The Jason DeMars Podcast

Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 21 - Is Malachi 4 Connected to Luke 17?

June 28, 2024 Jason DeMars
🔒 Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 21 - Is Malachi 4 Connected to Luke 17?
The Jason DeMars Podcast
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The Jason DeMars Podcast
Mysteries Revealed - ETMH - Section 21 - Is Malachi 4 Connected to Luke 17?
Jun 28, 2024
Jason DeMars

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How does the prophetic ministry of Elijah intertwine with the revelation of the Son of Man? Join us as we unveil this profound connection, analyzing the significance of "Son of Man" as a messianic title for Jesus Christ and its prophetic implications. By dissecting key biblical passages, including Jesus' encounters with the Samaritan woman and Nathanael, we reveal how Jesus' prophetic gifts authenticated His messianic identity. We also discuss Jesus’ chilling warning about the future longing for the days of the Son of Man, emphasizing the global scope of this revelation.

In our next segment, we delve into the crucial end-time ministry of Elijah, viewed as a last beacon of grace before impending judgment. Drawing parallels with the days of Noah, we underscore the urgency and significance of Elijah’s message in Malachi 4. We also explore the controversial belief that William Marion Branham fulfilled this prophetic role, delivering a vital message to both Israel and the Gentile nations. Finally, we tie these themes to the events in Luke 17:22-30, highlighting the global and divine recognition of the Son of Man's revelation, despite the world's widespread rejection. Don't miss this insightful exploration of prophetic ministries and their ultimate significance.

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How does the prophetic ministry of Elijah intertwine with the revelation of the Son of Man? Join us as we unveil this profound connection, analyzing the significance of "Son of Man" as a messianic title for Jesus Christ and its prophetic implications. By dissecting key biblical passages, including Jesus' encounters with the Samaritan woman and Nathanael, we reveal how Jesus' prophetic gifts authenticated His messianic identity. We also discuss Jesus’ chilling warning about the future longing for the days of the Son of Man, emphasizing the global scope of this revelation.

In our next segment, we delve into the crucial end-time ministry of Elijah, viewed as a last beacon of grace before impending judgment. Drawing parallels with the days of Noah, we underscore the urgency and significance of Elijah’s message in Malachi 4. We also explore the controversial belief that William Marion Branham fulfilled this prophetic role, delivering a vital message to both Israel and the Gentile nations. Finally, we tie these themes to the events in Luke 17:22-30, highlighting the global and divine recognition of the Son of Man's revelation, despite the world's widespread rejection. Don't miss this insightful exploration of prophetic ministries and their ultimate significance.

Speaker 1:

The End Time Message Handbook, section 20. Is the Malachi 4, elijah, connected to the Luke 17 revelation of the Son of man? What is the revelation of the Son of man? At face value, it seems that the ministry of Elijah is in no way connected to the ministry of the Son of man. Yet let's take a minute to review several points.

Speaker 1:

The first point I wish to look at is the title Son of man. This, of course, is widely known as a title of Jesus Christ, or what Bible scholars might call a messianic title. In Daniel 7, 13, there is a vision of the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven During his trial. Jesus quotes this to the high priest, and it caused them to tear their clothes and cry out blasphemy. However, it is not merely a messianic title. The Son of man is indeed Jesus Christ. But I want you to see a little deeper into what the title actually refers to. Let's look at several instances. What is man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of man that thou visitest him? Thou art mindful of him and the Son of man that thou visitest him. We had to see a distinction between man, whom God is mindful of, and the Son of man, whom God personally visits with his presence. It is also a title given to Ezekiel by God and repeated over 90 times. Here's one example Ezekiel 13.2.

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Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel. That prophesy and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, hear ye the word of the Lord. The title son of man is connected to the prophetic ministry and the visitation of God's personal presence. Not only that, but we see that it is a messianic title. To be specific, it refers to the prophetic aspect of the ministry of the Messiah. When Jesus referred to himself as the Son of man, it was a reference to himself as a prophet. He was recognized as a prophet when he told the people the secrets of their hearts, the Messianic Sign John 4, 17-19, and 25-26. The woman answered and said I have no husband. Jesus said unto her Thou hast well said I have no husband, for thou hast had five husbands and he whom thou hast is not thy husband. In that saidst thou truly. The woman saith unto him. Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. The woman saith unto him I know that Messiah cometh, which is called Christ. When he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her. I that speak unto thee am he. He told her with complete accuracy the details of her past and current situation, without ever knowing her personally. This caused her to realize something supernatural was taking place and she cried out you are a prophet. This was the revelation of the Son of man. Next, he continued to speak with her and then she identified him as the Messiah.

Speaker 1:

Nathanael did the same when the prophetic gift to see into people's lives was manifested John 1, 47-49,. Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and saith of him Behold an Israelite, indeed, in whom is no guile. Nathanael saith unto him Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said unto him Before that, philip called thee when thou wast under the fig tree. I saw thee. Nathanael answered and saith unto him Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel.

