Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Looking for a quick dip into the world of Masters Swimming? Join us for TST Quick Splash, a bite-sized podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the sport. Whether it's highlights from global masters swim meets or insights into open water swims, your host or special guests will deliver a concise and informative report. You'll also get valuable training tips, dry-land ideas, and product reviews to help you improve your performance in and out of the water.
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast with Sam Poulsen - marathon swimmer and cold water enthusiast
Marathon Swimmer Sam Poulsen embodies determination and true grit as she conquers open water swim adventures. She has successfully crossed the English and North Channels in the UK and has plans for some exciting un-chartered swims in the near future. Sam shares all her tips and what she has learnt on today's Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast episode.
What kind of training does she do to prepare for these epic adventures; Which type of mindset does she use before and during the swim; and how does she combat the cold water extremes, tides and jellyfish she encounters on these swims.
Learn from Sam's experience and take that away to your own training and preparation for your next open water swim adventure.
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