Twin Paradox Book One

Season Two ... Chapter Forty-One: Everyone Just Calls Me Zero

August 01, 2021 King Everett Medlin Season 2 Episode 42
Season Two ... Chapter Forty-One: Everyone Just Calls Me Zero
Twin Paradox Book One
More Info
Twin Paradox Book One
Season Two ... Chapter Forty-One: Everyone Just Calls Me Zero
Aug 01, 2021 Season 2 Episode 42
King Everett Medlin

In this episode, Zero and Young-Min Jo finally meet.  They're attracted to one another; no question there.  Zero can't believe her eyes.  Didn't realize he'd once been a Lieutenant.  Simply has to ask him all about the space mission to Kapteyn B and all that he experienced there.  Gives them plenty to talk about as they walk up the driveway to Min-Pharma's world headquarters then down to the parking garage where there's a private elevator.  The elevator requires scanning the palm of one's hand in order to activate it.  Zero offers to let Young-Min do the honors, not realizing it won't work.  That's because Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints.

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, Zero and Young-Min Jo finally meet.  They're attracted to one another; no question there.  Zero can't believe her eyes.  Didn't realize he'd once been a Lieutenant.  Simply has to ask him all about the space mission to Kapteyn B and all that he experienced there.  Gives them plenty to talk about as they walk up the driveway to Min-Pharma's world headquarters then down to the parking garage where there's a private elevator.  The elevator requires scanning the palm of one's hand in order to activate it.  Zero offers to let Young-Min do the honors, not realizing it won't work.  That's because Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints.

Hello, and welcome back to Twin Paradox.  I'm King Everett Medlin and what you're hearing is a SciFi trilogy I wrote four years ago under the pseudonym Purple Hazel.  Twin Paradox follows my first podcast series entitled Deathwalker Colony, which is now a full length novel available for purchase on Amazon.  Go online and check it out!  It's on sale today in E-book format, as well as the first two books in the Rijel 12 Series, The Rise of New Australia and Return of Anarchy.  

In this episode, Zero and Young-Min Jo finally get to meet.  They're attracted to one another; no question there.  Zero can't believe her eyes.  Didn't realize he'd once been a Lieutenant.  Simply has to ask him all about the space mission to Kapteyn B and all that he experienced there.  Gives them plenty to talk about as they walk up the driveway to Min-Pharma's world headquarters then down to the parking garage where there's a private elevator.  The elevator requires scanning the palm of one's hand in order to activate it.  Zero offers to let Young-Min do the honors, not realizing it won't work.  That's because Identical twins do not have identical fingerprints.

Twin Paradox is a SciFi series encompassing three full length novels; all of which will be read in their entirety during the coming weeks.  You can go online and download the E-books ... or if you prefer, tune in and listen to me read them to you.  So let's continue!   

Ladies and Gentlemen, Chapter Forty-One, Everyone Just Calls Me Zero ....


“Good evening, Mr. ... Jo?" said Zero somewhat timidly, not sure how to address the young man in uniform.  "Or shall I say Ensign?"  Young-Min was still staring into her eyes, mesmerized.  She was exactly the way he'd seen her in those photos he’d viewed during his flight to Toronto.   

Tailored black slacks stretched over shapely hips.  Athletic build.  Military-style shirt just like her hulking security staff members were wearing, but with a wiry physique and shapely breasts.  Hair pulled back into a long ponytail.  No makeup; regardless she was stunning.  In fact the military-style duds she was wearing only made her all the more beautiful! 

"Young-Min.  Just call me Young-Min if you like.  I'm on shore leave anyway," he replied, "… only superior officers at Space Programme ever use titles with me.  I was Lieutenant Junior Grade for a few years before this; and frankly never got used to folks calling me that either." 

Zero's eyes widened.  She'd never realized he'd once been a ranking officer on the Santa Maria.  Only knew he was a crewman, nothing more.  This piqued her interest.  He looked so confident when he said that.  Didn't seem intimidated by those big monsters towering over him - even though he very well should have been.  They were trained killers whether he realized it or not.  

