Always and Never About Money

#12 - Change Your Mind and You Can Change Your Health With Dr. Jermaine Ware

Chelsea M. Williams Season 1 Episode 12

Discover the profound connection between health and wealth in this eye-opening episode with host Chelsea Williams and Dr. Jermaine Ware, a distinguished functional medicine practitioner and chiropractor. Together, they dive deep into the intricacies of holistic health and its impact on your financial well-being. Uncover the key takeaways from their enlightening conversation.

Episode Highlights:
1. Functional medicine's role in addressing root causes of health issues. 
2. Navigating the world of health marketing and misdiagnosed conditions.
3. Making simple daily changes for a healthier life.
4. Breaking down the barriers between money and investing in health.
5. The link between health, mindset, and financial prosperity.

Your path to improved health and financial prosperity begins here. Tune in and embark on a life-changing journey!

Dr. Jermaine Ware, an accomplished professional with certifications as a Certified Chiropractic Wellness Practitioner (CCWP), Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, USA Track and Field coach, and Nutrition coach. He's a graduate of Indiana University, excelling both academically and athletically as a football player and track athlete for the Hoosiers. With educational credentials from Illinois State University and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic, he possesses a comprehensive knowledge base. Dr. Ware worked with Olympic, NBA, WNBA, and professional volleyball athletes. As well as the team chiropractor for a former Olympic gymnast gymnastics team, division one athletic program, and club track team. Dr. Jermaine is the founder of the HEROH Companies, encompassing Chiropractic, Functional Medicine, Publishing, and Clothing, with a mission to Help Everyone Reach Optimal Health (HEROH). He's committed to optimizing human performance, whether working virtually or in person, to enhance overall well-being and health. Check out his books: Elements 4 Optimal Health, The Parents Blueprint for Athletic Scholarships, and Nutrition Secrets for Athletes.

Dr. Ware's links:
The Blood Sugar Class
Elements 4 Optimal Health: The Science, Philosophy and Art of Health Book

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Always and Never About Money Episode Links:
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Hey, they're financial explorers. Whether you're a seasoned money guru or just dipping your toes into the world of finance, I'm glad you're here. I'm Chelsea Williams, your money whisperer and founder of two companies that focus on helping business owners and individuals take control of their finances always and never about money is where we gather to dive deep into the fascinating intersection of money and human behavior. We're here to learn about our money story, uncover the driving forces behind financial habits, understand the impact of history on our wallets today, and give you all the knowledge and tools to change your money story. So join us for insightful conversations, personal anecdotes, expert insights, and thought provoking ideas that will challenge your perspective and help you use money as the simple tool that it is to enhance your life. So whether you're a business owner or an individual working a job, get ready for a journey that will transform the way you think about money. Hey, hey, if you're an oldie but goodie, welcome back if you are new to always and never about money. We are debunking the myths around money and the things that we tie to money and looking at money as the tool that it is without all the emotions, feelings, and value. So in a previous episode, I talked about the fact that we as a whole are spending a lot of our money on health in this country, and there are two ways we can spend money on our health. We can spend it reactively on the required healthcare costs, things that lead us to soul crushing medical debt, or we can spend money proactively on the things that we can do now that will keep us out of that statistical pool of healthcare debt in the us. Things like gym memberships, workout apps and supplements. And while we probably don't really need to be told that taking care of your health proactively is the best way to go, it is the harder road to choose because it requires discipline and consistency even when we don't feel like it, which is why we hire people to hold us accountable. Personal trainers, diet coaches, health coaches in-app instructors, why do you suppose Peloton was able to blow up the way that it did? They weren't just selling workout equipment, it came with a built-in virtual trainer. They know that people will do well when they're held accountable, and we need that. I know I do. I need the people in my circle to be willing to hold me accountable for my actions and my decisions, knowing they're not gonna be a yes man and tell me what I wanna hear, but make me strive to be the authentic and well-intended person that I wanna be. I have them to answer to at one point in my life, the individual I'm about to introduce you to, held me accountable in one of the most difficult ways I have ever experienced in my life. He was my track coach for many years and one of the most positive examples of a male role model I had during those years. He let me fail even though I had potential to do great things because the truth was I was choosing to fail on my own before he ever decided to let me. And he tried to show me the light. I chose not to see it. He knew that I had to be held accountable for the decisions I was making in my life, or I wouldn't see the lesson anything else would have resembled enabling and no one benefits from being enabled. That lesson he gave me was one of the most impactful lessons of my life, and now that I'm older and understand much more than I did, then it serves as one of the most valuable lessons. And almost 20 years later, he is mentoring me in another way, doing what he is passionate about, health coaching. He holds me accountable to my lifestyle decisions when it comes to what I put in my body and how I keep my physical body fit and working well. It's part of how his journey as a doctor, as an entrepreneur has evolved since way back when, and he's accumulated so much knowledge, done so many cool things in his craft, and including working with athletes in the BA, the WNBA professional volleyball players, D one college athletes and former Olympic athletes, and he continues to be a valuable resource to his patients and followers on how we can be healthy. 

