The Multifamily Mindset Podcast

10 Confidence Destroyers to Avoid for Personal and Business Success w/ Dallas Pruitt

The Multifamily Mindset Season 1 Episode 948

Dallas Pruitt emphasizes building confidence through authenticity, resilience, and self-awareness. He outlines ten "confidence destroyers" and encourages listeners to identify areas for growth in personal development.

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Follow Tyler & Dallas on Instagram:

Tyler Deveraux (@tyler_deveraux), CEO of Multifamily Mindset & Managing Partner of Multifamily Capital Partners
Dallas Pruitt (@dalpruitt), Founder of LIVE LIFE Mission and Resident Mindset Consultant at the Multifamily Mindset
►Cyndi Maguire (@cyndigap), Real Estate Investor & Consultant at the Multifamily Mindset
►Kyle Brown, Fulfillment Acquisitions Manager at the Multifamily Mindset
►Zach Rucker (@zachrucker), Underwriting Mentor at the Multifamily Mindset

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