"Well then, Young-Min it is.  Welcome to Min-Pharma headquarters.  My name is Zero and I'm chief of security for your brother's company.  I'll take you to see him now if you're ready.  It's a bit of a walk ... shall I have one of the boys bring your bag?" 

"That won't be necessary, but thanks," he replied.  Then he turned to face the guards who'd been watching over him and politely introduced himself.  The nervous giants stuck out huge hands as he went along and greeted them graciously – like they were two teams shaking hands after a rugby match.  Amazed at his boldness, Zero stepped closer and told him their names.   

"I hope my security team didn't startle you Ensign - I mean, Young-Min.  These are some of my best men.  First off, this is Fetu.  He's in charge of the gate.  Then there's Lagi, Loto, Rangi, Afu, Lakepi, and finally on the far right ... Tukupa."   

Young-Min greeted each and every one of them with a firm handshake that only served to impress him even more as to their immense size; not to mention grip.  His hand was already aching by the time he got to the last one, the Tongan named Tukupa.  The giant islander let down his guard momentarily and soon all of them were smiling like happy natives in sandals and Aloha shirts at a beachside lūʻau.  One of them stooped to pick up his duffel bag (which weighed about 9 kilos) and lifted it up like it was nothing more than a manila envelope filled with tax returns.   

"Sure you don't want Afu to carry it up for you?” asked Zero.  “We have a ways to go ... Boss is on the tenth floor and we have to walk all the way down to the elevator in the garage to get there."  She was glad to offer her guard's assistance as she stood with her hands clasped behind her back.  She looked so fit and so military in this posture that Young-Min would have taken her for a drill instructor.  But he turned down the offer.  He preferred to carry it himself. 

"No.  I've been sitting pretty much all day.  Could use the exercise - could use a little walk to stretch my legs come to think of it.”  Turning to the guards once more, he then pleasantly bid them good night one last time.  "Anyway … glad to meet you gentlemen.  Be seein' you again, I'm sure.  Have a good night."  The guards nodded and wished him well.   

"You too, Young-Min," answered Lagi.   

"Welcome back to Toronto," said Tukupa.   

"Yeah welcome home Mr. ... I mean Young-Min, sorry," added Fetu, "It's great to finally meet you sir."  Young-Min scoffed humbly: 

"Pffft, nah ... you don't have to call me sir.  I'm not a Lieutenant anymore - nobody has to do that now.  Not for a while I'd imagine.  For now I'm just a civilian ... until I have to go back that is.  Just a regular dude for the next twelve months or so."  He then chuckled and the guards laughed contentedly right along with him.  "Thanks again guys," he added, then turned back to Zero and smiled warmly. 

"Well ... I guess I'm all yours now Commander ... or Chief I guess I should say," Young-Min said to her, correcting himself.  "Come to think of it, I'm not sure how to address you if you'll forgive my manners.  What shall I call you ... if I may ask?"   

"Zero, please," she replied, "Everyone just calls me Zero around here."   

Young-Min smiled and began walking back with her across the large courtyard leading to the corporate office building.  “Well then Zero, please lead the way,” he said; still making eye contact.  Zero was impressed with his sense of self-confidence and savoir faire.  That ability to fit in perfectly wherever he went.  Wow … those guards really like him, she thought. 

“You seem to make friends rather fast, Young-Min,” she commented with a smirk as they walked along, Young-Min adjusting the strap of his duffel bag as they did so.  “Fetu and the others?  They liked you.  Usually visitors to our facility are petrified; makes the boys feel self-conscious.”   

Young-Min snickered sarcastically, “Hmmmph, those guys?  Nah, they were alright.  Nearly ripped my arm off shaking my hand, one of ‘em did.  Wouldn’t wanna try messin’ with any of them that’s for sure.”   

Zero chuckled knowingly.  “No, you would not.”  They walked several more paces before Young-Min continued. 

“So those guards all report to you?” asked Young-Min.   

