Satsang Podcasts from the Himalayas, from

Comunicating from Oneness

Shree, Sherrie Wade - Transformation

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A great deal of upset and anger comes from difficult interactions and conversations with loved ones, friends, or colleagues. Why is this? It is because we all have our own life experiences and ideas of right and wrong. Two minds or egos can never think totally alike.   But we love to have harmony and agreement. When there is an agreement we feel supported and loved and when there is disharmony we suffer.  Total agreement is impossible but we keep trying to do the impossible.

When we know that the purpose of communication is to please one another then our whole focus changes. We decide to speak to enjoy each other's company rather than to be right. When we see our own Self in all beings then we can focus on where we are one and not on trying to get two ego minds to agree,  We focus on the love that united us rather than the differences. We can ask for what we want but have no need to demand it. Instead, our need is for peaceful interactions, acceptance, understanding, and love. 

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