She's All That Video-Podcast

𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡! - Virtual Speaking: the Do's, Don'ts and the Dollars with Orly Amor

September Smith & Orly Amor Season 4 Episode 16

Virtual Speaking: the Do's, Don'ts and the Dollars - virtual speaking can turbocharge your business and your income.  I'm  talking with Orly Amor who is an expert in that - and a speaker at the Break Through with Media summit, June 14-16 - and in this conversation Orly shares

  • the role it can play in your strategy
  • how she came to be a leading expert
  • some examples of people using it effectively, and
  • more!

We're going even deeper on this at the summit - and all the other facets of your media, speaking, PR and publicity strategy

The BREAK THROUGH WITH MEDIA Summit is a FREE, virtual event, June 14 - 16, offering live interactive sessions with experts in the fields of media like television, podcasting, radio, magazine, and news, speaking, publicity, and PR to help entrepreneurs, authors, and start-ups quickly understand how they can step their brand up to more prestigious, credible platforms, stages, and pages

We want to provide an interactive expo experience for your to get the big picture, see the opportunities for you, and meet knowledgeable experts that can make this the year you have the break through you've been dreaming of.


You can find Orly at:   or -  text impact 201 word 255312 

September Smith:

She's all there. Welcome to the She's All That video podcast. This season of the podcast is all about the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA virtual summit that we're holding and all about the amazing industry experts that are speaking at the summit who will give entrepreneurs, authors and thought leaders, people just like you, a powerful alternative to the fast-deteriorating tool of social media for your marketing and visibility. The next big opportunity that you need to rapidly uplevel your positioning and your reach is media exposure, TV, podcast, radio news, speaking opportunities, publicity, PR and more. The free BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit provides you with a constellation of experts information and strategy to give you the big picture of how you can get started. Our guest today is a key piece in that puzzle. Today I'm talking with Orly amour, Orly has been a professional speaker and a networking expert for the last decade, she helps public speakers create their business model from public speaking, her gift is to show them how to monetize a craft by taking it seriously and having what she calls business in a box for public speakers, thereby teaching them how to fish Orly speaks three languages fluently, has earned her MBA and her law degree. And she's authored one book with another one on the way the first book is public speakers. You're not all that 12 reasons why event planners won't hire you. Orly. Welcome.


Thank you so much for being here today with me. Thank you so much for having me.

September Smith:

Okay, I have to ask, what's the name of your upcoming book?


It's public speakers, you're still not all that how to navigate the paid virtual speaking world?

September Smith:

You're still not all that? Yeah, just just just keep your ego in check. Oh, I have to ask you started in with an MBA and a law degree, a three languages. And then now for the last decade, you've been doing this speaking and teaching and the coaching, how did this all come about? How did what was your background that you ended up here?


