Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Looking for a quick dip into the world of Masters Swimming? Join us for TST Quick Splash, a bite-sized podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the sport. Whether it's highlights from global masters swim meets or insights into open water swims, your host or special guests will deliver a concise and informative report. You'll also get valuable training tips, dry-land ideas, and product reviews to help you improve your performance in and out of the water.
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Torpedo Swimtalk with Nick Hope - Masters Swimmer and Sports Journalist
Today on Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast I am joined by Nick Hope who is a champion British Masters Swimmer and a renowned Sports Journalist. It was so enjoyable chatting to him, while he shared his unique perspective from both angles.
How does a successful freelance journalist, who follows the big sporting events round the globe - think Olympics, Paralympics and World Championships - fit his own masters swimming training into that schedule? Where and how does he train and what is the secret to his success?
Juxtapose onto that story, the wonderful experiences he can share from pool deck in his interviews with many champions of swimming from around the world, and I think you will find many gems of advice in Nick's discussion on this episode of Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
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