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The Beauty of Our Catholic Heritage - Sacred Heart of Jesus

June 24, 2024 Spirit Filled Media
The Beauty of Our Catholic Heritage - Sacred Heart of Jesus
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Spirit Filled Media
The Beauty of Our Catholic Heritage - Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jun 24, 2024
Spirit Filled Media

Fr. Jacob Hsieh is a Norbertine priest of St. Michael’s Abbey who serves as school rector at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Wilmington. He is a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College and was ordained a priest in 2015.  In this episode, Fr. Jacob talks about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Show Notes Transcript

Fr. Jacob Hsieh is a Norbertine priest of St. Michael’s Abbey who serves as school rector at Ss. Peter and Paul Church in Wilmington. He is a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College and was ordained a priest in 2015.  In this episode, Fr. Jacob talks about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Welcome to the beauty of our Catholic heritage. Our host is father Jacob che a Norbertine father of St. Michael's Abbey in Orange County, California. Father Shea has a great love for our churches heritage, the beauty of our Catholic heritage with father Jacob Shea.

Fr. Jacob Hsieh:

And welcome back to the beauty of our Catholic heritage here with father Jacob on spirit filled radio. Let's start with a prayer in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be worlds without end. Amen. St. Joseph, pray for us amongst Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us, and the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. June is the month of the Sacred Heart. And here we must indeed know the proper response to the implication, almost Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. This is indeed a very important thing that every Catholic should know. And we should respond to it accordingly. So when we say Immaculate Heart of Mary, we should say pray for us, right? So Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us, because Mary is interceding for us constantly. But then when we have almost Sacred Heart of Jesus, we say not pray for us, but have mercy on us. Because he's got right we don't ask here, Our Lady, you know, in the same way that we ask God, because obviously, God is higher. And so we ask God directly to have mercy upon us and to shower His mercy upon us. Our Lady is the intercessor between us and God. And so that's why we're asking her to pray for us. But when we're saying most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we're speaking to God directly. And then here we're asking immediately have mercy on us. And this invocation is super important, because in the month of June, we must make reparation to the sins or we must make reparation against the sins, right, committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And so when we have this idea of the Sacred Heart, we must see that this is the heart of God. Right, God did not need to have an actual human heart, but he united himself to human nature. And now, when he became man, he has a Sacred Heart. And thus we have this heart of Jesus, which we worship. And this heart of Jesus is the sign of course, of infinite love. Right now, the Sacred Heart of Jesus is real. Of course, it's real. It was made incarnate in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when she said yes, at the Annunciation. And then of course, that sacred heart grew as a beautiful image, in order to really think about in the womb of Mary, the Sacred Heart grew and was continuously beating and pumping blood throughout divine blood right throughout the body of Jesus, the divine body of Jesus. And then, of course, our Lord was born, he grew up he suffered on the cross, His Sacred Heart was pierced by the lance. And then after that, his sacred heart stopped beating, because he died. And then after that he was put into the tomb, His Sacred Heart was not beating there for three days. And then on Sunday, his sacred heart started to beat again, when his soul came back from limbo right from the From Hell, from the limbo of the just and then goes back into his body, his body is now glorified body, and now his Sacred Heart is a glorified Sacred Heart, whereas before, obviously, it was not glorified, otherwise, His Sacred Heart could not suffer. And so now the Sacred Heart indeed, is glorified. And it cannot suffer anything anymore, is immortal. And then after that, we have the ascension and the Sacred Heart then rises up, and of course, always now beating eternally so that here we always know that with every beat of the Sacred Heart, our Lord is thinking about us. He is doing everything for us so that we can get to heaven if we don't get in his way. And so the Sacred Heart is in heaven. That's all to say, right now, in this universe, the Sacred Heart is beating with infinite love for us at every single moment. It will never stop. It will always continuously beat for us out of love, and we worship the Sacred Heart. This is the amazing thing, the heart of Jesus, we worship Him, we bow down, we prostrate ourselves to the ground, and we worship the Sacred Heart because obviously, in every part of Jesus body, his divinity is united to that part, so his heart is truly divided. It's a human heart, but it is also true Truly divide because every part of here the Sacred Heart is diffused. You want to use that word with the Godhead, right. Every part of our Lord's body we worship and hear His Sacred Heart is the point of our contemplation. So, we must indeed love the Sacred Heart above all things. We cannot love anything else except the Sacred Heart of Jesus as God's heart. And when we have this month of