Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,

Honoring Black Military Women: From Bad Girl to God's Girl with Dr. Patrice Carter

February 14, 2022 Wendi Wray Episode 70
Honoring Black Military Women: From Bad Girl to God's Girl with Dr. Patrice Carter
Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
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Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
Honoring Black Military Women: From Bad Girl to God's Girl with Dr. Patrice Carter
Feb 14, 2022 Episode 70
Wendi Wray

Hey lady, 

So in honor of Black History Month, I am interviewing four amazing black military women throughout the month of February, who've gone BEYOND the military as coaches. 

They share their journey, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame every obstacle to get them where they are now.

Today, I introduce you to Dr. Patrice Carter, Army Officer and Christian Life Coach. She shares her story and walks us through her journey of when she felt ratchet and a complete mess” BUT GOD… He is so good and saved her life! Yes and AMEN 

We pray this episode blesses you and encourages you! Listen HERE 

Below are  Dr. Patrice Carter's key scriptures to help her move forward and do the things that feel impossible or scary but are important to her.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld their thoughts, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but if they will forsake all things for my sake, with God whatsoever things I speak are possible.

Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Have a beautiful rest of your day!

More about Guest: Dr. Patrice Carter

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Show Notes Transcript

Hey lady, 

So in honor of Black History Month, I am interviewing four amazing black military women throughout the month of February, who've gone BEYOND the military as coaches. 

They share their journey, the challenges they faced, and how they overcame every obstacle to get them where they are now.

Today, I introduce you to Dr. Patrice Carter, Army Officer and Christian Life Coach. She shares her story and walks us through her journey of when she felt ratchet and a complete mess” BUT GOD… He is so good and saved her life! Yes and AMEN 

We pray this episode blesses you and encourages you! Listen HERE 

Below are  Dr. Patrice Carter's key scriptures to help her move forward and do the things that feel impossible or scary but are important to her.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld their thoughts, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but if they will forsake all things for my sake, with God whatsoever things I speak are possible.

Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

Have a beautiful rest of your day!

More about Guest: Dr. Patrice Carter

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Join us in the Facebook Faith-led Military Women Community at 

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P.S.If you enjoyed this podcast, I'd love to ask you to follow and leave a quick review. It only takes 30 seconds, but it makes a huge difference to my show. Click here to open Beyond the Military in Apple Podcasts to leave your review.

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[00:00:00] Wendi: Hello ladies. And welcome to episode 70. I am so happy [00:01:00] that you're here and I am not only super excited about today's episode, but I'm just so happy to join you with our special guest, Dr. Patrice Carter. And before I introduce her, I just want to say that I wrote. That you not only fall in love, like I did with her at very first sight.

[00:01:17] Wendi: And for you to be just at first listening, because not only is her voice beautiful, but also everything that she has to share and just, you know, being around her presence is everything. So I hope that you also are able to watch this video. It will be in the show notes and that you are ready to take notes that you have grabbed your coffee if you're at home or at the office, or if you're in the car, just enjoy listening to what Dr.

[00:01:47] Wendi: Patrice Carter has to say about her journey and everything that she's learned with the God-given goals that she has not only achieved, but also continuing to pursue. Continue to [00:02:00] share to the world, which I think that that is what makes us not only, um, stronger and continue to encourage others around us to continue.

[00:02:10] Wendi: Aim for God's kingdom and share, um, his, uh, all of the glorifying moments that he continues to give us. But honestly, just to continue to share that and spread that wherever you are, either at work, either with your families or just at the coffee shop. So I hope. And before, um, she gets to bless us with her a message and all of her wisdom.

[00:02:36] Wendi: I'm going to give you guys the bio that I request upon having them here as a guest. So this is what Dr. has to say. She lives in North Carolina and she is married to the love of her life, fellow business owner, and retired army veteran. Dalton. And she is a bonus mom to their son miles and daughters, destiny, and Deseret.

[00:02:57] Wendi: She is a proud military spouse and a [00:03:00] us army reserve veteran. She is a CEO of break point coaching LLC, and a board certified life coach through her company. She and her team certified and trained Christian life coaches. And Dr. Carter mentors, life coaches, and entrepreneurs who want to scale their own practices by adding e-courses in life courses.

