Curious Worldview

John Christensen | How Offshore Finance Corrodes Culture, Politics & A Globalised World

John Christensen Episode 182

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Just how cancerous and pernicious to culture, politics and a globalised world is offshore finance and financial opacity?

Few if any people in the world are better suited to answer this question than John Christensen, who co-founded the Tax Justice Network and is a prolific author, journalist and documentary producer, probably best known for producing ‘the spiders web’ which millions and millions of views later looks into the weird and devastating influence of the City Of London (of which we expand deeply in the podcast)

I recorded this in person with John earlier this year and props to Jim Henry, who was an early guest on this pod who introduced us. This is by far the most in depth podcast interview John Christensen has ever participated in.

This is an extensive interview which flows up the sides, but never spills out of the river which is the downstream and disastrous effects of offshore finance. There is lots of attention paid to the UK, the lawyers, tax havens, culture, real estate, kleptocrats, foreign aid and a hell of a lot more as well.
