Finding Your Financial Voice Podcast with Dr. Anita

Finding Your Financial Voice Podcast Presents Shawn Saxton

October 13, 2021 Anita Johnson Season 3 Episode 2

About Shawn Saxton
Licensed Minister | Author-International Number one Best Seller (Amazon) | Key Note/Motivational Speaker | Certified Life/Transitional Coach/Domestic Violence | HIV Advocate/Entrepreneur

Shawn Saxton, a graduate of Florida Metropolitan University Master’s Business Administration and Bachelor’s Science Degrees.

Shawn founded the Ramah Empowerment Center, Inc. in 2013, a non-profit organization that’s specific to girls ages 10-65 years of age. 

The program targets girls who are at risk of developing harmful traits provoked by negative influences and experiences.

An advocate for Domestic Violence/Intimate, Suicide, Mental Health/Substance Abuse and for Children in the state systems, at-risk girls.

Connect With Shawn
Ms. Shawn Saxton BS, MBA
PO Box 261992 Tampa, FL 33685
(860) 800-2079
FB: Shawn Lovely Saxton