Last Week on Earth with GARI

Stakeholder Capitalism with Sibylle Barden

Global Arena Research Institute Episode 32

Sibylle Barden is an author and SDG and ESG strategist. She is an early champion of Stakeholder Capitalism. Her latest political novel „The Honeyguide“ was selected by the Frankfurt Book Fair as “one of 8 revolutionary books recommended for film adaptation”. Your host for this episode is Michal Koran, the Founder of the Global Arena Research Institute. Enjoy subscribe and share!

  • Stakeholder capitalism - what is it?
  • Regions are developing or even stagnating unevenly - despite all the funds and strategies - creating a divisive environment in Europe
  • Klaus Schwab's “great reset”
  • 200 big global players committed to the ESGs and SDGs  
  • Biodiversity and climate change
  • Almost a million plant and animal species to become extinct in the coming decades
  • Issue of taxation - corporations to pay their fair share
  • Call for a global tax system?
  • ESG is not just there for the planet, it's a new business model 
  • Clean supply chains
  • More regulation and measuring 

"The world of tomorrow was yesterday" - Michal Koran

Supported by: International Visegrad Fund

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