Health and money are linked in some unusual yet incredibly insightful ways, which is why I wanted to create this episode with someone who's not only an expert on mental and physical health and wellbeing. He's also been a mentor of mine since 1998 when I fell in love with track and field. And today he's still coaching me on physical health and on a level that you won't get by going to your family doctor. This level of health is a priority in my life and a topic that I think begs for more awareness, not only because it's important, we all wanna live longer, but also we want to live fuller and money's certainly tethered to the topic. So it's only fitting that I share this conversation with one of the most influential figures in my life. An expert on the topic, Dr. Jermaine Ware, thanks for joining us. Speaker 1 Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure to be here. Yeah. Dr. Jermaine Ware, I am a functional medicine practitioner as well as a chiropractor, and I have a unique certification in being a chiropractic wellness practitioner, which we look at things a little bit differently and with combination with the functional medicine. So yeah, it's a slightly different approach than what you'd find in your traditional healthcare model. Speaker 0 Which, you know, I love. So explain to for those that don't understand, what is functional medicine? Speaker 1 So when you talk about functional medicine, you're looking at more so what the, the cause of the, whatever the issue is, right. So from my perspective, people get ill for one or two reasons. You're either toxic in something or you're deficient in something, right? So if you create this environment where you're, of course you have sufficiency, so you get rid of the, what you're deficient in and then you, you know, you're detox and get rid of the toxicity, then of course you can be healthy. Your body always wants to be I balance. So it's really just that simple. You get rid of the toxicity, you get rid of the deficiency, and your body can restore itself and and be healthy again. Speaker 0 Yes, that makes sense. So then let's talk about overall, when we speak on health, like the word health, what does it mean in your words for somebody to be in a healthy state? Speaker 1 Well, not necessarily in my words, but like the definition, the one of the dictionaries, they give you a definition of health and it's like physical, mis mental, spiritual, emotional wellbeing, and not just the absence of disease. Now, I'll add to that, that when you look at the word being healthy and and health, the first four letters of it is heal. And that's what it's about. It's about be your body being able to heal at 100%, 100% of the time. Anytime your body's not healing, that's when disease can set in. That's things like cancer and when you have infections and all those other types of things come into play when your body is not healing. And so we have to give your body every opportunity to heal by providing it the things that it needs so that it can perform as it's supposed to. Speaker 0 I like that because what it does is that, you know, when people hear the word health, they're thinking of like the food we eat, the the physical things that we do with our body. But I like that you point out it's more than just the physical and the things that we put in. It's mental, it's spiritual. It's a very well-rounded idea of what it means to live in health. Speaker 1 Exactly. So that's in, in my book when I'm the four element elements for optimal health. So I talk about the four pillars of health and those things. We look at nutrition, we look at mindset, we look at how your body's rejuvenating, and then we also look at how you're moving. And so with all those things combined, that's what gives you like your health quotient or your healing quotient. It, it's all combined. Everything together works together to produce what you actually are and how you, how you heal overall and becoming healthy. Speaker 0 Yeah, that makes sense. And again, like important to recognize that it's not just one piece and I think that's where people can get a little bit lost. So what we wanna do for you today is really tap into Dr. Ware's expertise here and give you more insight on why this is important and some of the things that you can do to avoid a situation in your life where, like you said, we're not creating an environment in our body and in our mind to maintain that health. So we did a little bit of research and we looked up some statistics and data about the state of America's health. And some of this may surprise you. So a couple of the things that we discovered here is the average life expectancy in the US is 78.5 years, which is the second lowest to Hungary. And on the flip side, the highest is Japan at 84.3. What do you think plays into this statistic of America's health? Speaker 1 There's, oh, there's so many things that play into that. For one, we're probably most illnesses or most, most of the things that people go to the, to the medical doctor for are stress related. We are like one of the most extremely stressed countries in the world. We, we are like 5% of the population and we account for like 80% of the drugs used in the world. There's a ton of different things that play into us being, you know, having such low life expectancy. I mean, if you just look at day-to-day life of how we do things, it's not necessarily, oh, we have so much pollution. It's, we probably have per capita the most fast food restaurant out there. We are a, a society committed to convenience, and convenience is consistently killing us. If, if, for lack of a better term, it's, it's, it's decreasing our life expectancy. Speaker 0 Yes. And I know like some of the food regulations in the United States allow for things that almost no other country will allow for like the dyes and the things that they're adding to these fast food places. Speaker 1 Oh yeah. I just posted a video the other day. It was from somebody else, it wasn't mine, but they're talking about like oatmeal in the UK versus oatmeal here. Like oatmeal over there has five ingredients over here it's like 16. How does the same product have 11 more ingredients in one country than it does another? I mean, and and if you go, if you look across the board, there's a ton of different stuff just like that. Like you look at the different sodas, we deal mostly in high fructose corn syrup where other sodas, like other countries, their soda has to have cane sugar. And it's like we, across the board, there's a ton of stuff in our, our that the us what is it? The USDA? Oh, I'm getting messed up. So the USDA and the stuff that they approve is like way, it's way more here than any any other country. Speaker 0 Yeah. And I think that convenience factor is really important. Like we're conditioned to really crave convenience. 