[00:03:22] Wendi: Dr. Patrice is also a highly sought after speaker. And the author of superwoman from bad girl to God's girl and 65 ways to be successful in business. Dr. Patrice has 30 years of combined experience in entrepreneurship, military, and healthcare, and holds three degrees, a PhD in organization and management, MBA MSA in healthcare, in a bachelor's in management.

[00:03:47] Wendi: And today I want to introduce. To Dr. Patrice Carter. Hey guys. Thank you so much, Wendy. You're amazing. And I'm so excited to be here with you in this [00:04:00] moment and shout out to all the audience members and, uh, who I, to all our fellow army with her.

[00:04:09] Patrice: Yes . Thank you. 

[00:04:11] Wendi: Yes, 100%. And thank you for taking the time. Again, you are, you have a lot going on, but I know that everything that you're doing is coming from a place of intentionality. And that's one of the things that I really love about you. You know, since the very first day we met at the coffee shop in Fayetteville and, you know, I am just so blessed that I was there at the right time with the right people, because I have learned so much from you not only from.

[00:04:35] Wendi: Coach perspective, but also from the Christian, um, background that you have in kind of like your life story and, you know, everything that you shared with me was not only genuine, but also very vulnerable to the extent that, you know, it helped me kind of, um, share that with others as well. So I want to thank you for just opening that door and allowing you [00:05:00] to be yourself in, in a time where I was struggling in a time where.

[00:05:04] Wendi: I didn't know, you know, where I was going in my Christian journey and my faith journey. And I think that being able to meet other women that have struggled right spiritually, mentally, emotionally really helped me kind of. Expand and really see that there is a possibility to help others and lead others in a way that we maybe never thought about, you know, especially coming from a leadership perspective right.

[00:05:33] Wendi: In the military. And that's what I would love for you to share with us. But before we get into all of that, I also want to highlight that, um, the book that I mentioned here, the, a superb woman from bat, a girl to God's girl. It's an amazing, amazing material for you to go grab the book that you want to kind of want to start off, even if you have no idea where you are in your faith, because I mean, [00:06:00] as you heard the title, the subtitle from bad girl to God's girl, and I think that that is, um, you know, the foundation of where.

[00:06:08] Wendi: It started exploring more into the word versus just, um, sermons or just kind of hearing what others have to say, because I think it's very important for us to have at the beginning of this guide to help us dig deeper into the word. That in a very fabulous job. I'm sister Patrice, because it really showed me, um, what I had in my mind and being that I'm a coach, right?

[00:06:34] Wendi: Like I, I do this with my clients. I help them explore what's going on in their minds. But for me in that moment, I didn't have a coach that was going to help me explore. In that level. So there's questions in there that are going to help you reflect there's areas on there that help you kind of journal where you're at currently, regardless if you're married, single mother, so highly recommend that you check that out.

[00:06:58] Wendi: And of course that's going to also be in [00:07:00] the show notes, but yeah, it's just a great book. And Dr. Patrice, I, I want to, you know, start off by asking, you know, Really started this passion for, um, for your Christian coaching? 

[00:07:11] Patrice: Well, I mean, this is just like, if I'm having a rough day, I need to come back and watch this recording because you have just like myself kind and complimentary I'm like, oh my God, it's don't even feel worthy of that.

[00:07:22] Patrice: And it was love at first bite guys. When I saw Wendy, she was standing in line, wasn't even paying attention to me and you just felt beautiful and polished. And even now that I know you such an incredible soul and I was just like, I want to know her, like, and I literally say, can you, who are you? Like, let me introduce myself and tell me about you.

[00:07:43] Patrice: And then to find out that we're fellow coaches, fellow military spouses, Ella veteran, I'm just like all in I'm a total fan. Okay. So. Happened to put me on this path is that, um, one, I know how it feels to be lost and that ties into the [00:08:00] coaching and the book and everything. And to be in a space where you don't know how you're going to come out and there doesn't appear to be any help around or any coming and how I was early in my walk with Christ.

[00:08:14] Patrice: And so I didn't know him intimately. In a way that would even cause me to lean into fully who he was. So at the moment that I'm at the time of writing this book and coming into coaching, I was coming out of a five-year period of a healing. As I was healing from a suicide attempt. I was healing from, um, having been adulterous in a previous marriage.

[00:08:37] Patrice: I was healing from just depression, so many things, and God was taking me on this five-year journey of helping me to fall in love with him. As importantly, fall in love with myself because my self-esteem was just in the trash and my confidence and all that. Like, I just didn't have it. And it wasn't, I wasn't raised to have those things, but, you know, we just get lost at somewhere along the way and stay lost.

