She's All That Video-Podcast

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โ€ข September Smith & Roz Miller-Choice โ€ข Season 4 โ€ข Episode 5

Your personal brand is a key element of your media and speaking campaign strategy. We're talking with  Roz, The Expert Makerยฎ (Roz Miller-Choice) who is an expert in that - and a speaker at the Break Through with Media summit, June 14-16 - and in this conversation Roz shares

  • the role it plays in your strategy
  • how they came to be a leading expert
  • some examples of people using it effectively, and
  • more!

We're going even deeper on this at the summit - and all the other facets of your media, speaking, PR and publicity strategy

The BREAK THROUGH WITH MEDIA Summit is a FREE, virtual event, June 14 - 16, offering live interactive sessions with experts in the fields of media like television, podcasting, radio, magazine, and news, speaking, publicity, and PR to help entrepreneurs, authors, and start-ups quickly understand how they can step their brand up to more prestigious, credible platforms, stages, and pages

We want to provide an interactive expo experience for your to get the big picture, see the opportunities for you, and meet knowledgeable experts that can make this the year you have the break through you've been dreaming of.


You can find Roz at:

September Smith:

Welcome to the She's All That video podcast. This season of the podcast is all about the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA virtual summit that we're holding and all about the amazing industry experts that are speaking at the summit who will give entrepreneurs, authors and thought leaders, people just like you, a powerful alternative to the fast-deteriorating tool of social media for your marketing and visibility. The next big opportunity that you need to rapidly uplevel your positioning and your reach is media exposure, TV, podcast, radio news, speaking opportunities, publicity, PR and more. The free BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit provides you with a constellation of experts information and strategy to give you the big picture of how you can get started. Our guest today is a key piece in that puzzle. I am so happy to have Roz Miller-Choice with me here today. Roz is the Expert Maker. Roz is the host of the weekly television show called the expert maker TV. In each episode, viewers get to watch as a guest has transformed from being the best kept secret to the go to expert in their industry with the help of Roz and her team. So Roz, you're using three decades of on camera television experience. That's right. That's what you bring to this as well as incredible. And so the expertise, the personal expertise you have working as an on camera, personality and TV for three decades. You're bringing that into your expertise and personal branding. So who is it that you work with?


Oh, well, we work with an elite group of coaches, speakers, authors, consultants, small business owners, service providers, like therapists or interior decorators, personal organizers, people who have a specialty in their field.

September Smith:

Wow, you know, some of that list of industries and expertise and careers that you're talking about. It was like, do they really need a personal brand, but I guess figure it out? Where's your expertise? Where's your personal brand? Wow. All right. With that, I need to ask you, what is personal brand? And how does that relate to the whole theme of getting media exposure and speaking?


Well, you know what, I'll start with this. Your personal brand comes after something really important. And that's clarity, getting really clear, crystal clear on who you are, who you service, how you serve them, and the unique thing that you bring to the table. And that unique thing that you bring to the table is your brand. So in all honesty, more than likely, unless you're doing something special in the tech world. You're offering a service that already exists that lots of other people are also offering, right. But your brand is what new thing, what unique thing, your authenticity that you personally no one else could bring to that service or product that you're offering. So when you're talking about media, once you have clarified who you are, and your brand starts to evolve, because it doesn't necessarily happen overnight, your brand evolves right as you evolve. And so once you have that in place, now is the time to start to become more visible. You are your brand you need to bring your brand to the public. And what does that means? It means being visible it means possibly writing articles. For me it's being on a television show it it may mean publicity oriented things social media, it means podcasting or being a guest on podcasts. That's another really good way to be visible. One of the things I asked myself every day is where am I showing up for my clients today? How am I showing up for them today? Whether it's on ads, you'll usually find me in some kind of a sponsored ad or on social media, or or on my television show or in a radio interview. In a print interview, all of those opportunities to be visible. The point of being visible is you need to be top of mind for when your clients or would be clients need you. They may not need you today. But if you're constantly in their inbox, because you have sent them a newsletter or an announcement, again, that's another way of being visible and in front of potential clients on a daily basis. And you don't have to send out your newsletter on a daily basis. I just mean being visible in their purview every single day. That falls to the bottom line. You know It becomes an opportunity for you to make a sale. And if you're going to be in business, if you're going to have a brand and a business, you have got to be making sales, marketing and sales falls on you as the CEO of your business.

