Igniting Shakti

Shakti of Bhuvaneshwari Meditation

Natasha Season 2 Episode 25

Today's episode includes a meditation with the Shakti of Bhuvaneshwari. The Goddess Bhuvaneshwari is the goddess we are working with in the Haus of Shakti this month. She has many names Great Enchantress, Mistress of All.  She is the creatix, the mother of worlds. We can invoke Bhuvaneshwari for this experience of full embodiment, to feel into the sense of our own body as sacred. She is thee Shakti who manifests all life from within herself, she is also the Shakti who can contain and transform the inevitable suffering of being alive. Within today's meditation we are dropping into expansiveness within the heart, bringing our awareness to the great heart that is capable of holding this expansion of love, healing, transformation and all possibilities. 
Are you interested in learning more about the Shakti Goddesses and the cycles of creation, sustainability and dissolving then check out my FREE Shakti Goddess Quiz here's the link: https://4mr56z3mrwy.typeform.com/to/MfOfeOT7
If you want to become a member of the Haus of Shakti here's the link: https://www.ayurvedicwellnessbynatasha.com/courses/haus-of-shakti