June, we see that indeed, this month is such a perfect month in order to worship the Sacred Heart because it comes right after the month of Mary. May is the month of Mary, the flowers are blooming, it's summer, it's wonderful. We just had Pentecost. And now here we see that the Holy Ghost is going into the entire world, to show the marvels of the Sun. This is the work of the Holy Ghost. So a lot of people are like, what is the Holy Ghost? Do what is, you know, his mission? What is, you know, how do I even have a devotion to Him, so the Holy Ghost goes out into the world. So here we see that Pentecost happens, the Holy Ghost comes down, then the apostles are going to go out into the entire world, and what are they doing, they're gonna bring the glory of the mass, they're gonna bring the glory of the mass everywhere that they can go, and they're gonna bring the glory of the Eucharist, everywhere they will go. And so many souls were will be saved, of course, and are being saved by the glory of the mass, the mass is what saved souls, right? It's always going to go back to the mass. And so here we see that the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of course, is going to be the Eucharist. Basically, we see that when there's any Eucharistic miracle, the host will change into flesh. And the scientists, they always look at the flesh, they see what kind of flesh it is, and it is heart material. It is the material of the Sacred Heart. And so we see that our lady, of course, is so beautiful in May, and then we have Pentecost, and then the Holy Spirit is going for. And then in June, here we have the glory of the Sacred Heart going out until the really soon to the ends of the world. And so we see the power of the Sacred Heart now, kind of diffusing itself all the way through. And now the Sacred Heart, of course, is showing itself to be powerful. And the Holy Ghost is doing everything that he can in order to make the glory of the Sacred Heart manifest to everybody. And we hear our Lord's words when he says that the Holy Ghost will be sent like, you know, the Father, and the son will send the Holy Ghost and then what will he do? What will the Holy Ghost do the Holy Ghost will glorify the son, right, and glorify the Father. And so this is the beautiful mission of the Holy Ghost in this world. The mission of the sun, of course, is to save us and to give us the sacraments, and to die for us on the cross and then to triumph over sin and Satan and everything, right? That's the mission of the sun, right, he is going to die on the cross, the mission of the Holy Ghost is to glorify the sun, and to shape the entire history of the world. So that everything that happens after Jesus ascends into heaven, and the Holy Ghost comes down, everything that happens will be for the glory of the sun, and the glory of the Father, right, nothing can escape the hands of the Holy Ghost to speak, he doesn't have hands but nothing can escape the grasp of the Holy Ghost. He of course, is immaterial, purely immaterial, he has no body, he did not become incarnate, the son became incarnate, but the Holy Ghost did not become incarnate, the father did not become incarnate. So the Holy Ghost is pure spirit. And now we see that he goes throughout the entire world, in order to glorify the sun. And so the Holy Ghost then is bringing the Eucharist, which is the glory of the most glorious of the sacraments, and showing everybody how much God loves him. God loves us because here he wants us to feed on his very heart to feed on his very flesh that is going to be our drink and our food, right the heart is what pumps the blood throughout the entire body. And so the Sacred Heart is of course here are going to have a lot of blood in it right is gonna have all the sacred blood in it. And so the really the Sacred Heart is such a Eucharistic symbol, because the heart has both the flesh and then it also has the blood and pumps it throughout everything, and we see really, there's an image of the Mystical Body of Christ. We have, of course, his heart, and his heart then pumps the blood out every single place to all of the parts of the Mystical Body. And we see also that the Holy Spirit is called the soul of the Mystical Body. He unites everything together. And so everything that's going to happen in the church, everything that is happening to the church where you know, she is suffering, she's getting persecuted, but she also has beautiful saints, and all of these things that are happening in her history, all of the amazing saints that we have received throughout all of the different Catholic persecutions, Japanese martyrs, Chinese martyrs, Vietnamese, martyrs, martyrs, in Africa, martyrs everywhere in the entire world, throughout the entire history of the world. But all of those, all of those martyrs, all of the saints, who were not martyrs, they were all formed by the power of the Holy Ghost throughout the entire world. And here we see, indeed, that everybody was formed their hearts, their hearts were formed after the beautiful heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. So everybody who's supposed to be you know, basically like the heart of Jesus. Right? So here we see that beautiful invocation Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto die as the story of every single saint, right. And that's what God wants our heart to be like to be like our Lord's meek and humble heart, that is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And so everything, everything in this world will be for the glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And so here we see May, is of the month and then prepares for June. And our lady is always preparing the way for June. And then we see how the devil indeed hates so so so so much anything of the humanity of Christ and seeks to mock the humanity