Mmmm-hmmm,” replied Zero proudly.  “Your brother made me head of security a few years ago.  I’ve been working for him many years – in various roles.  He’s quite a man.  Recruited me when I was a nobody.  Gave me my first big break.  Now I get to command his security detail whenever we travel … manage ground security when he’s home.  I’m very grateful to him.  And I must say having you back is … well, I’m sure it’s a very exciting day for the boss.  He is a very busy man usually.  Now it seems your return is all he’s focused on.”   

“Feeling is mutual, Zero,” Young-Min countered.  “I’ve been missing him all these years. Even after all I’ve been through and seen, I still missed him ... every day.  I mean, when we were kids, we were like – I don’t know how to describe it – people didn’t know which was which.  Talked the same, said the same things … kids at the orphanage didn’t even try guessing who was who.  We were almost always together back then.   

“Yes, your brother revealed this to me some time ago … that you were both orphans,” interjected Zero as they crossed the courtyard.  It was so well-lit, it was almost like daylight, their bodies casting long shadows on the artificial turf lawn and paved pathways they strode across.  A wondrous fountain occupied the center, and the driveway eventually turned into an oval for limousines and delivery vehicles to circle around and exit the same way they came in.  Off to one side of the main entrance was a ramp that descended to a subterranean garage.  Zero gestured toward it with her hand, indicating they should walk down it as she continued speaking. 

“I was too, unfortunately.  An orphan.  Had a rough childhood just like you.  Then the boss came along and changed all that.  Can’t imagine where I’d be right now if your brother hadn’t found me when he did,” she said; and this time it struck Young-Min as rather odd how Zero must have felt inclined to point out – for the second time no less – how she was so deeply indebted to his brother for somehow saving her.  Sort of reminded him of when they were kids and Kwang-Min would convince bigger boys to provide protection for them (from other boys as well as the deacons running the place).  Seemed he always had a knack for communicating with those larger fellows.  Recruited them quite easily to protect his and Young-Min’s interests.  Made them see the value in joining in with his and Young-Min’s schemes to smuggle in contraband items – often right under the Jesuit’s noses. 

“Well then, I’m proud to hear how my brother has helped you,” Young-Min replied, trying to be diplomatic.  “And the guards – did he find them too?”   

Zero blurted out almost immediately in response to that question, “Uh, no.  That was all my doing.  I trained them myself, too.”  Then her voice began to echo as they descended the ramp into the lower parking garage.  “We moved into this building a few years ago.  It used to be a school located on this property, but the boss wanted this location next to Alexandra Park.  He had it constructed to be a secure headquarters for the company.  None of the distribution or packaging is done here of course.  That’s all back in China.  Our suppliers are mostly in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  Here we coordinate all our worldwide operations.  Like it?  It’s nice, isn’t it?”   

“Certainly do.  Looks like my ‘ole brother has done well for himself,” he replied.  Then Zero pointed toward a single elevator across the garage.  This was where they were headed it would seem.  The doors of the elevator were painted turquoise, with letters spelling out “Authorized Personnel Only” stenciled onto it.  A pair of long limousines were parked nearby. 

“Here we are Young-Min.  Your brother’s private elevator.  It requires security clearance to enter.  Let me scan the palm of my hand and we can ride it up to the penthouse where the boss lives.  Or then again … maybe I should let you try it first – now that I see you and your brother really are identical twins!”  When saying that she chuckled mirthfully, but Young-Min corrected her.  Identical twins have identical DNA because they’re from the same embryo, yes.  They do not have the same fingerprints.   

“My palm print, you mean?  No (hahah).  It doesn’t work that way I’m afraid,” laughed Young-Min Jo.  "Twins won’t ever have the same palm print.  Might have the same everything else, but not the same fingerprints.  That’s a common misconception by the way.  No, you’ll have to do the honors this time since you’ve obviously got clearance and I don’t.” 

“Oh really?” asked Zero, now intrigued.  This made her even more curious about the differences she could readily detect between Kwang-Min and Young-Min.  “Then tell me,” she continued, as she activated the panel where she could scan her identity into the computer, “how is it you look so much younger than the boss?  Are you not the same age?” 

Young-Min patiently explained the altered effects of aging his body experienced by traveling at nearly the speed of light for an extended period of time.   

