With Regrets - Events Industry Podcast
12 million Americans work in the live events industry. This NSFW podcast hosted by two industry veterans from very different verticals shares the triumphs and tragedies of those who work in the events industry along with the questionable things we've been asked to do for - or with - our clients... with regrets.
With Regrets - Events Industry Podcast
Episode 010 - Part 2 Judy & Jodi With Regrets
Season 1
Episode 10
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00:00 | 46:56
We are back again this week with the effervescent "Julie Colhart, CSEP", better known to most as Judy Brillhart, CSEP and Jodi Collen, CSEP. Join us as we chat with this dynamic duo further about some event trends they love, hate and love to hate, Jodi's staring role in a musical, Judy's pageant girl days and of course some regrets. *SPOILER ALERT* These ladies are surprising and impressive AF! Listen and find out why!
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Follow Jodi:
@jodicollen (instagram and twitter)
www.linkedin.com/in/jodicollen (linkedin)
www.facebook.com/jodi.collen (facebook) |