of Christ as much as possible. And so as a result, we glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we worship the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are constantly praying to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to help us to save us and to do everything for us. Now, because of this, we have also the attacks against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obviously, nothing can hurt Jesus right anymore, he is glorified. Nothing can hurt or harm the Sacred Heart anymore. Remember, the sacred heart was pierced by Lance on Good Friday, but no longer will the Sacred Heart suffer any damage or anything because the Sacred Heart is glorified. And so when we see, for example, that Satan now is trying to attack the church as much as possible, in order to destroy any sort of effort of the Holy Ghost to glorify the son. Here, we see that, of course, he never wins, and anything he does, the anything that the devil does, will always actually be magnified even more into the glory of God. But we see his efforts because of course, as we know, June is pride month, right? And who made that up? I mean, this has never been in the history of the world until, you know, just recently. And we see that here, even one of my students, when I was speaking about this, he very accurately said, Why did they name this month? Or why did they name this kind of movement after the first capital sin? Why did they name it after the head of all the sins, which is a pride and egoism and narcissism? And you really think about this, you know, here, the devil is just using all of these things in order to really mock our Lord and everything about natural law and everything that he's imprinted into us. And so here we see that everything is Eclipse, you know, on all of our phones, it has in there I qulet. Why, why are the putting that in my phone already. I didn't ask for that. It's already in my phone just inputted there, June, the first day of June, this is the beginning of all this kind of stuff, right? LGBTQ, plus, plus, plus, etc. A month, right? And so here, obviously, we pray for these people, we pray that they can see the light of truth. And when we ask God that their law, their minds can be enlightened and they acknowledge the natural law that is inscribed in everyone's heart that nobody can erase. This is why we really have to pray that they can see it because it's just such torture, to to try to act against natural law when it's written into our very human nature. No one can escape it right? No, we didn't make our bodies right. Here we see that God made our bodies and he determines everything about our body, and he determines how there is union between bodies we cannot we did not make up these things. And so here we see that the devil is trying to supplant everything you see in science or the devil is trying to, you know, make people you know, go into this new kind kind of movement of cloning, and, you know, choosing all of these different features of children, you know, I want my child to have, you know, blue eyes, or this level of intelligence, or this kind of build, or this kind of hair, curly hair, whatever. And they can do actually, all those things, it's really amazing and crazy to see, as if we're manufacturing these, you know, children, which they are they are doing, and they make a lot of money doing it. Because if you think about it, right, you know, why would they do this, you know, indeed, to play God, but then also, because it makes tons and tons and tons of money. And so all of these places, I did not realize they are already set up, they just have, you know, all these different children who are put there by artificial insemination, and just waiting there. And the whole list of you know, blue eyes, blonde, you know, blonde hair, you know, brown hair, brown eyes, green eyes, whatever this bill, this gene structure, etc, you know, all of that is there, you know, so that people can just choose pick and choose, you know, this is just playing God, you know, and this is what the scientists, and this is what all the top universities are, you know, trying to basically study, you know, what are they doing at Harvard? And what are they doing in Yale? And what are they doing in all these top universities, you know, in their spare time, you know, obviously, they're trying to find ways to make the most money possible. And then, of course, to do with all this cutting edge stuff. So here, you basically see, you know, this is pride, this the whole thing. And here we see the this month, has then tried to eclipse right in the mind of the world, tried to eclipse the glory of the Sacred Heart, and to replace it with the self, it's always about me, my desires, my feelings, my emotions, and I just have to be happy because I choose everything is my will, my will, my will I choose the way I live, I choose everything i and then we're just so sad, and so messed up. Because all that we think is always continuously centered around us, instead of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is continuously as we see, pumping the sacred blood, the divine blood, for love of us, this is how God thinks, right? He's always continuously thinking about us, right? The Sacred Heart of Jesus always is thinking about us, basically. And here, we see that this whole thing, this whole kind of movement is always just self absorbed, and constantly trying to get other people to, you know, just acknowledge them continuously, continuously, continuously, that they are doing what is correct. But actually, it is not because it's going against natural log, and we didn't make our bodies, we cannot determine these things. And so we see, you know, in the phone, in our calendars is just inputted into our calendars. And as we see with regards to all of these convenience