[00:08:58] Patrice: And so when he [00:09:00] brought me to the end of that five-year period, I'll never forget. He put, positioned me in the house where I'm sitting now. I was thinking. And I have finally mastered, um, holiness, which we know is not having sex with people outside of mayor said, or not your husband or your spouse or your wife, if you're a male listening and really letting Jesus be your husband and be that love of your life.

[00:09:21] Patrice: And so I was sitting at the table, had just come back from the officer basic course. And the Lord said, I want you to write this book and I want you to write a book on the Proverbs 31 woman. And I was thinking. What a Yom fifth, like there's so many books already about Proverbs 31 women at Lifeway at family Christian.

[00:09:36] Patrice: Like you could just throw a rock and hit a book on Proverbs 31. And so he's there, but now I want you to tell your story until all the spiel, the tea. So everything I've shared with you guys, um, about where I was, how was living? Um, he said, I want you to give the details and then I want you to tell them what I did for.

[00:09:56] Patrice: And then write it in such a way that they have to do work within [00:10:00] themselves to unearth, uncover and bring forth that same healing that I gave to you essentially. He said, I want you to show them how to get home. And home is where he is. So my passion is that I didn't want anyone to ever feel like I feel to remain loss when there was a way out.

[00:10:16] Patrice: And there was another side to all of this. And I just really love when I say love people, especially women, because I feel like that is my predominant ministry. I want to help them heal. I want to help them grow. I just want them to have everything. They deserve and that they're passionate about and getting on purpose and staying in purpose and not being way late by that in any way.

[00:10:38] Patrice: That is my life's pursuit. And so now as a coach, not only do I get to coach people around that, and really I train coaches to help other people do that, to get to where they need to be. So now it's more about not so much about life coaching individually. It's about discipling other coaches so that they can be positioned like you and I are to help the masses.[00:11:00]

[00:11:01] Wendi: I love that. And you know, you touch on a beautiful point. You know, we forget who we are. As just women on this broken earth, but then we also forget where we come from, right? Like who created us and who all our real husband is. Right. Not our earthly husband, but our father and Jesus, and you know what we're here for.

[00:11:24] Wendi: And I think that. To forget. Right. And it's not that we do it on purpose. Right. And you know, for all of you ladies that are listening in now, you know, there's just so much that we have to go through every single day there, the attention that is needed from us. And you know, this is why I love talking about this and have created this platform because there isn't people reminding us that we can't slow down, that, you know, not to lose focus of where we come from and what we're here for instead, you know, Society and culture have kind of like wired us to think that there's a thousand other things that we [00:12:00] need to be doing to kind of feel worthy or be worthy.

[00:12:04] Wendi: Yeah. And I think that, you know, based on your story and, um, kind of where you've been, the, the journey that God has taken you through has helped you kind of where you're at now. And I think that many of us, um, I think I felt guilty at one point in time where we're like, what. You know, I have to serve as a leader.

[00:12:22] Wendi: Right. I am committed and you know, that's, you know, not nothing to take away from that, but also I think for me, I, I became guilty when I'm like, okay, well, What is it outside of the military that I'm doing to not only continue to serve God, but also to continue to empower others and lead others in a different way.

[00:12:44] Wendi: And I didn't have an answer because I didn't, you know, quote unquote didn't have the time, but I really didn't make the time for that. And I think that for you, it was, um, you know, the journey that God took you to kind of really push you to make the time and really [00:13:00] encourage you to say, Hey, this. This is what I need to be doing, because that's what he wants me to do.

[00:13:05] Wendi: And how will I use that to continue to lead other women into his word, into helping them see that it's just not about your career or not just about being, you know, that mother figure or the wife it's, it's more than that. And, you know, Proverbs 31 does a beautiful job in showing us that as well. And I think, like I said, The question that you ask and, you know, allowing us to pray when I think, I can't remember exactly what page, but, or what chapter you're like, you know, if you need to take a moment to, you know, ask the father or pray about it, you know, you need to do that first and then come back and write it down or draw the picture, you know, things like that, or, or paste a picture here.

[00:13:52] Wendi: Um, so I think that that's. You know, I, I love how it started with you. And you know, also for our listeners, you know, [00:14:00] it may not start off that way. Right. It may not start off with you going through this rough journey right away, but it may start off in a different way, maybe in your marriage, maybe in your career, right.

