Massive Agent Podcast

Why TOUGH LOVE Equals More Business for Realtors

β€’ Dustin Brohm β€’ Episode 340

Want to get hired more as a Realtor? Become comfortable telling prospective buyers and sellers what they DON'T want to hear.

When you as a professional deliver "bad news", it builds trust. People are so used to being told whatever they want to hear. But the moment a real estate agent tells them something they may not like, it actually brings the prospect CLOSER to you, not pushes them away.

In this episode, Dustin Brohm discusses the importance of developing the skill of telling potential clients something they don't want to hear. He emphasizes the need for intellectual honesty and the power of building trust by providing accurate and truthful information. Brohm also talks about the importance of surrounding oneself with people who have achieved what one wants to achieve and highlights the upcoming Ignite 2024 Team Builder Summit in Salt Lake City. He encourages agents to challenge their current situations and make bold decisions to align with their goals.


August 7 & 8, 2024, I'm hosting an intimate mastermind in Salt Lake City for real estate team leaders, and agents who want to be. The event is called Ignite 24 Team Builder Summit, which is specifically for those already running real estate sales teams, and agents who want to.

We have some of the BEST and BIGGEST team leaders in the country speaking at the event.
- Neel Dhingra - Founder of Forward Academy & industry leader
- Paige Steckling - massive social influencer & leader of Utah's Finest Realtors
- Michael Perry - runs #1 team in Utah and #1 team at Real Broker.
- Jonathan Campbell - runs #5 team in U.S.!!
- Dustin Brohm - Host of Massive Agent Podcast
- and more announced soon!

The networking opportunities here are insane. Come spend 2 days in the same room as some of the biggest, baddest team leaders in real estate, and ask them anything.

Check out the VIP tickets, as they include a VIP dinner with all the speakers.


CLICK HERE to Learn how to build your real estate exit strategy and make more $ in less time at my free Freedom Blueprint webinar on October 2nd -


Ignite '24 Team Builder Summit in SLC - Oct 9 & 10 - GET TICKETS

Referral Network: Claim your market *exclusively* in the new Massive Agent Referral Network - CLICK HERE

REAL Broker - Learn how we can be business partners and build a business together @ Ξ“EAβ…ƒ Broker- CLICK HERE

Ready to join Real Broker?
SIGN UP HERE and if you list me, Dustin Brohm, as your sponsor when you sign up, we'll literally become business partners and I'll personally help you grow your real estate business!

Massive Agent Society: my Coaching program for real estate agents that I wish existed when I was starting out as a Realtor. Join the Society HERE