
Episode 20: Régnié Zellweger (Featuring Erik Longabardi of Floral Terranes)

Disgorgeous Season 1

Erik Longabardi aka @erikrobertlong, noted booze saint from the bowels of Long Island, joins the boys on their most freewheeling episode yet. They discuss cider, French pronunciation, ms-13, and Régnié, which, spoiler alert, fucking rules. Go buy some. Also notable is that Erik said "Seminary" about 100 million times and Duck didn't make any of the jokes he wanted to make. You're welcome.// List/// George Descombes, Régnié, 2016// Julien Sunier, Régnié, 2015// Selection Philippe Jambon, "Une Tranche Régnié," NV// Floral Terranes, "Rosemary Farm," 2016// Floral Terranes, "Harbor Hill," 2017//

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