[00:14:11] Wendi: Maybe you didn't get the opportunity to serve as that commander that you want it to be, or the career that you thought you were going to have when you transitioned. Maybe it's not going that way. I need to take a moment, need to take a knee and reevaluate. And I think that, you know, for you a, it was now, or it is now through Christian coaching and, um, having this program to help other women too.

[00:14:37] Wendi: So as well, because it's, it's hard out here, you know, we're, we feel alone. We feel this sense of not belonging sometimes because of, you know, everything that we've, um, Gone through, especially in the military. And then when we're out, we're like, who are we? Right. We lose that sense of identity. We lose that sense of identity.

[00:14:57] Patrice: And yet how many incredible points, because you said [00:15:00] how we forget, um, who we are. And so I believe that that has multi. Um, that's multi-dimensional in that statement, that statement is multidimensional. And what I mean by that is when we get to the place that we're on the other side, like now we're on the other side, we can forget that we were once ratchet.

[00:15:16] Patrice: I was ratchet, not you I'm speaking for myself. I was a mess.

[00:15:23] Patrice: take me on the five years. Cause I was a mess. I was a wreck. And so with that, Having said that I'm not how dare I get on the other side now I'm on the healed side and now I'm balling out. Do they'll put quotations now I don't want to go back and get somebody else. Cause now I'm better. You know what I mean?

[00:15:42] Patrice: So then I think there's that. And then there's a mentality of those who they did go through the process of healing. They are. Uh, but then they don't want anybody to know how bad it was, how bad they learn or how, what they struggle with. Maybe they struggle with perfectionism. Maybe they struggle with bitterness.

[00:15:57] Patrice: Maybe they had some unforgiveness or [00:16:00] regret. And so I think we tend to, the society makes us want to hide the negative and always put forth this perfect face. And you know what I mean? Like we've got an altogether and that is not true. And it doesn't help other people when we do that. And so I think if you don't stop and deal with yourself, yourself, we'll stop you and deal with you.

[00:16:18] Patrice: You know, God will stop you. And so we'll hit a wall in whatever that place is. And so it's not, like you said, they were all in a pit. Some of us just, we're always elevating. We're always growing, but if you negate that season of growth, Then you're really not ready for where you, you can't ever get to the fullness of who you are and what you're supposed to be, what you were put on this earth to do and what you're supposed to be doing.

[00:16:41] Patrice: If you don't stop and pull over. But that guilt is real. That Yale is crushing. Very true. And you know, with that, how did you, uh, because I know you started like with coaching first, you're like, okay, I'm going to be a coach. And then you started coaching other co you know, soon to be coaches [00:17:00] and they got certified, but now it seems like you've taken your journey to like a whole nother level.

[00:17:05] Wendi: Can you share with us, like, what is it that you're doing now with the certification? Okay. So, um, I was a Christian life coach or a practicing Christian life coach for about the first seven years. I've been coaching now for over 13 years. And then around year six, seven, I got my Christian life coach certification.

[00:17:24] Patrice: So I was doing it uncertified up until like the sixth or seventh year. So then I got my certification and that was about six months certification process. And I came out as a professional certified coach. The first step. And then the day after graduation, I was literally at my desk talking to the Lord about, okay, what are we doing next?

[00:17:42] Patrice: And I thought I was just going to transition the types of clients. I was coaching. So I felt like my target market or woman was changing, but the Lord said, no, you're going to have a critic. Coaching school. And I was like, shut the front door. What? So it's not outside of the realm of [00:18:00] possibility because I actually, my PhD is in business and I've been in education academia.

[00:18:05] Patrice: I've taught in academia for the college courses for the last 14 years. So it made sense that I would put a course together in a sense, but I just didn't know he would give that to me. And so at that point I developed a curriculum. I put it down on social media. She had, Hey, I'm going to be mentoring five coaches.

[00:18:22] Patrice: Um, I'm going to be giving it in it as a seed. If this is something you feel the Lord has called you to do message me, there's an interview process and we're going to start this date. So I developed a 12 week program with the help of the Lord, holy spirit, and took five coaches through. They graduated.

[00:18:37] Patrice: They gave me feedback. So I use them as a beta group. And so that was. Four years ago, four and a half years ago. And now we've graduated well over 50 coaches. Um, so then not too long into, not too long into the program, we became board certified. So I had the program credentialed to land credibility. And also to, um, set us apart from other [00:19:00] coaching organizations that were doing similar work and also just so that the coaches could aspire to and have a place to grow too.

