in heaven of a trinity and counsel with two other persons. He counseled with himself one person, very simple. Isaiah 44, 24,. Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb I am Yahweh, that maketh all things that stretcheth forth the heavens alone and spreadeth abroad the earth. By myself, yahweh means the self-existing, one who reveals himself. He alone is self-existing and he reveals himself. That's what his name means. He stretches the heavens alone. So one person did it. He spreads the earth abroad by himself. How is that possible if we have Genesis 1.26, where he says let us make man in our own image. This is very simple. Isaiah 6 explains this.

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You have to use the Bible to interpret the Bible, not post-biblical creeds. Creeds darken the counsel of God. Creeds contradict themselves. Which trinity do you believe in? Do you believe in the Roman Catholic trinity? Do you believe in the Eastern Orthodox trinity? Do you believe in the Coptic trinity or do you believe in the Assyrian Trinity? Assyrian Church Trinity? Which Trinity? There are different trinities. Or do you believe in the Protestant version of the Trinity? Again, these all contradict themselves. We must return back to the Bible. I don't care what theologians and historians say, I care what the Bible says.

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Isaiah 6 explains Genesis 1.26 and Genesis 11, where he says God says us Very simply. When I say us, I mean me and someone who is not me. Therefore, it can't be that I am multiple persons. Neither can it be that God is multiple persons, isaiah 6,. He is surrounded by the heavenly host, the cherubim. And what does he say? Whom shall I send? Who will go for us. Genesis 1.26 does the same thing, 1.26 and 27 does the same thing. Let us make man in our own image. Then it immediately says in the image of God created he him male and female, created he them. So a singular person creates, because only he creates Really, only ones.

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That's sending Isaiah is I the Lord, but he says us as representing the heavenly host, and we have a number of scriptures that speak of the heavenly host, the Old Testament. We don't need to defend that or go into that, but God speaks in terms of us, god and the angelic beings. Now, god is one, god is one person. Scripture is very clear about this. This is simple and easy to understand. But God is revealed in three different ways Father, son and Holy Ghost. In fact, he's revealed in more ways than that through the Old Testament, many different attributes, but primary attributes of Father, son and Holy Ghost as revealed in the New Testament.

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So let's look at the humanity and deity of Jesus Christ, for there is one God and one mediator between God and men the man, christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is a man. He had a beginning in the womb of a virgin, all right. Luke 2.52 says Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. A man can do that. God cannot increase in stature and in his own favor. A man, the Son of God, increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and men. Jesus had his own will. He was an individual. The brother Branham shows us that he was an individual different from the father.

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John 8, 17,. It's also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself and the Father that sent me bears witness of me. The testimony of two men, the Father and the Son, bear witness of the truth. Jesus had his own will, human will. Luke 22, 42,. Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done. Two wills, father and Jesus.

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Colossians 2.9,. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Jesus is not the fullness of the Godhead bodily, he is the body. The Father, who is Spirit, is the Godhead that dwells in Jesus. Colossians 1.15,.

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Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. He is the firstborn of the new covenant, firstborn from among the dead, but also he is the spoken word. God created everything by his own spoken word, not a separate person, his own spoken word. This spoken word later becomes flesh. First it is the word, it's the revelation and manifestation of God himself. Then that word becomes born, and that is the beginning of Jesus Christ. And he is the image of the invisible God, so that when you see the man, christ Jesus, you are seeing God Almighty, all right. God Almighty, all right.

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Acts 20, 28 says take heed, therefore, unto yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood. So God purchased the church with his own blood, own blood. So Jesus Christ is the blood of God. When God overshadowed Mary, he created within her an embryo, a little sperm and a little egg fused together. It's not Mary's blood, it's not Joseph's blood, it's the blood of God, untainted blood by the original sin. It's just the way. I am the blood of Jim DeMars. I come forth from my father. In Hebrews it says Levi, the grandson of Abraham, paid tithes to Melchizedek when he was still in the loins of his grandfather. So we come forth from the life of our father. So Jesus Christ is the life of God. He is God manifest in the flesh. When you look at Jesus, you are looking at God.