'cause we're in this like culture of go, go go. And that convenience is really costing us. And what it's costing us are things like we have here, the World Health Organization says that the number one cause of disability worldwide is depression. And so this mental kind of thing that we're seeking for convenience and and go, go go. And not only is it costing us our mental 'cause that's the mental side of it, right? But it's costing us our physical health as well. So some of the leading causes of death, the CDC has listed are things like heart disease and cancer and Alzheimer's and diabetes and liver disease and nephrosis, which I don't know what that is. You'll have to explain that to us. Speaker 1 Okay, so here's nephrosis is like, it's nephritis, it's your kidneys, it's kidney disease. So here's a, here's a little hint with all of those diseases, they all have been, they're like attributed to sugar, to high sugar intake. So if you look at the things that happen are the, like most foods, the, with these fast food companies, the mo sugar is one of the most addictive substances there is. So most people have a very high sugar diet and they're not aware of it. But if you look at meat, even there's a ton of meat out there that has sugar in it and it's, there's sugar in things that don't need sugar at all. And so you are like, what is the big deal? Our obsession with sugar bread has sugar, meat has sugar, that's all unnecessary. And so all these different top diseases are ones that actually, you know, because of the sugar content, they all play a role either directly or indirectly. I mean, Alzheimer's just is, is really sugar in the brain. Yeah. So you have diabetes, of course, sugar in the blood, you have the liver diseases, that's because you have too much sugar in your, your liver can't break down all that sugar and you end up with fatty liver disease. Nephrosis is sugar in the kidneys. And then you have cancer, which is feeding this dysregulation of cell growth. So you have that and then heart disease is caused because you have too much sugar in your blood, which is halting your arteries to, to harden. And you know, it just continues on and on and on. Now, there's another thing on here that we didn't talk about, which is in that list of top 10 killers, which is atrogenic deaths. So atrogenic deaths are, it, it's death by medicine and that's by like properly prescribed proper dosage medication that people take and they still have an adverse reaction. It's there. So it's quite interesting. And then you see it on TV and it's like we're, we're probably one of the only countries where they can be directly marketed to in terms of pharmaceuticals. And so we have, that's our big contribution to the world's pharmaceutical industry. So yeah, we have a lot there. Speaker 0 So now we get into the motivation and the greater forces that have an influence on things like the food that we eat and the financial interests of big pharma. Speaker 1 Okay, we're just talking big pharma itself. A lot of these companies, they create the problem and the solution. Speaker 0 Hmm. Speaker 1 Similar to the tobacco industry, how they created the problem. I mean, tobacco in itself wasn't bad, but when you get it in those hands of these people who put nicotine and all these other addictive substances in it, yeah, you have a problem. But then you turn around and you have these same very same companies giving you the so-called cure for stop stopping the smoke with the nicotine patch and all the other stuff. I mean, they're getting paid on both ends. A lot of this can be this, it looks, if you look at it, it's almost the same way. And so we talk about our food supply, our, our just our programming overall in, in general and the convenience factor that we're addicted to that you were saying. So this convenience factor, it's the same as I want to just take a pill and have this symptom go away versus I don't want this issue anymore. So people don't approach things with, I don't want this issue anymore. They approach it with, I just need this gone right now so I can get back to what I was doing that piece. And by, and by having that approach, we are setting ourselves up for a ton of other issues down the road. So that's, that's the big thing there. Speaker 0 So much. And, and like look, if we're being honest, sick people are profitable, right? Speaker 1 Definitely. Speaker 0 And so we've looked at some of the numbers and I think it's very well known at this point that medical debt is one of the highest forms of debt in the United States. I feel like so many people know that. But to break it down even a little further for you listeners, medical bills include average nights stayed at a hospital. So the average cost of a night stay at the hospital is $2,883. And it can be on the high end of 4,000, say in California and Mississippi is one example on the low end for about three $1,300 on average when people have to stay in a hospital, it's about 4.6 days. So you multiply that by four, right? The total healthcare spending per capita, per person per year is $10,948, which is substantially higher than other countries. And so all this to say, one of the big objections that I hear from a lot of people when we're like, well, you know, eat better food, cook at home, invest in healthy habits, the objection is money, right? And what I wanna create for people here is a perspective shift of how much money you're going to spend if you don't invest in preventative versus reactive spending when you've come to the hospital or a place where you're getting medical debt. Speaker 1 Well that, that applies almost across the board with anything, if you planned, if you planned for anything, you can, you, you can get more out of it. It's like buying a last minute airline ticket versus I bought this a month ago, I bought this six weeks ago. Right? The last minute airline ticket is gonna be at least three or 400 more because you didn't plan. And so it comes the same with the, the reactive idea with, when it comes to your healthcare, there's a lot of simple things that we can do to make this so much easier and beneficial for us. So a lot of people's big complaint is I don't, I don't want to go work out, I don't like exercise, I don't have time to exercise. I don't have the money to buy to get in the gym. Okay? You can have all those excuses, that's what they are. If you wanna have those, you can have them. Reality is you can do way more at home on a consistent basis. That's just as beneficial as it is going to the gym. There's a ton of different workouts you can do at home that may only take you 15 minutes and you can get the same impact as spending an hour at the gym. I think people get this idea of I have to go to the gym for hour upon hour and you don't, that's not at all the case. My gym time is maybe 30 minutes if I'm not doing a class. If I'm not doing a class, I may spend 20 minutes and, and do something at home or even less. You can do stuff in 10 to 10, 10 minutes. I mean, if you have 10 minutes, you, we