stores, and clothing stores, and even to be able to say something you know about these things, we have to be so careful, otherwise, we're going to be canceled. And suddenly, you know, here, we're just, you know, nobody can even begin to explain, you know, all of these things in the correct way we can even begin to understand why is there that same sex attraction, what was the cause from the mother and the father and the friends and the impure images, you just mix all that together with all of the things on social media live, how you want to have relations, however you want to a contraceptive mentality, and all of these things, and nobody ever is able to speak about it openly and clearly. At the right time, in school, or here, even parents don't know how to address this difficulty of impurity and all of these things with their children and impure things. I'll just leave it at that. And here we see that nobody is getting the wall I say nobody again, that's a you know, just a an exaggeration. But here, a lot of people are not getting the necessary catechism on all of these issues. And so as a result, then we have this whole panoply of difficulties in social media, in the marketplace, in buying clothes and buying whatever it is by buying, you know, beer, you know, and all of these different things. And you know, here at the same time there again, just pushing all these things down, you know, you know different people's throats and there's no real dialogue. They say, you know all you know, we want dialogue. Well, nobody's actually dialoguing nobody's actually giving these reasons You know, constantly people are saying, oh, we need to dialogue with each other, you know, it's never a dialogue, you know, they use that language and nobody's ever talking about the truth, you know? How can there be dialogue without the truth. And so you see, everything is so twisted and messed up and filled with fears. So that, you know, again, if you just go on YouTube, and try to post something, or even if you go and you know, preach a homily, as a priest, immediately there is this fear that goes, you know, am I going to offend somebody am I going to, you know, just, you know, there's going to be that one person that, you know, can't accept what I'm saying, and then just gonna leave, and then all of these fears, then, you know, just in golf a person and and we're just frozen, we don't know what to do. And so then by this time, you just have most of society, right, most of society is going to then just say, oh, yeah, it's okay. You know, I don't know how to deal with this question. Because nobody has taught me about it. And it's like, I think it's okay, as long as they're happy. And then we result and we go to these stupid, you know, philosophical, not common sense. Arguments where, you know, people are just saying, yes, you know, do whatever makes you feel happy. And we really think about that, that is the most insane way to live, right? We can't just do whatever we want to be happy, right? We have to do the right thing to be happy, you know? And here, what is the right thing? Who determines the right thing? Is it us? Did we create this universe? Did we create our human nature? It's not us, we don't determine those things, right? And we see that we'll never be happy unless we love the one who created us and made us to be what we're supposed to be right. And so this is all of the whole difficulty here. In order, why is this all here? Why is the whole social media erupting? And all of these things right now, why are you know, statues being overturned of saints? You know, and the whole narrative of the history of what they actually did is not said, and here people are not even knowing history before they do these things you think people are reading? Really, you know, what Saint Junipero Serra are doing? You know, do they really read these things, they're only if they read at all, because really, the children don't know how to read anymore. Because all that they're doing is, you know, listening to things on YouTube, et cetera, right, the level of education has gone so low, and it has been so dumbed down. And instead, what has happened is that now, people just listen to whatever they say, and then go with whatever makes them feel good. And so that becomes education right there. And so here, we see all of these things are happening, it has come to such a head, there has been such a deterioration of society. And we again, see that all of this has come to a head so that the Sacred Heart of Jesus glory will be diminished, that nobody can ever even get to that point, right, where we worship the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because we're all stuck in our own desires. And we're all stuck in our, you know, in our own things. And this is the master plan of Satan. You know, what can we even imagine right here, Satan is a being that is filled with self hatred, and just pure revenge. She hates us with a passion that we cannot even imagine, right? This is angelic being right and Angel. And since he's pure spirit, right, he's a bad Angel. And so he's just filled with this rage that we cannot even imagine. You just take the angriest person that you've ever known in your entire life, multiply that by a trillion, and it's not going to even equal Satan's hatred of humanity. And then you multiply that by all of the angels besides Satan who are fallen, and they're going to be plotting something pretty bad against us, okay? We're just gonna have this huge, huge attack and just this kind of thinking nowadays, where, again, people are just so numb, we're all in this to, you know, everybody is just numb because again, we become very modernistic and selfish and all of these different things. We are so numb to everything that you know, here, these people can dress up as nuns and people are