Startup Corner

Startup Corner - Charlotte Wirion & Phlippe Genot - WEO and Schroeder & Associés

House of Startups Luxembourg Season 1 Episode 40

Eng Zesummenaarbecht tëschent enger Startup an enger grousser Entreprise ass net ëmmer evident. Déi grouss Entreprise well sech sécher sinn, dass d’Startup dat liwwere kann, wat se verspriecht, an d’Startup brauch e Partner fir sech ze developpéiere, fir Feedback ze kréien, de Produit ze testen an natierlech och Suen ze verdéngen.

Wéi kann esou eng Zesummenaarbecht ausgesinn an op wat muss jiddereen oppassen? Dofir hu mir d’Charlotte Wirion, Co-Founder vun der Startup WEO, an de Philippe Genot, Innovatiouns-Manager bei Schroeder&Associés, gelueden, déi eis vun hirer perséinlecher Zesummenaarbecht erzielen an wéi se dat iwwert déi lescht Joren developpéiert hunn!

🎧 Lauschtert elo eran! 

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De StartupCorner ass e Podcast op Lëtzebuergesch iwwert Startups an Innovatioun zu Lëtzebuerg, presentéiert vum House of Startups Luxembourg, mat der Ënnerstëtzung vun der Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce an dem  #SCRIPT.


Partnering between a startup and a large company can be challenging. Big companies want to ensure the startup delivers on its promises, while the startup needs a reliable partner to grow, gather valuable feedback, test its product, and, of course, drive revenue.

So, what does a successful collaboration look like, and what should both sides keep in mind? To dive into this, we’ve invited Charlotte Wirion, co-founder of the startup WEO, and Philippe Genot, Innovation Manager at Schroeder & Associés, to share their personal journey and how they’ve built a thriving partnership over the years!

🎧 Tune in now!

✅ Subscribe now to Startup Corner on Spotify, #ApplePodcasts & #GooglePodcasts. 

The ‘StartupCorner’ is a monthly podcast in Luxembourgish about startups and innovation in Luxembourg, presented by the House of Startups powered by the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce and supported by the #SCRIPT.