Speaker 1:

Jesus was a prophet and as such, he had a prophetic gift of visions. He could see by vision things in people's lives While Jesus was miles and miles away. He saw by vision, philip calling Nathanael while Nathanael sat under a fig tree. By vision, philip calling Nathanael while Nathanael sat under a fig tree. This prophetic utterance caused Nathanael to recognize that Jesus was the Messiah.

Speaker 1:

This is why we refer to the visions resulting in seeing into people's lives as the messianic sign. It is the revelation of the Son of man, luke 17.22,. And he said unto the disciples the days will come when you shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man and you shall not see it. The days of the Son of man. Here we read Jesus using the terminology the days of the Son of man. What does this phrase mean? Days explicitly refer to a period of time. Jesus tells his disciples that it will come to pass in the future, that you will long to see one of the days of the Son of man and you won't. He is referring to the fact that his ministry will end. He will be crucified, raised from the dead and ascend to heaven to intercede for them.

Speaker 1:

The title Son of man refers to the prophetic ministry. He's saying they will long to see that ministry, but they won't. They will long to see the revelation of the Son of man, but it won't come in their lifetime. Please don't forget. We are on the way to tying together Luke 17 and Malachi 4. This is all part of laying the foundation Luke 17, 23 and 24. And they shall say unto you See here or see there. Go not after them, nor follow them. For as the lightning that lighteneth out from one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven, so shall also the Son of man be in his day. This is a solemn warning that the Son of man revelation will not be in some secret place hidden away. It will be a worldwide phenomenon that spreads openly around the globe. Remember, he just said days of the Son of man, and therefore connecting this event with a period of time, not an immediate event.

Speaker 1:

Lightning is an immediate and sudden event. Many, many people refer to this scripture as the physical return of Jesus to the earth. How is it possible? Jesus is one man. Imagine if he was to come like lightning in one area on the earth. Only that immediate area would see it. If there is lightning in Istanbul, turkey, can you see it in New York City? Even if there is lightning in New York City, you cannot see it from Philadelphia, which is just 90 miles away. It would take many, many years for Jesus to physically crisscross every section of the planet to be seen.

Speaker 1:

This is not what this verse is referring to. It is referring to the prophetic ministry of the Son of man. Jesus is referencing the aspect of lightning, that it is easily observable and is not hidden in a secret place. It will be a worldwide phenomenon. He's not using lightning to refer to it as an instantaneous event the days of Noah. But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation.

Speaker 1:

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all. Luke 17, 25-27. How long a period of time were the days of Noah During the preparation of the ark? He preached in? This process took 120 years. Could the days of the Son of man last 120 years? I don't say it will, but it is possible.

Speaker 1:

The days of the Son of man is clearly a reference to a period of time and not an immediate and sudden cataclysmic event. Rather, it is a period of time leading up to and including the destruction of the earth by fire. The days of Noah are paralleled to the days of the Son of man. So what kind of things took place during the days of Noah, the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of man was only evil. Continually, they were given over to idolatry, polygamy, bisexuality and every other perversion.

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At the same time, there was an elected group. There was a prophet preaching a message to repent and to get into the ark. There was a warning given by the preaching of Noah. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man. There will actually has been a prophetic ministry that warns the world, but it will be in the form of the Son of man. Does that mean that the man, christ Jesus, will return back to earth with a prophetic ministry giving warning to the earth? I do not believe so. Jesus Christ has been at work in his church in spirit form, via his intercessory work at the throne of God. The second manifestation of the Son of man will be in spirit form, but to do so he will have to use flesh Luke 17, 28-30.

Speaker 1:

Likewise, also, as it was in the days of Lot, they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built. But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be. In the day when the went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. Here we have the days of Lot as a parallel.

Speaker 1:

So what happened in the days of Lot? The people went on in life like the judgment was not coming, same as the days of Noah. They had no idea. They were not even warned. In Sodom, just Lot and his family were warned. There was homosexual and bisexual perversion among the people. They didn't care for neighbors, guests or anyone. They wanted to violate anything that moved, especially men. Two angels, messengers sent from God, visited Lot and his family to bring them out of Sodom. But while this took place, abraham was completely out of Sodom and Yahweh himself came to him in human flesh. He even revealed the thoughts of the heart of Sarah, just as Jesus did to the woman at the well. It was a revelation of the Son of man. Back in those days, jesus said it would repeat at the end time when the Son of man is revealed.

Speaker 1:

End time when the Son of man is revealed. The word revealed is apokalupto and it means to uncover or unveil. We bring it back to the visitation of the personal presence of God and the prophetic gift to reveal the secrets of the heart. Before the judgment strikes, there will be a revelation of the Son of man. That is during a period of time. It is witnessed openly and around the world. It involves preaching a warning of judgment and the prophetic gift of discernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart. This has already taken place through the ministry of William Branham and is a continuing work through the Bride of Christ around the world. Brother William Branham's ministry preached a warning to the world and it came with visions that revealed the secrets of people's lives, and was done so infallibly. That was the Son of man in spirit form revealing himself once again.

