UNcomplicating Business for Teachers, Helpers, and Givers

A Sneak Peek - Mark Your Calendar!

Sara Torpey Season 2 Episode 42

There are a LOT of oppotunities coming your way in the not so distant future from the UNcomplicating Business world, and I wanted to take a minute to share them with you here. If you want to sell in a way that feels like you, make more offers, set goals in a whole new way (that you'll actually like AND use), and maybe even get coached, take a listen and follow the links to sign up for what fits YOU!

Join the free FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/uncomplicatingbusiness/

Book a free 1:1 conversation about coaching: https://www.torpeycoaching.com/book-online

Sign up for my next workshop here:


Welcome, welcome. This is sort of a tiny episode in between episodes, I'm calling it episode 42.5. As my math brain likes to do, what I want to do today really quick is give you a sneak peek at some of the things coming up in the uncomplicated business world. So that you know what's available to you. 

Plenty of it is free, some of it is paid, but all of it is bananas worth it. So, this is just me giving you a quick sense of what's coming in the next couple of months, so you don't miss out. 

First, tomorrow, which is November 1, I am holding a workshop I call the simple way to make three offers a day. Three plus offers a day, which is all about learning how to make more offers without making it so complicated. We talk about offers all the time, actually, the podcast episode that comes after this 43 is all about making your offers better. So the challenge, the workshop comes with a 15 day challenge that follows it over email. And it is generally what I find from people is when they do the workshop, they get a ton out of it. 

Some of them get clients right away, because they're making more offers. Because honestly, more offers translates directly to more money, like when people know what you have, they can buy it and right now, you're probably not telling them enough. So this is really just a way for you to change how you're thinking about offers. And in really how you think about sales in a straightforward and simple to use kind of way to make everything you're doing a little easier. 

It is $23 the link is on the show notes are in the transcript for this, we're on the page for the website or the episode two. So you can grab that anywhere. But if you're going to do that sign up today, if you miss the November 1 workshop, it does come in the recording. So if you sign up late, you'll still get all the parts. And you'll have your 15 days of me helping you which is the other part of it. That's amazing. 

Second, the second thing coming is a workshop in my group, which is called uncomplicated business for teachers helpers and givers just like this podcast, it is going to be on Monday, November 28, at noon, Eastern and it is about bridging, connecting and selling. So one of the things I hear from clients all the time is that they have lots of Connect calls, they meet one on one with lots of new people but never create sales. And I think that there are some very simple changes, there's I know there's some very simple changes that we all can make that start turning connections into clients without being weird about it. 

So on the 20th, we're going to do that workshop together, we're going to talk through it all I love a good workshop, I can't help myself. And so if you it's definitely free joining the group is free joining the workshop is free. If you can't make it live, it will be recorded. All of that is good. 

The next thing that's going to happen is if you are looking to change how you sell, change really like how you feel about selling and decide, after all to get over the IQ about selling. I am reopening my course with a new name, it is going to be called selling for weirdos. It is selling for those of us that don't believe in the traditional version of sales or that really just haven't found it effective. 

So it is going to open the first full week in December for you to access. I will put the link in the notes so that you can find the page it really is. It's 15 modules. It's organized like a teacher would have organized easy to follow all the feedback from the first round. One of the clients who took the course with me in the first round, was still sends me it was last spring still sends me messages on a pretty regular basis about how impactful it was and how much it has changed how free she feels in her business to help people and then make money as a result and that is what I want you to walk away from that course with the ability to give people what you have show up and be yourself and make money as you help people that's what we're going to change because selling doesn't have to be stalking friends that sucks. 

The fourth thing on the list is that every year in December in the uncomplicated business group in the Facebook group, I do a planning workshop this year it is going to be December 13 14th and 15th. And I'm considering calling it what did I write down the other day sorry, I non traditional goal setting for non traditional business is because I think so much of the way we've been taught to sell goals doesn't really serve us. If the way you're setting goals is great for you right now, cool, we'll do some traditional kinds of things there, you know, metrics and numbers and all the stuff. 

But if what you've been doing doesn't work for you, and you feel like all you do is fail your goals and just beat yourself over the head with them. Because you're failing them and it just makes everything harder, then we're going to do some different things to we, it's three days, it's going to be the 13th 14th 15th. That's December at noon, Eastern every day, it is free, it comes with worksheets, it's always my favorite there, I always do a couple of little giveaways just because I can and it's fun. So if you want to join that, please mark your calendars now. And then the last thing is the last round of group coaching that is available for the 2023 calendar year starts next week. I have right now as we speak one spot open. 

And if you'd like to get coached, this is a great way to do it. It as the most recent client who joined told me, I am worth $150 a week, my business is worth $150 a week. And my family and friends will thank me for having joined. So honestly, like that was the best pre testimonial ever. Because really what she was saying is she calculated the cost by the number of meetings. So it's 20 meetings over 20 weeks in the group. And it really is a blend of all about you. And then learning together. Everybody gets coached individually every week, we deal with the problems and the questions and the concerns that are coming up in your individual businesses.

 But we also grow together. And there's always a topic at hand and a focus because that's my job. So if you are looking for community, as well as growth, group coaching is a phenomenal way to do it. And I want this resource to be something you have access to so you can join us. But you have to send a note and say you want to this week because this is when it ends. 

So if you have questions, let me know. I am always also accessible by email and all the ways feel free to reach out through my website which is Torpey coaching.com, through the Facebook group through LinkedIn through whatever I am here through email, I'm just Sara Torpey coaching.com I look forward to seeing you at all things, the paid things, the free things, everything in between and if there's something you've been looking for, but you're not hearing about let me know because I'm game for a workshop. I can't wait to see you at all the stuff happening this fall. Enjoy and I'll see you there