GATHER with Minerva's Books & Ideas
GATHER with Minerva's Books & Ideas
Gather Podcast Trailer
Gather round and get a taste of this new bookish wonderland from Amy Tsilemanis and Minerva's Books & Ideas, exploring the lives of books and the ideas they ignite and illuminate.
Dreamt up and produced in Ballarat, Australia on Wadawurrung Country
Each episode will be woven around a theme, using a particular book or books as the seed- we’ll roam through the world of booksellers, travel, fairytales, coming of age, the weird and wonderful world of collectors, the sea, the sky, wherever the ideas take us, and enjoy the work of musicians, writers, and more. Come along for the ride. Episode One- booksellers and storytellers will be out in December 2020 in 2 parts- an extravaganza of book loving and creativity, a little audio gift to end a crazy year.
Podcast set up and first episode is proudly supported by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, provided through Regional Arts Australia, and administered in Victoria by Regional Arts Victoria.
Subscribe now! and #gatherwithminervas
Gather Podcast Trailer
[A delightful sound of choir leading into plucked guitar and different voices introducing the show, with guitar continuing underneath]
Woman’s voice: Ah everyone, you are listening to Gather
Child’s voice: You’re listening to Gather
Woman’s voice with dog bark in background: To Gather
Woman’s voice with American accent: Gather
[Same guitar doing a sweet little riff with the faint sound of pencil scribbling beneath. Sound of guitar continues beneath the host’s introduction]
Woman’s Voice (Amy Tsilemanis, Gather host): This is Amy Tsilemanis and this is my new podcast Gather, with Minerva’s Books and Ideas, where we’ll explore the lives of books and the ideas they ignite and illuminate.
Each episode will be woven around a theme, using a particular book or books as the seed. We’ll roam through the world of booksellers, travel, fairy tales, coming of age, the weird and wonderful world of collectors, the sea, the sky, wherever the ideas take us, and enjoy the work of musicians, writers, and more.
(instrumental piano music swells beneath the voice- ‘Minerva’s Idea’ by Ellen Sorensen)
Come along for the ride. Episode One: booksellers and storytellers, will be out in December 2020 in two parts, an extravaganza of book loving and creativity, a little audio gift to end a crazy year.
Child’s voice: It’s quite an interesting story I guess. [music fades out, voices fade in]
[The sound of women sweetly singing accapella ‘coles book arcade, book arcade, it is in Melbourne town, of all the book stores in this land… (fades out)]
Woman’s voice: So then I had to go down the rabbit hole of looking up everything I could about E.W. Cole.
[orchestral music]
Woman’s voice: And the friend actually pointed that out and said you need to know about Cole’s Book Arcade if you’re interested in Melbourne and interested in books and interested in writing. It was the heart and soul of Melbourne for 30 or 40 years. How do I not know this story?
Woman’s voice: Imagine being in there with an orchestra and a monkey and the ah (laughs) you know, the fernery, and sooo many books in one space.
Woman’s voice: You know I think he was… he was certainly a Utopian and he had an incredible faith in humankind.
Man’s voice: He fired the imagination and the sense of humour of many Victorians.
Woman’s voice: I guess that’s why it has always been one of the most honourable trades [bookselling].
Amy: We’re all a bit odd aren’t we? [laughs].
Woman’s voice: A bit kooky, we’re a bit kooky.
[instrumental music fading up to sit beneath voice]
Amy: Gather with Minerva’s Books and Ideas, coming soon.