all do. If you have 10 minutes, you can get something out of a workout, something beneficial for your body. And well, and let me back up. Let's not even call it a workout because what we're actually doing is we're training our bodies, all right, we're, we're going through training here. You're moving because anything in life is, is involves movement. If it's living, it's moving, whether that's a plant, a spider or ant, whatever, if it's living, it's moving, right? The other part of that is everything is gonna have its ups and its downs. So you already want, you wanna make sure your heart rate can deal with any ups and downs in your life. Whether that's stress, whether that's something you weren't expected, whether that was some great moment that was unexpected. You need that variation. Your body needs to be able to adapt to all these different changing environments. And that's one of those things that you're training your body for, is to be adaptable so that in any environment it doesn't break down and you can maintain your health. So yeah, I've I've heard those excuses before. Speaker 0 And that's the common one, right? Like time and money. And like the thing is, when it comes to your health, it's like you either prioritize the time now 'cause it's not that you don't have time, it's that you're not creating that, you're not prioritizing that time for your body, for your health, right? And let's be honest, there are a lot of ways that you can create these healthy habits for yourself that really don't even cost any money. So I think it's like if the question of are you gonna be proactive about this and invest time now? Because the alternative is you don't have a choice. Your health doesn't give you the choice. You now have to go to the hospital. You now have to take time off work and lose money and pay medical bills. Speaker 1 Exactly. And then you, you also, the energy that requires, right? So you have a drain on your, on your energy level. And that's something else that people don't necessarily think about. But energy is a big play in in, in shaping our environments. If you're in an energy, if, if you're in an environment where you can't stand, go to work, you know, they say most people die of a heart attack on Monday because they're stressed out about work 'cause they don't want to be at work. I mean, it's, it's that energy. If you're putting yourself in an environment where it's consistently stressing you out, if you're not able to deal with those environments because you haven't built your body in, in a position to be a adaptable to different situations, you're, you're setting yourself up overall. And it's like, how do we make these small incremental changes on a daily basis that benefit us? And there's, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. And investing in, on the front end, whether that's you investing in the workouts, whether that's you investing in meditating or some other form of finding yourself peace and stress relief, or whether that's you looking at, I'm gonna increase or the the number of days I cook at home or the level of, of food that I'm eating. All those different things play a role. And those are small investments that actually give you more energy to do the things that you really want to do and to prevent you from being in a situation where you are laid up in someone's hospital bed. Speaker 0 That part, like not even aside from the long-term goal of like living longer, living more healthy, like the immediate ROI on doing like some of the things that you said, whether it's meditating in the mornings, stretching, doing yoga, going to the gym, making a healthy eating decision, the immediate like feeling of physically feeling better, having that energy throughout the day, having that mental clarity is, is worth, you know, that time. Speaker 1 Right? Because there's a lot of stuff that we eat that that just gives us a foggy brain. You know, like a lot of people, they don't un like they eat gluten and they may eat and they're like, oh, I'm so tired. And they don't, or they think they have a gluten allergy, they may actually have a gluten sensitivity or they may eat pasta and they're like, oh, I feel terrible. There's a lot of different things that come into play here. And, and that was part of, you know, how the, the physical and the mental part are connected in terms of I gotta do a class in my, in my office about the gut brain connection and how the things that we put into our gut actually affects our brain and how our brain isn't functioning at full capacity. And the reason for that is because we have some issue in our gut that we haven't addressed. And it goes in, that comes into play when it comes to depression, when it comes to A-D-D-A-D-H-D, all these different mental quote unquote mental disorders are reg, are really things that we can't impact through through our nutrition. So dealing with our gut and through movement, like depression for example, moving 30 minutes a day, like a 30 minute walk is just as effective if not more effective than nearly all these drugs that they have on the market for. Because it's just kind of like basics. These are foundational things where our body was built to move. So there's plenty that we can do to help ourselves that we, that doesn't require us to be on something that's going to have us on something else because it has a side effect, right? You take one drug for another drug, you know, you take one drug, you add one for the side effect, for the side effect of that, you'll add another one before you know it, you're, you're polypharmacy when you have all these different drugs trying to fight all these different side effects or symptoms. Speaker 0 Absolutely. And so, so we talk about like the idea of being proactive and preventative and you are a chiropractic provider and I know that, that from personal experience, that is something that people can do to invest in their long-term health. So share a little bit about how and why. 