Speaker 1:

2 Peter 3, verse 12. Let's review Malachi 4 so that we can see this clear connection A man in the spirit of Elijah, healing in his wings. And ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall, and ye shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet. In the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts, remember ye the law of Moses, my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments. Behold, I will send you Elijah, the prophet, before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, and ye shall turn the heart of the fathers.

Speaker 1:

We start out in Malachi 4, verse 1, with the earth burning as an oven and all the proud and wicked being burnt up. This is a clear connection to the day of the Lord, when the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved. This is a promise to the wicked, but to the just the promise is that the Son of Righteousness will arise for them and they shall go forth free. The just are promised deliverance and the wicked are promised the fiery judgment of God. And the just are even given the promise that they will walk out alive upon the ashes of the wicked. A hiding place will be given to those that fear the name of the Lord.

Speaker 1:

Verse 4 tells us to remember the law of Moses. Why the Jews were told to remember the law of Moses. The New Testament gives us the proper place of the law of Moses. It is a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ. It is the law of sin and death, because we are carnal, sold under sin. The law is holy and just and good. The law was ordained to life but is found to be death. Unto me by the law is the knowledge of sin. We are told to remember the law of Moses because it points us to our need for Jesus Christ. It also gives us the pattern for what a prophet is and the moral compass to reveal to us the nature of God.

Speaker 1:

As we have covered in other posts, this is a twofold fulfillment. John the Baptist turns the heart of the fathers to the children. In the end time, a prophet in the spirit of Elijah will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, of the children to their fathers. This is the ministry of restoration that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 17. Restoration back to the original faith of the apostles that was lost through the Orthodox churches into the Dark Ages. Then, coming out of the Dark Ages, was the Reformation that gradually restored the faith.

Speaker 1:

We are informed that God will send Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. The great and dreadful day of the Lord is when the earth will be burned up and the righteous will walk out on the ashes of the wicked. This did not happen in the days of John the Baptist. This is why John 1.21, john denies being Elijah, but in Matthew 11.14, jesus says that John the Baptist was Elijah. John the Baptist is not the complete fulfillment of Elijah, only a partial fulfillment, but the total fulfillment will be at the end time, before the earth is burnt. It says that Elijah will come before the day of the Lord. He will have a ministry for a period of time before the earth is burnt. He is sending Elijah lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. The word lest is the Hebrew word pane and it means removal, used only in the constructive adverbially as a conjunction lest. Therefore, elijah is being sent to remove or specifically to prevent the earth from being smitten with a curse. What curse is coming upon the world? It will be burnt with fire and the wicked destroyed.

Speaker 1:

The ministry of Elijah in the last days is to act as a warning. Since it is a warning to the world, then we understand that within it there is grace. God is literally offering grace to the world one more time. There are many who say that Elijah will only come to the Jewish nation. However, is it just Israel and Jerusalem that God is going to destroy on the day of the Lord? No, it certainly is not. It is the whole earth and all the Gentile nations that will be smitten with the curse. If God is going to send Elijah as a warning, he will be coming to the Gentiles. This Elijah is not coming to smite the earth with a curse. He is coming to offer the grace of God by preventing the earth from being smitten by a curse. The Elijah of Revelation 11 is smiting the earth with a curse.

Speaker 1:

Elijah of Malachi 4 coincides perfectly with the preacher of righteousness during the days of Noah, a warning and offer of grace prior to the judgment. This returns during the days of the Son of man at the end time. Therefore, the prophet that proclaims and manifests the ministry of the Son of man at the end time, therefore the prophet that proclaims and manifests the ministry of the Son of man in the last days, will be an Elijah that goes to the Gentiles. In fact, this has already been fulfilled by a man that went forth in the spirit of Elijah, a sinner saved by grace, brother William Marion Branham. The days of the Son of man corresponds to the time period that Elijah brings the message of warning and grace to the world. This message continues on through the five-fold ministry around the world. It is the man in the spirit of Elijah that is used as the means to reveal the Son of man.

Speaker 1:

The prophet William Branham is definitely not the Son of man, but the Son of man in spirit form uses him to reveal himself to the world. According to the Bible, it is to prevent the world from being burnt. If the world would have accepted the message he brought, it would have bypassed the fiery judgment and went straight to the kingdom of God. But the world has rejected this message and thus it will be burnt. So is it possible that the Malachi 4 Elijah ministry is connected to the events of Luke 17, 22-30 and the revelations of the Son of man? Yes, it is most definitely related. We have seen this ministry in the work of God. The world has rejected it and said this is not possibly a biblical event, but to the elected, god himself has been unveiled to us in spirit form.

Prophetic Revelation of the Son
End-Time Warning and Grace From Elijah