September Smith:

So the whole thing of brand and having having figured out, effectively, creatively, exactly what your personal brand is that it just informs all of that,


it does, everything starts to fall in place, it really does. It helps your marketing, because what happens is, once you have determined your personal brand, and you are clear on who you serve, what happens is this, your clients can now almost hear your voice in terms of they know, oh, I want to work with her. Now understand something, you don't want to work with everyone. You're not for everyone. Every everyone's not for you. But those who are to be your ideal clients will resonate with your brand, they'll resonate with the personal brand story that you tell they'll resonate with your message.

September Smith:

Yeah, so I mean, don't even start with any of that until you know what that personal brand is.


Absolutely, it's really important it is or else you're just selling something that everyone else is selling. And I think the other thing is that when you get clear on your message and who you are. It's really strange. There is a transformation that happens when you're clear on what you offer. Other people get really clear on what you offer and can then refer you. However, if you are all over the place, I sell eyelashes in real estate and jackets, and then I also do some coaching. No one can really refer you because they're not sure what you do.

September Smith:

Now, this does that also apply to how people are showing up like when you speak of your personal brand? How you show up how you appear though, the persona. I mean, not that it should be a fake persona or anything. I mean, it's the real you. But if one day you're dancing on Tik Tok, and the next day, you're sitting at a business desk, and then another day you're doing like that's I find that very confusing.


At work, it is confusing. It's sending mixed messages. And you don't want to do that you want to send an absolute clear message. Here's who I am. Here's what I do. Here's who I do it for.

September Smith:

So before we get too far away from it, I just can't help. But I want to go back to your background. It fascinates me. So what tell us a little more about your background. And from that background, how did you come to be working in this area of specialization?


Alright, so I spent nearly 30 years in the New York market as a television reporter, producer and anchor. And so either into TV, that was for television, specifically for television, I worked for CNN, I worked for W CBS, which is the New York affiliate of CBS, and also the New York affiliate for NBC. So I have this writing, and visual, and storytelling background. As a reporter, it was my job to tell a story. And what was happening was and the other thing was, I often did some investigative reporting, right? And when you're an investigative reporter, your job is to ask questions, ask the right questions, in order to get information from people. When I started, my own business friends would come to me colleagues would come to me, and I would recognize some value that they had on expertise that they had, that they couldn't see. And I couldn't figure out why they couldn't see it. So like, for example, there's a woman who her son is now an adult, but he had special needs when he was growing up. And she developed a whole system to help him. She put certain types of things in his room, she encouraged different kinds of classes and and gave him different types of training and worked with this child. He became an amazing musician, as an adult. And I asked her, that's terrific. I went, have you ever shared that with anyone? And she thought to herself, who else would lead it? Who else would meet

September Smith:

every other parent with your life experience going through what you went through?


Going through what you went through and could use your resources can shortcut the process By the information that you have to offer, so there's a lot of people that are walking around with information, not even realizing that they're an expert. And so that's where my business originally came from. I started recognizing people's expertise long before they could write now I created a brand around it.

September Smith:

Oh, I was going to ask you, yeah, so excuse me? How does that thing of expertise and brands, how, how do you meld those together?


It takes some patience. Because when I work with clients, it's my job to one, discover their expertise, I call that uncovering their genius. And through a series of interviews and working with someone, I then start to pull out their brand, I see how they operate, I see what's important to them, their values, how they operate in the world, how they conduct their lives. And I then take that information and meld it with what it is they're an expert in. And now we can create a personal brand now we can create services and products for them to sell.

September Smith:

Ah, okay. Okay, so as my personal brand is not just kind of your personality, it is, as you say, it's how you do things, how you show about, like, how you approach the world?


Exactly, oh, I have a, a psychotherapist, who, he has the most calming way about him. And I thought, Hmm, that beautiful, calm way, what products and services could we offer that will highlight that thing that's just natural to you. And we came up with a series of meditation tapes for him as well, to offer to clients to help them sleep to help them relax, and so on. And that's not something that normally a therapist would have. But we knew it was right for him, right for his brand, because of just sort of the personality that he has.

