Igniting Shakti

Pitta Dosha, Tejas and Those Emotions

Natasha Season 2 Episode 43

Everything within your Being is speaking to you is some way. Your emotions, your body even the thoughts are an indication of where you may find yourself of your journey. Life is made up of duality that you can acknowledge to learn and grow from. The duality leads you to your light within. Your light that can never be extinguished. It's a light that does not require a wick or fuel, for it simply is within you. How you shine that light within is entirely up to you. Today's conversation I step into the emotions and what they can show you within the Ayurvedic lens of the Pitta dosha. As well I expand on that subtle essence of Tejas which is connected to the Pitta dosha. So...let's dive in and see where this conversation takes us.