'cause you know, I think that a lot of the medicine that science or the techniques that science is now recognizing is effective. They kind of entered as like the WOOWOO stuff, right? Like the quack doctors and things like that. But it's really fascinating because now they quote unquote are going back on their word and doing measurable studies about how this stuff actually works. So let's talk about that as a preventative healthcare measure for a minute. Speaker 1 Okay? So if you think about it this way, when it comes to all these things, you, you can go, you can go weeks without food. Yeah, you can go days without water, you can go minutes without air, but you can't go a second without a nervous supply. And your nervous system is what controls and regulates your whole entire body. That is what chiropractic does. It addresses your nervous system, making sure that the brain and body are communicating properly. And as long as there's clear communication, the body's able to function as it's supposed to. Now when you interrupt that communication, you have all these other issues that come about such as headaches. You know, people experience migraines, they may have heart conditions that start to pop up. They may have all, there's like a huge array. I mean, most people think of pain, but the reality is pain is the first thing is the last thing to show up and the first thing to go. So people are like, oh, I go to the chiropractor about for my neck pain or back pain. But that has nothing to do with it. I typically work with people who have other issues such as hypertension, people who have acid reflux, food intolerances, all this type of stuff. Some of it is associated with where your body is just not being able to communicate properly, allergies, all that type of stuff. You have either a situation where you have too much of an input going somewhere or not enough. So it's like, you know, the static on a cell phone, you know, when it's a bad signal, it's chopped up. You can hear part bits and pieces of what somebody's saying, but you can't hear the whole thing. You know, you're just like, wait, what? Or on the flip side of that, if somebody's like blasting a stereo super loud in your ear, you, and it's like, well that's way too much. You know, like there's the music so loud, you can feel it in your chest. That's not cool either. So it's, it is about having the balance there. And that's what we look at with chiropractic. It's about balancing the body out, allowing it to be in harmony. And when it's in harmony, it can, it can, it can heal that harmony we call homeostasis that balance. So, so your body's always looking to be in that balance. And so that's what, that's the big piece with chiropractic. Speaker 0 And that was kind of a new level of understanding for me when I first like really looked into what exactly is chiropractic care? And it made sense to me. Like, have you ever seen the image of just the nervous system of the human body? Like nothing else that just shows you the structure of the nervous system? Oh. Speaker 1 Yeah. Speaker 0 Like from the skull down the back, down the legs, down the arms. Speaker 1 Yeah, it's just nerves everywhere. Speaker 0 And if that, 'cause like you said, you can't, you cannot function for a second without that. All these other things you can put off and delay and go without for a little bit. But this is like the thing that is required for, you know, like the, the movement and things like that. And so when I think of that visual and I think of, of chiropractic, it makes perfect sense. It's like the highway in the body, right? And if it's pinched off and it communicates to every part of your body naturally, whether it's your organs or your skin, you know, whatever it is, like you said, that pathway is going to be disrupted. Speaker 1 Just like if you were riding on the highway and it's a bunch of extra traffic, things are gonna move slower, right? And so, I mean, 'cause the average nerve impulse runs about, it's about 280 miles an hour if you just roughly speaking, right? That's from the time your brain sends a signal to do whatever. It's, let's just put it in that context about 280. If it's running at like one 20, eh, you see how that just, it just doesn't work out, you know? Or, or if it's, you know, redlining and running at 300, then there's something, something wrong there too. So there's, you know, or running at, yeah. So there's something, there's about something about the balance of it and having it running the way it's supposed to run on a consistent basis. It just, the body is, is beautifully built. And so there's a ton of things that can happen there to help that, the healing process overall. So yeah, it's extremely important and it's often overlooked because we are trained, we have been trained particularly in this country, to look for the convenience of eliminating a symptom, not delving into the reason why, but just elimination of the symptom. And it's big for me because when I started I was doing a lot of pediatric stuff and the thing with the pediatric stuff is I'm looking at a multitude of things when I, when I'm working with like a kid with, you know, with autism or on that spectrum or a kid with ADD or, or on, on that spectrum somewhere, a lot of times there's some structural things that are off. And then a lot of, some, a lot of times there's some nutritional things that are off almost 100% of the time. There's both. I haven't, I, and it just occurred to me one time to start looking at these kids' cervical spine x-rays and there's something that's similar across the board and that's that they don't have a cervical curve. And so working with them in that nature and then looking at what their, their diet looks like in terms of those, you know, the other, all the different food additives and stuff like that that come into play and how they're, that's impacting them. It is a, the correlation is is it's pretty sad actually that it's that, you know, that it's because of what we're feeding our children and then the, the birthing process in itself contributes to a lot of these things. Speaker 0 Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, hopefully by raising awareness to people about why what we put into our body is so important and why spending the extra time to cook a meal at home and look, don't let me sit here and lie to everybody. I hate cooking. Like I do not like to cook, but that's why I have my health coach, right? Because he motivates me and inspires me to do things that I don't really wanna do. But he's reminding me about why exactly i, I want to do it. And so if we think about like, what is it that we, we really want out of this life, right? And like I said, it's not just about extending life, it's about living life to the fullest. And this is obviously something that we can do and invest in. Aside from the free things. I think that chiropractic care is something that we can invest in. And I wanna share some statistics that really just support kind of what you've been saying about, it's not about the symptoms, right? It's about getting down to that root cause that root flow of what you're working on as a chiropractor so that it can spread out and make everything else work better. So we did some research and found that pregnant women recover better and faster and spend a week less in the hospital when they have utilized chiropractic care. 60.2% fewer admission admissions to the hospital is seen in people that seek chiropractic care. They are 59% less days hospitalized, like days in the hospital. There are 62% less outpatient surgeries and 85% less pharmaceutical costs. So to me, these numbers speak to what you said in the very beginning about how like, look, our bodies were created and genetically engineered to self heal. And it's kind of the disruption of the things that we're putting in there. And also where our head space