September Smith:

Oh, man, that makes so much sense. So for the most part, you said, like, quite often people just don't see this thing that is actually their shining expertise, because I guess we take ourselves from what we do for granted. Right? How do they even know that they need to come to somebody to help them figure out where that expertise lies?


I think that's an easy one. So if people call you an ask, Can I pick your brain? If colleagues and friends come to you, for specific subject matter, if you're the go to person when it comes to x, then you have some knowledge to share. Other people have realized that you just haven't figured it out yet. Good

September Smith:

point. Very good point. Yep. All right. So that's that's kind of your litmus test is, if you're getting that question, Can I pick your brain? Now, I know from your TV, show that you've got the extra maker TV. You have all kinds of amazing case studies you read there on screen, you're working with people helping them pull this out. And with that, kind of melt that into a personal brand. Can you give us an example just to kind of whet people's appetite on of one of your clients that you worked with? Oh,


goodness, all right. I was working with a social worker who had started a facility in the New York, New York area, to where young people, place for them to gather and to be in each other's company. Sort of these at risk young people who couldn't relate to adult and didn't have sort of that peer group. Man, the last we started working together, and I could not believe all that started to pour out of this woman. Before we finished. She had a book. She went on tour to start her speaking career. She just sent me a note a couple of days ago, she was speaking at a youth prison. Wow, okay. And she now has a television show as well. So here's the thing about the expert maker. as quiet as it's kept, I don't make experts. Turns out there are people with so much knowledge to share. It's just simply my job to help them bring it to the surface and then package it and turn it into a personal brand and business.

September Smith:

Wow. That's it. That's, that's amazing. So that's just some of the potential there is to actually making sure you're really, really clear on your brand. And in this case, melding it. I mean, I guess in most cases, if you're going to be out there, getting media speaking, getting publicity, and PR, you probably are doing it on the back of your expertise. Yeah, gotta have some substance there. So yeah, being able to match that with like, what is my expertise? And then what is that personal brand? That that has to ride on? Yeah,


I know what, and I think that's, that's when the media is interested in you. Yeah. When you come with some expertise. And when you come with a personality and a personal brand, then you become what you have to say, becomes a little bit more newsworthy, and you start to build your credibility that way,

September Smith:

which is just going to help you with your pitching and getting booked and getting re booked. And yeah, so very, very essential to the whole thing. And Roz, before I go any further, this podcast is just for any of my listeners, to get a taste of Roz Miller-Choice, so you know what she's going to be bringing when she visits and does a session with us at the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit, June 14 to 16th. And what I'm going to be getting into with Roz, and she's going to be doing a presentation. Also, she's going to be covering of such such things as your personal brand and why it's such a key element. We've gotten into that small bit here. And who exactly is this for? Because some people might be thinking, Oh, well, you know, I'm not an expert, but as Rose said, you probably are, and how you should be using it what people need to know to do this effectively, and more tips and strategies and action steps to make this a really powerful part of how you are going to break through with media this year. So Roz, where can people find you?


Well, you can find my information at expert dash maker that's WWW dot expert, Dash

September Smith:

Okay, and those links will be down below in the show notes. And if you want to learn more about how you can be getting media exposures, speaking engagements, PR publicity, and how this can help your business, then make sure you register for the free three day BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit, June 14 to 16th to come and be with Roz and myself, and an amazing gathering of other industry experts that are going to help you learn how you and your business can really have that big breakthrough that you need. The registration page link is also down below in the notes. You do not want to miss this. Roz, thank you so much for being here with me today.


Thank you September. It has been my pleasure. I appreciate you so much.

September Smith:

See you at the summit. And that was just one of the amazing guests that we have at the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit, a three day live virtual event happening June 14 to the 16th to give entrepreneurs authors and thought leaders a panoramic overview of the opportunities, the skills required and the services and tools that you can be using media exposure, speaking opportunities, PR publicity and more to have the major breakthrough that you are looking for 20 industry experts three days all available right from wherever you are and it's free. Register at the link below in the show notes. You will not want to miss this!