Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Looking for a quick dip into the world of Masters Swimming? Join us for TST Quick Splash, a bite-sized podcast that keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments and trends in the sport. Whether it's highlights from global masters swim meets or insights into open water swims, your host or special guests will deliver a concise and informative report. You'll also get valuable training tips, dry-land ideas, and product reviews to help you improve your performance in and out of the water.
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast
Torpedo Swimtalk Podcast with Robby Cox from Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast
Would you like to hear two swimming obsessed podcasters, chewing the fat on all things swimming?
Well on this week's episode, Robby Cox from "Off The Blocks Swimming Podcast" and myself definitely gave it a go!!!
How did we get started in podcasting? Who have we enjoyed interviewing? What have we learned about coaching, swimming, racing, training, the Olympics and much much more. We even touched on the culture in Australian swimming, both historically and at present. What in our humble view should happen with the newly formulated advisory panel.
In fact we could have kept talking about swimming all day, and also regaling stories from our own experiences on pool deck.
We really hope you enjoy listening into this collaboration, as much as we enjoyed making it!
You can connect with Off the Blocks via all links at:
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Torpedo Swimtalk is sponsored by AMANZI SWIMWEAR
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