[00:19:07] Patrice: So with that and getting the program credentialed at the board certification level, I took and sat for the board certified exam, and I passed that last year. So, yay. I'm excited about that. Um, because I think we should leave from the. So I don't want to raise a board certified coaches, but I'm not a board certified coach.

[00:19:23] Patrice: So that was huge. And then from there, um, we developed the e-course. So we took the live courses where we were certifying coaches and develop e-courses. So now we've expanded our services to be able to certify coaches, both live instruction through zoom and a virtual space. Um, that's video-based and self-paced and mobile ready.

[00:19:44] Patrice: So that all happened in the lab. You know, 13 years. And then this year coming into this year, the Lord said you're going to shift because I have a faculty that now teaches for me. And so with that, he said, I want you to begin to mentor other [00:20:00] life coaches. So just like before I was a life coach and there were, you know, there weren't a lot of me around, I didn't meet a lot of coaches at the time life coaches.

[00:20:08] Patrice: So I felt like he was using me as a bit of a Pathfinder. So then beginning to certify and train, or the coaches was a way to help multiply. What God was doing in my life. And so now that he blessed me, the master that. Then now I feel like he's saying is okay then now that I've taught you how to develop a certification program and have a multiply your services and your offerings.

[00:20:31] Patrice: Now, the next level for me is to mentor other life coaches who want to scale their practices to do the same. So they may be a life coach. Who's currently coaching individual clients or group coaching group coaching, and they want to. Um, develop their own certification program or they want to develop e-courses and don't know where to start or how to start.

[00:20:51] Patrice: And so that's the place that I am now is mentoring other coaches. They don't necessarily have to be, um, Christian focused coaches or Christian focused in [00:21:00] their approach, but we do have to have some level of agreement because it was just a certain standard or guideline that I want it to maintain and breaks.

[00:21:09] Wendi: Right. Well, first I want to say congratulations on everything, your program, your certification, your, um, your board certification. I mean, congratulations. It takes a lot, you know, to, um, really. Two, one thing to the next, but I think that, you know, when you have, um, really obeyed and listened to what God wants you to do, you know, it's a big step because I mean, I'll, I'll raise my hand right now.

[00:21:40] Wendi: I know there are things that, you know, God kinda like showed me before, um, revealed to me that he wanted me to do, but I was like, God, just kind of say maybe, you know, I need to wait another couple months or, um, Great example what this podcast, right? At the very beginning, I felt like I needed to [00:22:00] do something with my faith.

[00:22:01] Wendi: Right. I needed it to be, um, in my faith needed to be involved, but I kinda fell like, like Moses, right? Like, God, I'm not, you know, made for this, you know, I'm still an early, um, You know, Christian and, you know, baby Christian kind of how I used to classify myself. So, you know, kudos to you and, you know, to God be all the glory, because it takes a lot of courage.

[00:22:26] Wendi: I will say that. So, you know, you getting to where you're at now, it takes courage from, from this end, you know, the, the earthly, um, you know, view, but also, you know, the, the willingness that you, that you had, because now you're sharing this with more women and youth multiplied it now to. You know, many women across the country, across the world, because it's for show and, you know, given the tools that you have and you know, what you've demonstrated to these women, I think is honestly a huge step.

[00:22:58] Wendi: And again, another reason why I admire [00:23:00] you so much is because you are so connected to, you know, doing what he wants you to do for everyone else on this earth, for the other women that, you know, he wants you to touch and connect. You know, help them connect with other people, other people that are going to possibly even serve, you know, his kingdom's.

[00:23:20] Wendi: Again, I'm just so grateful that you're here with us sharing all of this stuff. And, you know, so what would you say, I know you mentioned that one of the plans that you had within your business or the strategy that you guys took was to make your coaching certification stand out. So like, what would you say makes it different than other coaching certifications that are out there?

[00:23:41] Wendi: Um, especially if you're a Christian woman. 

[00:23:44] Patrice: Well, I just want to say you are crushing this podcast thing, so. You were built for this, and though, you know that by now. So that's just FYI, how you shared that you were early in your faith when you began to share your faith through the [00:24:00] podcast, but that's what we need.