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A great way to explain it is using our modern understanding of social media. I have a profile on Facebook. I'm not limited by that profile. I exist apart from that profile. Whether that profile exists or not, I exist outside of the Facebook continuum. God exists outside of the space-time continuum, but in order to reveal himself in this space-time continuum, he created a Facebook profile. Now that Facebook profile is me. If you want to see Jason DeMars on Facebook, you have to look at my profile. If you want to see God in the space-time continuum, you have to see that profile which he created, which is Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Christ is a man. He came into this world. He had to grow in wisdom. He had to grow in stature. He was limited in understanding. He said I can do nothing of my own self. He said I do not know the day or the hour of my coming. Only the Father does, et cetera, et cetera. But when you were looking at that man, you were looking to the invisible God. You were seeing the Godhead in the form of a man. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Now the church for most of its history, all denominations up until the early 20th century, believed in distinction of dress between men and women, believed in modesty, believed in women having long hair and men having short hair, believed that a woman wearing makeup was a prostitute. These are scriptural teachings that go back all through history and the church has fallen away from it. I'm going to show you the biblical basis, but understand this is not just Brother Branham bringing up a new doctrine. This was the doctrine of every church up until 100 years ago or less than that. Up until 100 years ago or less than that, to be honest.

Speaker 1:

So Deuteronomy 22.5,. The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. Neither shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all that do so are an abomination unto the Lord. So it's clear that a woman should wear a dress and a man should wear pants. A woman that's putting on pants is putting on men's garments. 1 Timothy 2.9,.

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This shows us that it needs to be modest. Let's look at this In like manner. Also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety. Not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly away. In other words, not merely with outward adornment, but with modest clothing that is characterized by shamefacedness, shyness and sobriety, modesty. So this word modest apparel this is modest, speaking of balanced, middle of the ground, not to the extreme apparel.

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This word is katastole. This is a compound word and the word katastole speaks of a long dress. A stole was like a Roman tunic. Kata means a letting down, so it speaks of a long dress. After we get to the next verse we'll understand that. We read, we'll understand that this is meant to be something that's covering from the neck down to below the knee and it should be characterized as modest. So if it's a mini skirt or a super tight skirt showing the form of the body, or a super tight dress showing the form of the body or a super tight dress, show me the form of the body. That's not modest. It has to be a skirt or a dress and a blouse, but modest, all right.

Speaker 1:

Genesis 3.7,. The eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. Genesis 3.21,. And unto Adam also and to his wife, to the Lord God, make coats of skins and clothe them. So this shows God created clothing to cover the body, not to reveal the nakedness of the body. The fig leaf just covered the private parts. It wasn't sufficient. What Adam and Eve did, so God made them coats of skins.

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This word coat is kutonet. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia says here the coat, hebrew kutonet was the ordinary inner garment worn by the Jew of the day in which he did the work of the day. It resembled the Roman tunic, corresponding most nearly to our long shirt, reaching below the knees always and in case it was designed for dress occasions, reaching almost to the ground. So this was the covering that covered from the neck to below the knee, and it needed to be modest and to be characterized by shyness and balance. This was what God requires. Therefore, women wearing yoga pants, shorts, slacks, tight-fitting clothing, spandex-fitting type dress is out.

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It's unscriptural, it's wrong. This is not legalism, this is basic human decency that God requires of believers. You're not saved by your works, but what it is is you're saved by faith, and then that faith produces works, which manifests the life that's living inside of you. The Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, produces these types of things. Modesty, john 21, 7,. Therefore, the disciple whom Jesus loves saith unto Peter it is the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Now, when Peter heard it was the Lord, he girt his fisher's coat unto him, for he was naked and did cast himself into the sea. So we see, peter is out with the men and he is fishing. He is not naked, rather, he is just in his undergarments, working in the heat. And I'll tell you what the Sea of Galilee is a very hot spot. So what it's speaking of let's look at the word is, the writers say, was a straight garment which a man put on.