“Technically yes, Zero,” he replied.  “I just aged differently being out in space for so long, that’s all.  Moving objects experience time differently than sedentary ones.  Same thing with air ships traveling at high speeds between cities and countries.  As you may know, they have to adjust their clocks when they arrive.  The faster you go and the longer you travel at supersonic speeds, the more dramatic the effect.  That’s how it happens.  Make sense?”   

Zero gave out a curious “hmmm.” It made her all the more curious to hear about his being an astronaut - and what he’d been doing the past 24 years up in space. 

“Wow.  Then you really did spend all those years up there, didn’t you?” she observed.  “Must have been hard … thrilling too, huh?  You got to see alien planets and travel through the galaxy.  Were you scared?  I bet it was frightening, wasn’t it?  I know I would have been.”  It tickled Young-Min’s funny bone when she said that.  This gal didn’t look like she’d be scared of much of anything.  “Did you get to see any space aliens?” she then asked.  “Monsters from other planets?”  Young-Min had been asked this more than a few times already, and had become inured to it.  It was often the first thing people asked him.   

“Bugs and fish mostly,” he replied.  “One really big lizard.  That’s about it.”  Zero winced when he said this.   

“Yuk.  I don’t like lizards … or bugs.  Hate them.”  Truth was, they’d been all around her growing up – infested the building in which the Comfort House was located when she was a prostitute. 

“Then you’d probably want to avoid vacationing on Kapteyn B,” stated Young-Min humorously.  “That was the name of the planet we visited.  Bugs, bugs, and more bugs.  Big ones – practically all over the place.  We had pressure suits to wear because the air was toxic; but those little fuckers crawled all over us when we were outside.  Had to brush them off every time we came in for chow at the end of our work shifts.”   

Zero shivered girlishly, while still maintaining her icy, business-like glare. 

“Ew!” she exclaimed.  “That’s disgusting.  Insects all over you?  I wouldn’t like that one bit.  Reminds me of a place I used to work when I was teenager.  Insects all around back then.  Used to crawl across my legs when I was sleeping.  Gave me nightmares.  How about let’s stop talking about it, okay?”   

Young-Min patted her on the shoulder and gently apologized.  “Sorry.  I didn’t realize it would bother you so much.  And hey by the way, do you have a cafeteria or a mess hall here where I can get me some chow later on?  Haven’t eaten a thing since the flight … five hours I’d guess.  That be alright maybe?”  In answer to this Zero nodded and smiled pleasantly. 

“You’re in luck my friend,” she replied as the elevator doors opened and they stepped inside.  “Your brother is having dinner prepared for you.  Maybeline is making a Korean feast for you, right now as we speak.  Japchae is one of her specialties as a matter of fact.  How does that sound?”  Young-Min snickered embarrassedly.  He’d never actually eaten Korean food.  As far as he knew, the orphanage had taken them in when they were infants.  He’d never been introduced to their native cuisine.   

“Well that sounds delicious, I guess.  Have you tried it before?  What is it?”   

Zero responded by looking up at the ceiling a moment trying to picture what it looked like last time Maybeline had brought some down to her and the guards when she’d cooked too much food for the boss. 

“It’s like a Korean stir-fry.  Have you had that before … stir-fry?” she asked him.  Young-Min shook his head and smirked.   

“Nah.  All I remember was the orphanage food growing up.  Peanut butter 'n jelly sandwiches ... runny spaghetti sauce with pasta.  On the ship I mostly had chicken nuggets and French fries every day – or a hamburger with ketchup and some mixed vegetables.  Never thought to try food from my own culture before.  And why’s Kwang-Min so into that sort of thing now all of a sudden?  We’ve always been Canadian.” 

“Oh, he always try to eat healthy now – now that we got him a chef to cook for him,” she replied.  “So tell me about the mission then.  You went to where?  Kap-teen-bee you said?”  Young-Min sighed when she asked this, not really sure he felt like talking about it.  Sort of reminded him how he’d missed out on so much being taken away from his brother many years before.  Could only imagine what his life might be like now.  Looking around, it was difficult to bear seeing what his brother had accomplished in his absence.  And to think of what he too could have become!  It was overwhelming.   