So I actually and that's a great question, by the way. So I actually started speaking in property management. So I've been speaking for almost 25 years now. And full time. So I was speaking first in public at NAB property management. And then a girlfriend of mine asked me to speak at a women's shelter. And I said to her, why would you like to meet to speak about what about property management? She said, No, I want you to come and tell your story. And I said, Oh, no, that's not going to happen. And I'm sure you have a annoying friend, because this was when an annoying friend she called every single day as I refused to speak at this women's shelter. She said, I want you to come and tell your story. And she called every day for three weeks. Are you gonna do it again. And finally I relented, and I spoke at this women's shelter a few months later, and I hired a coach for that. So I believe in coaching, I believe in being coached and getting coached. And so I got a coach to speak with I've never done a motivational speech before. I've been to motivational speaking, but I've never spoke, you know, and so I spoke there. And at this event, I met a woman that wanted to kill herself. And she basically just showed me a piece of paper and said, This is how I was gonna kill myself this morning in front I in fact, I don't remember driving from my house to the shelter. But I heard you speak and I want to live, I just need you to show me how. Wow, that was a real pivotal moment in my life where I wanted to do public speaking for changing lives, and not doing it for the business that I really didn't even care for. I was good at it. But I didn't care for it. And this was a pivotal moment in my life. So that's how I got into public speaking first. And then the coaching just took another it's another story. Wow. So how I mean, most people when they're public speaking, they don't end up being coaches. How did you end up going in the coaching was for public speaking? Yeah, the the coaching was teaching public speakers how to get paid, because there's another aha moment for me is that I've been traveling the world speaking, I'm a certified behavior analyst. So I go into corporations and teach their employees how to close the deal. 98% of the time, especially in sales. I'm a profiler, if you like that more better. I'm a trained profiler with 20,000 hours of watching people on a train the trainer in discs. And that's when I was going around the world speaking about, but I came back from a tour in Europe and I was at art in Arlington at a conference where I was hired to speak. And in the break room for speakers, these three guys came over to me and one of them said, Aren't you Orly Amor, I said yeah - Do I know you? Sorry, I don't remember. And they said, Oh, no, we've never met, officially, but we've seen you on the circuit. I said, Oh, okay. So we started networking and just talking and at 1.1 of them said to me, I'm sorry, I'm just curious. How did you get this gig? I said, I don't know. I called I told them what I speak about, they paid me and I'm here. They all looked at me like if I had three heads, you got paid. Oh, no. What did I just do right? And so they I said You guys didn't and there go, No, we, we got our expenses paid, but we didn't get paid. And I said, No, no, no, I got paid, and I got my expenses paid. And they said, well, we want to know how you did that. And jokingly because you don't know me yet, but you guys get my personality. I like to bust people's chops. So I said, Well, if I tell you, I'm gonna have to charge you. But just before I could say Just kidding. They said, Okay, name your price. And I said, Well, okay, let me let me visit this. But I want you to know that I did not know that speakers did not get paid. Until that moment, that was my aha moment. That was my pivotal moment there. I've seen, I don't understand that. It's not fair. That's what for me. That's what woke up my, my lawyer in me, right, my law degree will clap. It was like, No, this is not fair. That's not right. Let me see what you know, what's up? So the people that come to you, the clients that you work with? Are they people that are already speakers, and they just realized, as you said, it just dawned upon them, wait a minute, I need to start getting paid. Is that a problem you're solving? Or is it a broader thing that you're working with your clients on? Actually, there's speakers that have been speaking for a long time, I've had people who have make made a lot more than what I guarantee, but they know I can bring them to the next level. There's people who have never done it before, but they want to start with a fresh start with some direction. There's many people that teach people how to do the business, but they give them an online course they can just download the forms. And they think that that will get them there. But you don't have anybody to bounce ideas off of and or, you know, have a sounding board. And they need that anyway, what if an event planner says we have no money? What is the event planner says, We you're not a good fit? What if they say whatever it is, you got to have somebody you can call and say, Hey, I don't understand this, how does this work? Right? I never had that. And I wanted to help other speakers. And the reason my books are called you're not all that is because there's an ego trip. So you're either here to feed your ego or feed your pocket. And I encourage you to feed your pocket.

September Smith:

Sounds what you're talking about, that sounds almost more than coaching that sounds like mentoring.


It is and I call myself a mentor. Because I have a guarantee of 150k in the first year of public speaking, as long as they do the work, I position, I have a guarantee of what I haven't guarantee in writing that says that you will make 150k minimum in your first year of public speaking. But you got to understand the business and you got to do the business. And many people ask me, oh my God, how many hours we'll have to work for that. I say one hour a day, can you give me one hour per day, five days a week only. And I will get you there. I'll position you enough to be intriguing, sexy and marketable. So that an event planner knows you're all that and a bag of chips.

September Smith:

Wow. So we were talking earlier? And you said some people are wondering like, oh, I don't know, does anybody want to hear my story? And you said - oh, I've got some stats on that. So could you share those with us?


Sure. I love sharing those stats, because it's their jaw dropping, right? I mean, this is 2022. I know this is coming up. And everybody's thinking, Well, you know, is it too late for me to start speaking, nobody's paying? Events are canceled since COVID. And so many people have all kinds of stories in their head, and I want them to get out of their head and say, No, it's my time to share my message, right? And people are willing. So my, my tagline is, if you have a message, somebody's willing to pay for it. And so just for the stats part, we are first of all women speakers, we are missing three things in this industry, right? We are missing variety, diversity and women speakers, women speakers are still 1% Of all the speakers in the world.

September Smith:



I'm serious in this population and 1% of the speakers 1% of this. Yeah, exactly 1% of the speakers in the world. And I encourage women to just get into this business no matter what, you know, whatever you have to do get in right because that is lacking event planners are craving for women speakers, how cool is that? I've been shaking women for four or five years now, please get into this business. Right?

September Smith:

And there's audiences as well. I mean, I personally just kind of roll my eyes when I'm at an event when it's like and here's our panel speakers and it's like, oh, man, man, man and man.


And one woman. Sometimes Yeah.

