She's All That Video-Podcast

Season 3 - Women of Resilience, Resolve and Relevance

September Smith Season 3 Episode 0

This is the She’s All That video-podcast - conversations with women doing awesome shit!  I’m your host, September Smith and season 3 starts here

As in other seasons, I am humbled and fascinated by my guests, their accomplishments, what they overcome and the ground they are breaking.

This new season is all about the transformation these women are making in the aftermath of the ‘midlife bomb’, as I call it - those unforeseen events - illness, loss, a termination, a battle, an awakening, or a transformation - events that are lobbed into our lives like a grenade, detonating the life we had been living for decades; there’s no going back. 

When this happens, we are left to dust ourselves off, figure it out and find our own way forward. Some never move forward and live forever-after with the impact.  

Season 3 is all about women who are creating their new path, moving forward into the uncertainty with guts, creativity and inspiring panache - women who own this new chapter, and are living it with new meaning and vision, stronger and bolder than ever. 

While the lens of popular culture is often on the tragedy and the trauma -  and the injury and damage it inflicts, I want to focus on, to tell the story of - to celebrate women who were only made stronger by what they experienced. Women having an impact, making a difference. We need to hear those stories to know that building that new life - that new incarnation - from the pieces of ‘what was’ is not just possible - it may be the best thing you’ll ever do.

In this season we are going to get into topics that are topical and timely for any and all of us navigating a changing world and changing circumstances.  At no time in my life has change been happening at such an incredible pace and having such a huge impact on our world, our relationships, how we live our lives and how we see each other. 

My guests are going to take us into conversations that need to be had - issues, dangers and risks that societally get swept under the rug and are not on our radar until they strike us personally, changing our lives forever.  We need to have these conversations to make the ‘unforeseen’ foreseeable. Forewarned is forearmed.

I am also thrilled to talk to them about their brave and creative responses to what might have sidelined another or have been just too overwhelming to deal with. And where it is all taking them.  Their stories are all still unfolding  - and who knows where their path will ultimately take them but make no mistake - they are making change - good change - And I’m inspired and excited to share it with you.

Our Speakpipe link for leaving us a voice message:

This season you'll witness the many women who are leveraging podcast guest appearances to get their very important messages out to the world.  

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