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This fisher's coat was a straight garment which a man put on on next to his flesh to dry up the sweat, and a very proper one for peter, who had been toiling all night and very fit for him to swim in. And by what follows, appears to be put on him next to his flesh, for he was naked. For to suppose him entirely naked whilst fishing, being only in company with men in those parts of nature, having a covering, which always require one, was not at all indecent and unbecoming. In other words, peter was out in the boat in his underwear, no shirt on, just his. He was wearing shorts, in other words, amongst the men. But in order to come to the public area where Jesus stood, and in the presence of Jesus, peter needed to put on his tunic and he swam in in his tunic. So we see in Scripture while it may be appropriate to be in your undergarments around other men or women with women, it isn't to be done in a public setting, in a mixed company. Encyclopedia Britannica says this, speaking of the development of immodesty, so we could see its origins.

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While there were some women who championed pants in the 19th century, pants as an acceptable everyday clothing option for women didn't truly catch on until the mid-20th century. There were short-lived revivals of pants wearing in public by women, such as during World War I, 1914 to 1918, when civilian women took over jobs traditionally held by men and sometimes wore pants. During World War II, 1939 to 1945, pants were more widely worn by civilian and military women, both at work and socially. Although women continued to enjoy wearing, pants were more widely worn by civilian and military women, both at work and socially. Although women continued to enjoy wearing pants after the war, particularly for sports or leisure style, trends for women remained fixated largely on skirts or dresses until the 1960s and 70s. Then, buoyed by the women's rights movement, pants became firmly established as popular and appropriate clothing options for women at home and in public and in many workplaces. All right Smithsonian Institute.

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By the 1920s, it was fashionable for women, particularly in cities, to wear more conspicuous makeup. This shift reflected the growing influence of Hollywood and its glamorous new film stars, as well as the fashion of theater stars and flappers. Painted women could now also identify as respectable women, and even as they wore more dramatic mascara, eyeliner, dusky eyeshadow and lipstick like the stars of the screen. Denver Public Library Western Histories Resources. In 1920, an estimated 5,000 beauty parlors were in operation in the United States. By 1930, that number had jumped to over 40,000. The cause of all this growth Meet the bob and the wave Bobs.

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Short hairstyles cut straight around the head, usually around jaw level, were sported by a few women in the 1910s, most notably by designer Coco Chanel, dancer Irene Castle and actress-singer Polaire. The antithesis of the long pinned-up or braided hairstyles that had dominated Western women's fashion for nearly seven centuries. Bobbed hair was at first a daring symbol of feminism and individuality. The look, however, gained widespread appeal in the 1920s as film stars like Gloria Swanson, clara Bow and Louise Brooks popularized the style. In general, women's hairstyles in the 1920s aspired to be exotic, sleek, with hair worn close to the head. If one had long hair, it was pulled back in a small low chidnon. Bobs were cut in tapered layers so that the hair would lie as flat as possible. By the mid-1920s the fad of bobbing had arrived in the mainstream. There were short boyish bobs like Josephine Baker's Eaton Crop, and even faux bobs long hair deceptively pinned up see Lillian Gish.

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So I hope you can see the connection of these trends. They're from Hollywood. They were not popularized by revival or by biblical teaching taking hold of society. They were a false offer of freedom to women that has resulted in their devaluation and degradation. This freedom to wear makeup, cut their hair, wear pants and in modest clothes has led to cheapening the value of women. The Word of God gives tremendous value and a special role to women that men cannot fulfill. Now let's look at makeup and hair, and then we will finish out this podcast and start the next one, looking at serpent seed. I'm going to read from a little book that I have called Strange Scriptures.