is and maybe like there's back and forth cause and effect there that kind of have us in this position statistically. Speaker 1 Oh, definitely. We, we do have the back and forth with, you know, the things that we, it's the convenience like we were saying before. I mean if you look at it, here's a, a great example of how your body's meant to heal. If you get a cut, if you do absolutely nothing to that cut, it is going to heal. It doesn't require the ointments, it doesn't require the, the what, you know, the bandaids, the, it doesn't require any of that. It's nice to have it, but as long as it's not interfered with by getting dirty or infected, then it's going to heal. But a lot of people go and, and for some reason they think that their headache is because they have a lack of aspirin or Advil or whatever the, or ibuprofen, whatever it may be. They feel like it's a lack of that it's not, you're not, your body's not lacking that you don't have reflux 'cause you're lacking in antacid. You're, that's not why you have reflux. There's things that you're doing to yourself that are, are just not working well for you. Like I've seen a commercial where they're showing this guy, he's, they want, he's eating rots and hot dogs and all kinds of crazy stuff and they're like, oh, eat what you want and take your whatever the antiacid is commercial. I'm like, that's ridiculous. You know, it's just stop eating that stuff. There we go. Eliminate the problem. Why add to it? You know? So I'm gonna take this thing to force my body to accept something that it's really rejecting. Yeah. You know, that, that just, it makes no sense to me. But we continuously do that as a culture, as a society and we believe that's the way to go. So yeah. Speaker 0 You're absolutely right. And I think it's important to be able to decipher what we're being sold on commercials on social media. Like know, know what to question, right. And be able to make logical sense of it yourself because they're banking on you not being able to. Speaker 1 Right. Did did you know a lot of this is, it's on topic but off topic, but a lot of things that diagnosis for kids was like A-D-D-A-D-H-D did, you know, like a 2%, like dehydration rate can show like symptoms of of ADD and ADHD. So like they'll say a kid is, oh this kid's got ADD well this kid may very well be dehydrated, so if they're dehydrated, you know what I mean? Like, but how many kids do you know to drink water? So the likelihood of them being dehydrated is extremely likely, but instead we choose to, to drug it, it's like we're gonna drug that kid 'cause he's displaying or she's displaying these symptoms and then like a lot of that medication that they get on messes with them in terms of their, their diet. Like they don't want to eat. And then if you don't want to eat, a lot of times you don't want to drink either. So that dehydration issue that what a starter's as is getting even worse. And so here you are with worse symptom symptoms and you think this medication is helping. I mean it's just, it's a cycle that people get into and we're not aware of. But I mean like little stuff like that is something that we don't, you know, take into account on, on a consistent basis to understand what's happening to us as a society and what we're looking at and how we can actually address it. And I know there's gonna be be people that say, well our kid doesn't wanna drink water. I know they don't, but you can make them eat more fruit because if they're eating fruit, not drinking fruit juice, but eating fruit, they actually get a lot of water in the fruit. That's how you work that out in terms of balancing it out. So it's, there's a lot of ways to handle this and we're not necessarily doing the best job in terms of, as a society, we're not. And and part of it is, you know, it's not enough people out there speaking about it and and telling, Hey, you know, let's think about this for your kid, but we're trying to change that. Speaker 0 Yes. Yes. Like know that there are options know, to know, to ask more questions before that convenience solution of a pill or Right. You know, something like that, that may actually cause more harm and that's treating this like surface level symptom, but with still having that underlying like root cause And so Yeah. And. Speaker 1 Well, I was just gonna say, these symptoms are your, is your body's warning signal. It's telling you, hey, something's wrong, something's up, you need to address this. And but addressing it, a lot of people think is, oh, I gotta get rid of the symptom that's not addressing it. So you, there's, there're required, there's that deeper look and that's like the whole functional medicine component, taking a deeper look at what we're actually dealing with versus, oh, let's just address this symptom. Speaker 0 Yeah. And there are so many just mind blowing stories out there of people who have recovered from, you know, diseases or just health situations because of something that we would not normally, okay, it wasn't because of a pill, it wasn't because of a surgery. Like when they make these daily lifestyle choices, we have seen a lot of the, the diseases and ailment that pla a go away or get better without the intervention from a pill or a surgery. Speaker 1 Yeah. I mean if you think of it, your body was never meant to be cut on. Mm. And your organs were never meant to be removed. It's like you don't have extra organs. They all serve a hey, they, you don't, they all serve a purpose and it's like you are doing something that's causing them to not function properly. And what is it that you're doing to not cause 'em to function properly? And how do you fix that? But people are not thinking like that. They're, a lot of times, like I deal with people who sometimes have pain and a lot of times what they've been experiencing in the past was, we'll do this injection or that injection to help your pain. Well those typically lead to a surgery. I mean if you, if you, if your house is on fire and the only two options you bring, well, you know, you have, you know, fire trucks right? With the water hoses. So you spray everything down that's similar to a drug and then you use your axis to, to knock down doors and everything else. So that's very similar to our, you know, our surgeries. You are not gonna call the fire department back when it comes time to you building your house. You don't call them to renovate your house. You don't call a fire dep, you know what I mean? If it's your house, which is your body, right? You are calling the carpenters, the painters, you're calling those people, the plumbers, you're calling those people, right. The people to get things working properly. You're not calling the same people that, you know, saved it from the emergency to build it back up. And if you think of your body the same way, they, we have a great emergency care system, it's great for that. If I'm in a car accident or something major