[00:24:01] Patrice: So again, I just want to, um, just say Monish you and affirm you that you are just spot on because everyone needs to know that we start somewhere and we can tell you what we have. At this moment in time and make it something beautiful and grow it on the run and you have just nailed it. And so with that, um, I want to share that we actually certify you're welcome.

[00:24:22] Patrice: We don't just certify women. We certified men and women and that we are international. So we have certified coaches all the way to Canada. And, um, the entire, you know, Eastern party, United States and Western part. So we're thankfully global. Um, God is just blowing my mind with that. So that's one thing that sets us apart is the first thing is that we're Christian focused we're faith-based and uncompromising and unapologetic about it because I feel like so many people tend to hide their.

[00:24:51] Patrice: But the Lord said to me, clearly, if you, um, don't include me, you won't have a business. Like I felt him. So clearly say that to me in my spirit, without [00:25:00] me, you will not have a business because I am your business. And so we are Christ. Um, we are board certified and credentialed. So we're credentialed at the board certification.

[00:25:09] Patrice: So when someone comes through our program, they automatically graduate as a professional certified coach, but they are now at that point eligible to sit for the board certified exam. Once they complete 30 post-graduate hours of coaching. So they can immediately go to the next level in a very short period of time because of our credentialing and the fact that we're credentialed sets us apart.

[00:25:29] Patrice: Uh, so to me, that is a hallmark of. Uh, great coaching school is that they have some type of credentialing and ethics in place. Uh, we have a full staff of all break point graduates, um, that are amazing in their own, right? So they're all coaches, speakers, published, authors, pastors counselors. So they have a huge wealth of knowledge entrepreneurs six-figure success earners.

[00:25:52] Patrice: Um, so with that, we have a fully dimensional staff that we can. That is well-rounded to be able to help support our coaches in not only learning the skill [00:26:00] of coaching, but when they graduate from our program, they own a fully functioning coach business. And so we teach them that, uh, we're industry specific.

[00:26:09] Patrice: And then also, um, with that we're multi-dimensional and so even more so multi-dimensional and what I mean by that is I don't just offer life coaching or life coach certification. We know we've shared that we do now offer mentoring services, but we also offer group coaching. We teach other coaches how to, um, how to develop their group coaching model and then how to present that and how to coach.

[00:26:34] Patrice: Successfully and skillfully as a group coach. So we have multiple courses that we've developed to help coaches be better. And that's really my ultimate desire outside of the Christian focus is to be a leader in the coaching industry and to be a standard, to set a standard for excellence in coaching.

[00:26:54] Patrice: And so constantly trying to perfect that and perfect our methods and, and [00:27:00] be a subject matter expert to other coaches. Love that. And you know, it's really, I think the whole part of you mentoring them kind of like along the way and being able to walk them through like all those phases, because it's hard.

[00:27:18] Wendi: Right. It's hard to start anything new, any, anything that hasn't really been established or. Um, really use or experienced by anyone else other than yourself, so that you're doing a fabulous job with that. That is one of the things that, you know, I think, um, every program, every, you know, um, thing that we get certified in or educated in, you know, to kind of give us that additional resource of, you know, how do I get there?

[00:27:47] Wendi: And. No, where do I begin? Um, type of thing, because I mean, yeah, there, there will be different ways that we do things, but I think for the most part, there's like this, um, you know, uh, take away from [00:28:00] each industry, right? Like you should, uh, one really understand what coaching is and you know, what it really means to other people, how you're helping them.

[00:28:08] Wendi: Um, you know, think that that would kind of like be the foundation. And then, you know, you add to that, but, you know, I just love everything that you're doing and I'm again, So happy that you have, you know, taken a time to not only spend time with us, but share with us kind of like your story, your background, and you know, where it all started.

[00:28:26] Wendi: Um, and you know, as we're closing out here, I just want to ask you one last question and you know, what can you share with our listeners has helped you stay grounded and focused on getting these things done, right? Because most of our listeners right now are possibly struggling with burnout or possibly Stronach.

[00:28:43] Wendi: Um, overwhelmed frustration, you know, there's so much going on. Um, they want to find a way to help them still be, um, committed to their careers, um, or just, you know, committed to them. Being a mom, a wife, a woman of God. [00:29:00] There, there's also this one thing that they're yearning that they are desiring to do, but there may be this obstacle in the way.