September Smith:

Yeah, exactly. Sometimes no women, it's getting better but then yeah, but, how about more than one. So you were to also telling me about the financial stats on the speaking industry. So another two stats that I gave you also is that we are short one million speakers in the world. And we are short 1 million coaches in the world right now. And this is $100 billion a year industry, right. And according to the brokerage of coaches and speakers, this industry will grow by 13. Point 2 billion be with the, you know, with a B, by the end of 2022. How beautiful is that to get into the business now, and still be able to do it and beyond? Right, because this is the people who will be here for the long haul will still make some money. I want a piece of that pie. I don't know about you? Yeah. So a good question that I have been asking my guests is just so that people will kind of see where their special sauce lies is what is that special edge that you bring that your clients benefit from?


Well, besides my guarantee in writing, yes, if not every claim that comes into my program, and not everybody can make it into my program, because they gotta show that they have, they want to feed their pocket besides their ego, because I'm not interested in ego. But definitely those who do come on board. I give them my condolences, because they have me for life. Meaning I will be there until they make 150k and beyond and be there for life. So I give my condolences. Oh, my God for you, you're gonna be stuck with me for life. So it's like a marriage? And I don't believe anybody else is doing that. Yeah, no, no, that is a that very special edge. Yeah, to know that you've got their back. Wow. So have you got any examples you could share of people that you've worked with? That this has had a real impact on their life and their business? Absolutely. So one of my clients was a professional ballerina around the world. And he's a man, he then became a cop. Then he became a detective. And then he started working with youth because of his detective work. During his time with me, he basically had twins. So he had three kids already twins on the way. And now he has five kids, and he has to start doing the business of public speaking, he finished one week after Thanksgiving. And two weeks later, I get a text message. Oh, my God, really, I just got hired for $5,000. And, you know, and they're paying my fees. And then the second and the second text was, Oh, my God, I just got another one. We're just gonna, you know, select one of the topics. And that's it and finalize it and seal the deal. Oh, my God, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This really does work. And so that is beautiful from somebody that has not even started in this business at all. Yeah, yeah. Now I'm imagining that with a case like that, that he has such a diverse background and so many distinct chapters in his life, you would have had to help him kind of draw out what is what it what is it you're actually going to be speaking about from all this panorama of experience? So that's one of my superpowers, my superpower is to pull the passion out of them, and then create a a, if you will, it's a


it's a positioning for that for the event planners to look at them more than they look at other speakers like how many motivational speakers do you know how many leadership speakers and sales speakers you know, a lot of them, there's too many of every kind. So the goal is to make them sound intriguing, sexy, and marketable for an event planner, to not have to work too hard to hire them and just get them paid. And my other superpower is to come up with three titles of speeches that are also sexy, intriguing, marketable. So an event planner becomes the hook, this becomes the hook for the event planner, it says, I don't think we ever had anybody speak that way, you know, or about that, right? Because they don't even know what the speech is about. So it's really cool. Yeah, that's what my, my superpower is to do that.

September Smith:

Wow, wow, this is ridiculously inspiring. I'm like, I want to work with her. I did not come into the call with that in mind, but whatever. Here we are. I want more. And if you want more, you've got to come to the breakthrough with Media Summit to catch more of Orly's information and her energy. And - I promise - she's not going to break anybody's chops. Well, she might I whatever, we'll see how that falls - if it works, let's do it!



September Smith:

So what we're going to be covering with Orly at the Break Through Summit is how virtual speaking and getting paid for it. This is a key element of your media campaign and your business success, how it can help all the diverse ways in which this can benefit you, how you should be using it, what people need to know to do it effectively, and tips, strategies and action steps to make this a powerful part of how you'll break through with media this year, poorly where can people find you?


Well, they can find it And they can literally just text me at 917-515-6803 or text impact 201 word 255312

September Smith:

I will have to get all those things down in the show notes which the link will be down there and Orly if you would share those other your phone number and the other text information, we'll get that in the notes. If you want to learn more about how you can be using virtual speaking to get media exposure, speaking engagements, PR publicity, and how all of these things can help you and your business, make sure you register for the free three day breakthrough with Media Summit June 14 through the 16th. And Come be with me and Orly and a whole exciting array of other industry experts to help you learn how you and your business can really have that big breakthrough that you need. The links are down below in the show notes. You will not want to miss this Orly. Thanks so much for being with me today. It was my honor and pleasure. Thank you so much for having me. I can't wait to talk to you at the summit. And that was just one of the amazing guests that we have at the BREAK THROUGH with MEDIA Summit, a three day live virtual event happening June 14 to the 16th to give entrepreneurs authors and thought leaders a panoramic overview of the opportunities, the skills required and the services and tools that you can be using media exposure, speaking opportunities, PR publicity and more to have the major breakthrough that you are looking for 20 industry experts three days all available right from wherever you are and it's free. Register at the link below in the show notes. You will not want to miss this!