happens, take me there. They're, we are the best in the world at that. However, they're not carpenters, you know what I mean? They're not the people to put this thing back together and you have to go elsewhere. And that's where people run into trouble is that they have, you know, I I, my kitchen needs to be remodeled, but I'm gonna call in the, the people to spray down the whole kitchen with a water hose. That doesn't even make sense. But that's the type of stuff we do instead of, let me get a new stove, or not necessarily get a new stove, but let me throw some paint on the walls or, or let me do whatever else I need to do to get things working properly versus spray it all down. And so we, we do that and it's not just a one thing, everything affects the entire body. Like I know there's something that's supposed to be the headache medicine, but it's not going straight to your head like that. Like how does does it really know it's it's a headache we go here. No, it's going throughout your whole body, your bloodstream. It's not one particular place that it's going to. So it's like it's affecting everything. And people always, well not always, but a lot of people consider this to be a solution, which in fact it is not. Speaker 0 Yes. Wow. Okay. So for the people that are listening to this, 'cause this is all, this is a lot, right? And you know, you've been doing this for how many years? Speaker 1 Long time? A long time. I, yeah, no, it, it's probably been on a, on a different level. It is on multiple levels. And it was ever since we've been working together, I've been, so probably 20 something years. And, and I say that because the whole chiropractic part, that's been the last 14, 15 years. But prior to that it was more nutrition stuff and looking at how the body was functioning because I was looking at it from a different perspective in terms of what does your body need to function at its best to perform at its best. Because with, with being involved in track and field, and it was like, you know, how do you get the most when you don't have the best resources? So it's not like you, you know, I was working with a state-of-the-art gym with weights and training facilities, gym, you know, you're dealing with get out in the grass and go in the park. So you have to figure out where your advantage is coming from. So, so I would say, you know, at least 20 years looking at all of this and how it actually, how do you get the most out of the human body on a variety of, of different levels. So yeah. Speaker 0 So yeah, a lot like, and that's a lot like people listening to this episode who maybe aren't familiar with a lot of the things that we've been talking about probably are left feeling like super overwhelmed. And we know that when you feel too overwhelmed, you're gonna get paralyzed, right? You're not gonna make a decision. So what I wanna do for people before we wrap up is give them just a couple things that they can do just to take those first steps while keeping in mind the type of health that we're talking about right now is a lifestyle. It is not a temporary diet that you do once and you forget about it and you're healthy. These are the choices and decisions that we make every single day of our lives. And so one of the things that I want to leave people with, since we know that one of the major objections to, oh, I can't eat better, I can't go to the gym, I can't pay for a membership, I can't afford a chiropractor, is money, right? And what I challenge people to do, if money is your excuse, go look at your spending for the last six months and look for things that you are investing in that are not contributing to your health that you can or should do without things like cigarettes, alcohol, I see people's money. So I know there's a lot of money spent on porn and Starbucks and all of these things. If not finding the money is your excuse. I guarantee you if you go back and look, you will find money to be able to proactively invest in your health. Speaker 1 I I would agree. There's there's a ton of small things that we do that if you just shift that money somewhere else, you'd being much better off. And, and in terms of just overall, like I, so I spoke about it earlier, but my book elements for Optimal Health, it's on Amazon. It's, it's not very expensive. It's like 20 bucks. So I intentionally wrote this book for people who don't know where to start, don't know like anything about this stuff. And I made it an easy read. I I I call it the plane ride book. So if you were flying from New York to la you read the whole book and be done. It's a really easy read because I wanted people to, to understand, have a foundation for what to do when it comes to health. There's a ton of stuff out here and you can get lost in the weeds in whatever direction you want to go. And you start talking, you can get lost when it comes to nutrition alone. People are talking, oh, I'm a keto, I'm pescatarian, I'm Carnival, or I'm, there's so many different things out there and you, you can get lost extremely easy, but it's, this is more of like a foundational thing that, that people can do. Grabbing that book you read that it's easy to read and it gives you a kind of a foundation where to go of to how to make decisions going forward. Something else that we do, I have a YouTube channel, I put a lot of stuff out there on YouTube, even more to come with the YouTube channel, just kind of breaking down some simple ideas about stuff there. So that's just YouTube, Dr. J Ware, you can, you can find me there that's free. So you have that. And then of course Instagram, you'll see stuff on there. But that's Dr. Period J period where, so I'm there, I put stuff out there every so often and then, you know, it is just like getting hold of, there's other stuff out here in terms of like podcasts and things like that. Although if you don't have a foundation, you probably don't wanna start there because you'll be off in the weeds again. So that, that's, I like to say, you know, like I listen to a lot of this stuff because I, I have a foundation of of or or a lens of where to look, how to look, look at it and, and view this from, from where you go. You know, there's a lot of people that talk about biohacking and all this other stuff and people get, you get so far off into the weeds with that stuff that, and if you don't have a foundation, you'll get lost like anything else, right? So, yeah. Speaker 0 Yeah. And I think that's an important place to start because statistically speaking, I'm sure most people don't have that foundation and not everybody is a natural nerd like us and gets off into biohack and hacking and the biology of belief and all these like, super deep things that are just mind blowing. But you know what, if you, if you build a foundation, you never know, maybe you naturally become curious and interested about these things and it makes it that much more easy to stick to the lifestyle. Speaker 