Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Looking for a quick dip into the world of Masters Swimming? Join us for TST Quick Splash, a bite-sized podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the sport. Whether it's highlights from global masters swim meets or insights into open water swims, your host or special guests will deliver a concise and informative report. You'll also get valuable training tips, dry-land ideas, and product reviews to help you improve your performance in and out of the water.
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast with Kirsten Cameron - New Zealand Open Water Swimming Champion and FINA Masters Swimming WR holder
Today's guest is World Masters Record Holder and NZ Open Water Swim Champion Kirsten Cameron. We chat about how Kirsten got into Masters Swimming in her 30's, how she broke 12 World Masters Records and the time she beat Olympic Gold Medallist Claudia Poll in the 200 Freestyle.
What motivates and inspires Kirsten to train? Why she enjoys Open Water Swimming so much and how she competed on the FINA World Cup Marathon circuit. We discuss Kirsten's favourite training sets; differences in Masters Swimming in New Zealand, Australia and England; and swimming the English Channel with some buddies.
Kirsten is an inspiring and lively guest, who will pique your interest in finding out about her winning mindset as she races.
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