Spiritual Expansion & Ascension

Ep 54: How to Deal with Ego Voice: Transform Your Shadow and Align with Your Higher Self

Melissa Feick Season 1 Episode 54

In this podcast, Melissa Feick channels the Ascension Councils. They talk about how to deal with the ego voice and identity the ego creates. This is an important time to work through your shadow so you can align more with your higher self. During your spiritual awakening, it's a good idea to understand how the ego gets in the way of your happiness.

Your Higher Self is always available to communicate with but things get lost in the translation since your ego is more boisterous. The Ascension is all about raising your vibration and the activation of the crystalline DNA light codes that will align you with your life purpose.
Free Ascension Meditation

Psychic Intuitive Training to align with your Higher Consciousness. 

YouTube: @MelissaFeick33