After all, in his lifetime he’d only achieved becoming an astronaut; whereas his brother was a successful entrepreneur.  This elevator.  This office building.  His beautiful Security Chief Zero.  The guards out front.  The compound.  The limousines!  None of this would be here if it hadn’t been for Kwang-Min Jo.  Young-Min had obviously missed out and it depressed him. 

What if I’d never left? he wondered to himself.  We could have been partners.  I could be sharing in this right now!  Instead he’d risked his life on a dangerous intergalactic space mission that by now no one really seemed to give two shits about.  He was filled with a sense of regret that he’d wasted 14 biological years of his life which could have been spent building a corporate empire with his twin brother.   

“Kapteyn B, yes,” he answered.  “It’s a planet about 14 light years from Earth.  We had to use antiquated propulsion technology back then so it took us many years to get there … nearly as long to return.  Pretty boring really.  Had to build a colony.  Take samples of soil and sea water … plants and things.  Then fly back.  No big deal I guess.  Besides, it looks like my brother did a lot better for himself while I’ve been away.” 

He shrugged and sighed.  Looked toward the closing doors of the elevator and stared at them while Zero faced forward as well.  It suddenly occurred to him that she was slightly taller than him, as her shoulder brushed past his and made contact.  The sensation got his mind off of Kapteyn B and his brother’s comparatively bigger success.  Snapped him out of his malaise.  “Hey, by the way do you folks have a gymnasium here … or a fitness center?” he asked; changing the subject.  “I haven’t gotten to work out since I got back to Earth.”  

Zero chuckled, “Oh yes.  Quite a facility.  The guards and I work out there a lot.  You’re welcome to join us anytime.  They’ll get a kick out of seeing you there let me tell you.  The boss doesn’t exercise.  Hardly leaves his office.”  She continued distractedly, as though this detail about Kwang-Min might be bothersome to her in some way.  “He just … well, I mean … he doesn’t go there, let’s put it that way.  But you … yes, be my guest.  If my guards see you there working out I know they’d be thrilled.”  She then fell silent for a few moments before snickering once more observing the similarities between the two brothers. 

“God, you two look so much alike.  Except for eye glasses.  Do you have to wear glasses to read?”  Young-Min smiled and shook his head, looking at her when he answered.  

“Nah.  Never have.”  Their eyes met once again and for just a brief moment.  Zero grinned sheepishly and dipped her face.  She then looked back toward the elevator doors once more. 

God, he’s gorgeous, she mused to herself.  Wish I could just ….  


But the thought was a fleeting one at best; for regardless of how young, virile, athletic, handsome, desirable, and inviting he may have seemed to Zero, she knew full well where her loyalties lay.  Kwang-Min Jo had done everything for her.  Had altered the course of her life.  He’d recognized something in her that others had not.  He’d provided her a way out when others had cruelly taken advantage of her.  He’d made her into this new person that she loved being.  She had power.  She had influence.  She had money.  She had all she’d ever dreamed of.  And this dishy fellow standing next to her – back straight and strong, unlike her company’s normally stooped at the shoulders CEO – was nothing but the twin brother of the man she had sincere affection for.  This was not Kwang-Min Jo.  Only a body double.   

And as for whatever Kwang-Min Jo intended for him in terms of a role within the corporation (if any)?  That, fortunately, was none of her business.  Whatever fate lay in store for the handsome officer from Space Programme was up to the boss.

This concludes tonight's podcast of Twin Paradox, Chapter 41:  Everyone Just Calls Me Zero.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Watch for chapter 42; which I'll be posting very soon. 

By the way, there is only one more chapter left in Season Two!  Season Three yet to come!  Not only that, I am proud to tell you that I'm currently writing an amazing new book entitled The English Waitress.  It too will be coming out this fall.   Go to for more information as well as updates.  A link can be found in the transcript for this episode ... as well as a synopsis.  Go online and check it out!

I'm King Everett Medlin.  Thanks for tuning in.