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To the Western Mind, painting does not appear to have been by any means universal among the Hebrews. References to it are few, and in each instance it seems to have been unworthy of a woman of high character. Thus, jezebel put her eyes in painting. Jeremiah says of the harlot city, though thou rentest thy face with painting Jeremiah 4.30. And Ezekiel again makes it a characteristic of a harlot Ezekiel 23, 40. So you can see, each time that makeup is spoken of in the Bible, it's in a negative connotation. Therefore, we can understand that God does not encourage the use of makeup.

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There's multiple things. Number one is it's horrible. It's a horrible expression of womanhood. What is it doing? It's accentuating the eyes. The ruse on the cheeks and the paint on the lips is in order to mimic what a human face looks like when it is sexually aroused. Therefore, the purpose of makeup is to appear sexually attractive to men, to look as though you are aroused. Secondarily, it's a lie.

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When a woman puts on makeup, she isn't being who God created her to be. She is being a. What they say a put on I need to put on my face. It is a fake. We think of that as clowns put on a face or an actor on the stage puts on some type of face. In other words, it's not real. It's not an expression of who God made the woman to be. It's a perversion of face. In other words, it's not real. It's not an expression of who God made the woman to be. It's a perversion of that. And third, it's not healthy.

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The things that are put in makeup are cancer-causing. And not only that long use of makeup encourages continued use of makeup because it ruins and damages the natural properties of skin. It is absolutely fine for sisters to use different lotions and cleansing products and serums in order to keep the natural look of their skin beautiful, but not to augment it. Putting on powders and putting on cover-up all of this is makeup. It's so very clear. Don't do it, leave it alone. Take your time to use something, to cleanse it and to nourish it. That's what the Bible says we should do. Nourish it with what you eat. You know a good amount of proteins and fats, healthy fats that the woman's body needs, that the woman's body needs. But also feel free to use I don't know about those things but oils, essential oils, et cetera, that are healthy for it. But not paint, not augmenting it with some sort of coloring.

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All right, 1ians 11 speaks of hair and we're going to read a selection of verses 4 through 7, 10, 13 through 16. Every man praying or prophesying having his head covered dishonors his head, but every woman that prays or prophesies with her head uncovered, dishonors her head, for that is even all one as if she were shaven. For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it be a shame, let her also be shorn. But if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. For a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is the image and glory of God, but the woman is the glory of the man. For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head because of the angels.

Speaker 1:

Judging yourselves, is it comely that a woman should have long hair and a man should have short hair? Woman's hair is given her as a covering. If she cuts it, she dishonors her husband. Cutting the hair means even putting the scissors to it at all. If she dishonors her husband, her head should be shaven. If a woman has long hair, it's her glory and this is the only custom of the church in all the world.

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Common objections this is only a cultural issue and it's not for today. Four points showing it is not cultural. Paul references the headship of man. This is not a cultural issue, it's an eternal truth. Paul states this should be done because of the angels. There's no cultural boundary to the angels. They're spiritual, they're from another dimension. Three, paul states that the churches of God have only one custom, that is, all the churches throughout the world have this custom. There's not one custom in Macedonia, another in Asia, another in Israel. There's only one custom or practice for the church. It does not vary by culture. The fourth point contained within that third really is the Roman Empire spanned many different cultures during Paul's time. He did not single out any as being accepted from this biblical and natural law.

Speaker 1:

Her hair is given her for a covering. In the time of Paul's writing, there were two reasons a woman would cut her hair One, if her husband died. Two, if she was in mourning. And the next would be if it was done forcibly as a punishment for prostitution. So according to the Bible, it's a shameful thing for a woman to cut her hair. If she does it, it's the same as though, as she were saying, her husband is dead. She dishonors her husband by doing that. All right, we are about halfway through. I will finish this. There will be a part two of it. We appreciate you tuning in. Please remember we need your support for this podcast and for the missions work. We appreciate that. May the Lord richly bless you.

Restoring the Original Apostolic Faith
Restoration of the Church Through Elijah
Understanding the Parable of Ten Virgins
Revelation of the Son of Man
God's Oneness and Trinitarian Controversy
Understanding the Nature of Jesus
Biblical Views on Makeup and Hair