Change Mind & Life

Thoughts about God "God Has His Part - You Have Your Part"

William Dawson, LMFT, M. DIV

God is in charge of the time given to human history, but God mostly works through people to fulfill His will on earth. This seems to be a principle of life on earth. God is in charge and He may not tell you exactly what He is doing, and how He has planned to win the war. God may allow the enemy to win some battles and then turn around and win the war just to make a point that will only make sense in eternity. We will understand more better when the morning comes.  Nehemiah 2: 7 "Moreover I said unto the king, If it please the king, let letters be given me to the governors beyond the river, that they may convey me over till I come into Judah;" (now remember that Nehemiah had prayed to God for wisdom, and he continued to speak to the king with respect. No matter who spiritual we are, when we are in situations under government control, we still need to ask with wisdom and respect even when we disobey the rules. Nehemiah could have thought, "I have the kings permission and the grace of God, I don't need anything else. " However, he asked for more human clarification in the form of documentation of his authority.