[00:29:07] Wendi: Right. So what can you teach us and share with us that has helped you kind of say I'm focused on what God has, you know, showed you that he wants you to do for him. So what would that. 

[00:29:21] Patrice: That's a great question. I think the very first and foremost, most important thing is to sit with yourself. And I know that everything in your life says don't do that.

[00:29:31] Patrice: Don't take that time. But the one thing I do every morning is I get up before anybody else in my family. I know you do. I don't know if you still do it. I haven't seen it lately, but you would get up at 5:00 AM or 4:00 AM and do CrossFit. And I'm like, this chick is a rock star because I'm not getting up at four or five in the morning to go outside and do problems jumps in the driveway with kettlebells, like so kudos to.

[00:29:51] Patrice: But that's what we should be doing is that thing that sets our heart on fire. So for me, I get up and go downstairs. I make a cup of coffee I'll read my devotional. I'll pray. I'll [00:30:00] just sit with myself. And I work out now, um, you know, with a friend virtually. So you've got to take that time to be still for just you.

[00:30:08] Patrice: So if that means getting up before everyone else, we're staying up past everyone else being asleep so that you can have that space in your own head to hear your own thoughts. Then that is to me, key, um, outside of, of course sitting the talking to Jesus, but let's say you're not faith-based, let's say that's not your wheelhouse, then get with yourself.

[00:30:27] Patrice: And then the next thing is to determine what it is that you really want. Like, to be honest with your heart and ask your heart, what is it? Why, what is it desire if you could be anything, what would it be? Who would it be? Does your current life align with that desire? And also knowing your values coach, when you you'll know this, I a values assessment determines.

[00:30:49] Patrice: What are your top five to 10 values and then assessing your life and looking, and seeing this do my decisions personally and professionally parenting relationship wise personally, do they align [00:31:00] with my values? Because if they don't, then you're going to have some misalignment, you're going to have frustration and discouragement.

[00:31:05] Patrice: So doing a values assessment, and then once you've done those things that you've sat with yourself, then being bold and the. Courageous enough and brave enough to begin to take baby steps or either dynamic leaps towards that life and that thing that you desire. It could be just as simple as researching doing research on whatever the thing is that you want to do or be, or pursue or heal.

[00:31:30] Patrice: Um, it will be like a conversation with your family. You know, letting them know or someone maybe if your family's not supportive. Cause sometimes we have energy drainers and joy stealers. So getting with someone like coach Wendy, who's going to be supportive of just sitting and listening in that space and giving you and telling you, Hey, you have permission and giving yourself permission to pursue.

[00:31:51] Patrice: And then everyday just live out that desire one step at a time until it is fully manifested. And when I say manifested, I mean become [00:32:00] evident in your life. But you're going to have to be bold enough to, to live for you and stand up for you and not let anything snatch it again. So I've been that person who didn't cheerlead my cell for us.

[00:32:12] Patrice: Our I wasn't a safe place for myself. So you have to begin the first safe place for you. I love that. Thank you so much for sharing that. So, ladies, I hope that you caught that. I hope that you do the three steps, which, you know, the first step has to be still be with yourself and really take note of what's happening in your brain and possibly even pray about it.

[00:32:33] Wendi: And, um, if you're a faith and, um, step number two, just really see what your values, if you are aligning everything that you're doing, you say that is valuable to you. And if you are great, if you're not, then that's kind of a place for you to come. Check yourself and be honest as well. And step three to be, you know, like you said, it in a beautiful way, be bold and, you know, have the courage to start taking, even if it's small steps, you know, go for it.

[00:32:59] Wendi: Because [00:33:00] at the end of the day, you know, God has given you a piece of the puzzle to, you know, be here and not only serve, you know, in career career-wise, but also, um, to serve him as well. So thank you so much, Dr. Patrice, again, for all your wisdom and just presence and. Our listeners to take a little bit of what you have to share and possibly even use it, you know, effective immediately.

[00:33:24] Wendi: So thank you again. We're so happy that you joined us and listen, if you're tuning in for the first time, and this was the first episode, um, I want to welcome you to tune into others that I have posted already and publish, but also to come back and listen and tune in with us on Wednesday as we're going to be talking more about.

[00:33:45] Wendi: How to continue to do what you truly want, even when we don't think there's enough time. So thank you so much. And I hope that this episode has blessed you and encourages you to take small steps and what you truly desire. All right, ladies, have a [00:34:00] beautiful rest of your day. Bye.