like, Oh, it's okay. That's fine that they were invited back, you know, or here, even Catholics. When they see this, they'll be just like, okay, you know, this mean against the nuns and you know, we'll just pray for them. We'll just, you know, kind of brush it off there. And here, they're doing awful impurities with the crucifix and the cross and all of these things. And here, there is not the proper response to the dignity of Christ and the dignity of the cross and the dignity of sister and the dignity of nuns. If we really knew what the cloistered nuns have to do, you go to the cloistered Carmelite nuns, and their whole life is pure sacrifice, they cannot visit their families that cannot eat what they want, right, they cannot do anything, their whole schedule waking up until the day is over, it's just filled with the tradition of the church and prayer and every single thing that is not their will. And they do this willingly and beautifully. And they just want to give this up as a sacrifice. And then you have these people who are just doing the crazy thing of mocking them, you know, calling themselves this crazy thing. And, you know, here, these huge, you know, entities are just supporting them. And here, the Catholic Church, or even people in the Catholic Church, you know, are just kind of again, either not saying anything about it, or just not doing anything to defend the dignity of sisters who we need so much in this world. Now, thank goodness, there are some amazing groups that are just doing these beautiful prayer processions and protests. And you know, here again, to just, you know, start just gonna boycott these things. You know, there's some people who will say, Oh, you know, the Catholic Church has just lost all credibility. We can't even do anything. In order to fight back against this. Well, we got to start somewhere, right? And so here, we have to see that, you know, all of these things are attacks and this is part of all the masterplan. Everything is coming to a head by the evil one. And we see that everything is to eclipse the Sacred Heart, right, everything is always to eclipse the Sacred Heart, every single evil thing that we see in this world on social media, whatever it is, everything that's happening to the church and you know, just the downplaying of the church and making fun of the church and openly making fun of the church and having all of these you know, organizations just flaunt, you know, this, these things against the natural law, you know, against, you know, traditional marriage, which is the only marriage here we see, you know, all these things here we have to see as direct attacks. And these, these demons are so smart. They're smarter than anything we can ever imagine. And here, what are we going to do? Just say, okay, yeah, I'm just gonna twiddle my thumbs and not do anything right here. We gotta pray the rosary, we got to go to Mass every Sunday, go to Confession once a month, we have to go to daily Mass, if we can, we have to start playing the divine office, there are so many things that we need to do. But then again, because we're caught in our, you know, Netflix binging you know, our video games, you know, again, how many times that we've spoken about, just, you know, men just being addicted to video games now and just not being present to their families. And just doing that, instead of being there, teaching their family, how to pray, all those different kinds of things, by everything, here, we see the attack is on every single side, and every thing that we look on our phone, it is there just seeping seeping seeping in. And here, you know, we kind of just go to church and say, I'm bored, you know, or up, you know what, you know, what am I going to do today in church, if I even go to church or, you know, up, I gotta go to confession or you know, something like this. And we have this kind of just attitude of just laziness. And here, the battle is raging. And here, of course, God is going to use everything for his glory, He will win in the end spectacularly in a way we can't even imagine. But we got to be part of the winning team. That's the whole point. So here, let's really love the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us work for the glory of the Sacred Heart. Let us fight for the glory of the sacred heart with love and passion. And let us give everything that we have for the glory of the Sacred Heart and do everything that we can you know, especially for example, we have Corpus Christi processions, Body of Christ procession, in order to do everything that we can in order to show our love and our reverence and our adoration, our veneration, our worship of God who loves us infinitely and that has given up and open up his heart for us so that we can receive everything, almost Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us.


You've been listening to the beauty of our Catholic heritage with father Jacob che. If this program has been a blessing to you, please encourage others to listen as well. For more information, visit spirit filled hearts.org That's spirit filled hearts.org May God be with you this day and always It's the feeling you get when you see a familiar face in a crowd of strangers. It's the way the embrace of a loved one feels after a hard day. That feeling is comfort. And it's what we provide to families who turned to O'Connor mortuary in their moment of need. More than just providing quality funeral service. We provide the necessary guidance and support to help Catholic families and people of all faiths and cultures process grief and heal their hearts. We are here to help every step of the way. For compassionate comfort in a time of loss call O'Connor mortuary in Laguna Hills, you can reach us at 949581 4300 That's 949581 4300 O'Connor mortuary is a sponsor partner of spirit filled radio