1 Exactly. Well, and, and something else is, you have a different, you have a different vision for your life, right? If you discover that you wanna be healthy and health is where you want to be, you change how you view yourself, you change how you deal with other people with food, your relationship with food, your relationship with your money, because you, your money goes to investing in you and you become that priority. So if you become that priority, you look at everything a little bit different. And by doing that it, it changes how your health is. So, I mean, it's kind of, that's like where most people need to start knowing and feeling like, I wanna make a change. I deserve better. If you can, if you start there with those things, that's the first step for anybody when it comes to, to their health and how they do things. Speaker 0 Ooh, I love that. So I, I say change your mind and you can change your money. So what we're saying is change your mind and you can change your health. That's perfect. That's perfect. Speaker 1 But, but the better your health, the better your money. Speaker 0 It go. It goes both ways, right? It's this right environment where it all feeds off of each other. And if you can just get that momentum started by doing just a couple of small simple steps and I'll put the links to the book and your website, your YouTube channel, your Instagram, we will leave you with no excuses, not take the next step in your health journey. Good deal. Yes. Well thank you so much. I really appreciate, it's an honor to be able to do this with you after so many years of knowing you that our paths have just passed again. This is really special. Speaker 1 Yes, it is. And I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity and doing this with you.Hey, they're financial explorers. Whether you're a seasoned money guru or just dipping your toes into the world of finance, I'm glad you're here. I'm Chelsea Williams, your money whisperer and founder of two companies that focus on helping business owners and individuals take control of their finances always and never about money is where we gather to dive deep into the fascinating intersection of money and human behavior. We're here to learn about our money story, uncover the driving forces behind financial habits, understand the impact of history on our wallets today, and give you all the knowledge and tools to change your money story. So join us for insightful conversations, personal anecdotes, expert insights, and thought provoking ideas that will challenge your perspective and help you use money as the simple tool that it is to enhance your life. So whether you're a business owner or an individual working a job, get ready for a journey that will transform the way you think about money. Hey, hey, if you're an oldie but goodie, welcome back if you are new to always and never about money. We are debunking the myths around money and the things that we tie to money and looking at money as the tool that it is without all the emotions, feelings, and value. So in a previous episode, I talked about the fact that we as a whole are spending a lot of our money on health in this country, and there are two ways we can spend money on our health. We can spend it reactively on the required healthcare costs, things that lead us to soul crushing medical debt, or we can spend money proactively on the things that we can do now that will keep us out of that statistical pool of healthcare debt in the us. Things like gym memberships, workout apps and supplements. And while we probably don't really need to be told that taking care of your health proactively is the best way to go, it is the harder road to choose because it requires discipline and consistency even when we don't feel like it, which is why we hire people to hold us accountable. Personal trainers, diet coaches, health coaches in-app instructors, why do you suppose Peloton was able to blow up the way that it did? They weren't just selling workout equipment, it came with a built-in virtual trainer. They know that people will do well when they're held accountable, and we need that. I know I do. I need the people in my circle to be willing to hold me accountable for my actions and my decisions, knowing they're not gonna be a yes man and tell me what I wanna hear, but make me strive to be the authentic and well-intended person that I wanna be. I have them to answer to at one point in my life, the individual I'm about to introduce you to, held me accountable in one of the most difficult ways I have ever experienced in my life. He was my track coach for many years and one of the most positive examples of a male role model I had during those years. He let me fail even though I had potential to do great things because the truth was I was choosing to fail on my own before he ever decided to let me. And he tried to show me the light. I chose not to see it. He knew that I had to be held accountable for the decisions I was making in my life, or I wouldn't see the lesson anything else would have resembled enabling and no one benefits from being enabled. That lesson he gave me was one of the most impactful lessons of my life, and now that I'm older and understand much more than I did, then it serves as one of the most valuable lessons. And almost 20 years later, he is mentoring me in another way, doing what he is passionate about, health coaching. He holds me accountable to my lifestyle decisions when it comes to what I put in my body and how I keep my physical body fit and working well. It's part of how his journey as a doctor, as an entrepreneur has evolved since way back when, and he's accumulated so much knowledge, done so many cool things in his craft, and including working with athletes in the BA, the WNBA professional volleyball players, D one college athletes and former Olympic athletes, and he continues to be a valuable resource to his patients and followers on how we can be healthy. You liked this episode. Be sure to show us some love by subscribing and turning on those notifications. You can find me on Instagram under the Money Whisper, and also where we encourage you to contribute to join the conversation, ask questions, and share your thoughts so we can create more episodes tailored exactly to what you wanna know about money. I'm your host and your personal Money whisperer. Until next time, remember, it is always and never about the money.
If you liked this episode. Be sure to show us some love by subscribing and turning on those notifications. You can find me on Instagram under the Money Whisper, and also where we encourage you to contribute to join the conversation, ask questions, and share your thoughts so we can create more episodes tailored exactly to what you wanna know about money. I'm your host and your personal Money whisperer. Until next time, remember, it is always and never about the money.

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