Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,

3 questions that will help you master your momentum

January 31, 2024 Wendi Wray | Life Coach for Busy Military Women, Female Military Leader, Women Warrior, Military Mom, Female Veteran, Woman Veterans, Military Transition Coach, Military Lifestyle, Post Military, Women Soldier, Productivity Coach Episode 204
3 questions that will help you master your momentum
Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
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Beyond the Military Podcast: Life Coach for Burned out Women, Military Transition Coach, Career and Productivity Coach for Military and Veteran Women,
3 questions that will help you master your momentum
Jan 31, 2024 Episode 204
Wendi Wray | Life Coach for Busy Military Women, Female Military Leader, Women Warrior, Military Mom, Female Veteran, Woman Veterans, Military Transition Coach, Military Lifestyle, Post Military, Women Soldier, Productivity Coach

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Ever feel like you're running a race with your shoelaces tied together? That's the frustration of hitting barriers when you're gunning for your goals. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In todays episode I share  3 questions you want to ask yourself to help you  break free from what's holding you back and forging a path to success. I guide you through untangling the complexities that keep you from moving forward.

And for those feeling bogged down by their to-do list, I’m hosting a FB LIVE event over on my private group on Thursday, February 1 st at 12 PM ET

Throw Away Your To-Do List and Optimize Your Routine where I’ll provide you with a simple template to get you started  with systemizing your routine. 

Join me in a conversation that isn't just about what's in your way; it's about understanding the gap that you need to fill to help you leap into progress.  Let's restructure your daily routine to maximize efficiency.

P.S.If you enjoyed this podcast, I'd love to ask you to follow and leave a quick review. It only takes 30 seconds, but it makes a huge difference to my show. Click here to open Beyond the Military in Apple Podcasts to leave your review.

More about coaching resources from me:

Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Contact Me | Schedule Consult

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Ever feel like you're running a race with your shoelaces tied together? That's the frustration of hitting barriers when you're gunning for your goals. But it doesn't have to be that way.

In todays episode I share  3 questions you want to ask yourself to help you  break free from what's holding you back and forging a path to success. I guide you through untangling the complexities that keep you from moving forward.

And for those feeling bogged down by their to-do list, I’m hosting a FB LIVE event over on my private group on Thursday, February 1 st at 12 PM ET

Throw Away Your To-Do List and Optimize Your Routine where I’ll provide you with a simple template to get you started  with systemizing your routine. 

Join me in a conversation that isn't just about what's in your way; it's about understanding the gap that you need to fill to help you leap into progress.  Let's restructure your daily routine to maximize efficiency.

P.S.If you enjoyed this podcast, I'd love to ask you to follow and leave a quick review. It only takes 30 seconds, but it makes a huge difference to my show. Click here to open Beyond the Military in Apple Podcasts to leave your review.

More about coaching resources from me:

Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Contact Me | Schedule Consult

Speaker 1:

Hello, ladies, and welcome to episode 204. I am so happy that you're here today and I'm really excited about today's topic. But before we go there, I want to invite you to join me this Thursday, on Thursday February 1st, at 12 pm Eastern Standard Time, in my Facebook group. It's a private Facebook group, so if you're not there yet, what are you waiting for? I need you to go to bitlylycom. Hello, ladies, and welcome to episode 204. I am so happy that you're here today and I'm really excited about today's topic. But before we dive into that topic, which is all about learning what is slowing our progress down, I'll share that with you here very shortly, but before, hello, ladies, and welcome to episode 204. Have you wondered what could possibly be slowing down your progress Today? In today's topic, in today's episode, I will be sharing with you what is slowing you down and how you can begin to start making progress by just simply doing this one thing that I have for you today. But before I do that, I want to share with you and invite you to my throwaway, your to-do list and optimize your routine of Facebook Live that I'll be hosting in my Facebook group. If you're not there yet, if you're not having joined us, I want to invite you to join me. All you have to do is either scroll through the very bottom of this episode, go to the show notes, and you will find that the Facebook group where you can join right there, or you can also go to bitlybitly, where you will find the group, and all you have to do is click on the link, answer two questions, except that you will follow the rules, because they're always. There's always a set of roles when it comes to social media, and I want to invite you. Hello ladies and welcome to episode. Hello ladies and welcome to episode 204. I am so happy that you're here today and I'm really excited to share with you today's topic, which, by the way, hello ladies and welcome to episode 204. I am so happy that you're here today and I'm really excited about today's topic. Hello ladies and welcome. Hello ladies and welcome to episode 204. What is slowing down your progress? Have you considered that something is slowing you down? Okay, let's keep going. Let's keep going. Hello ladies and welcome to episode 204. Today, I have a very excited no, no, no, no, no, no. I already say excited. Hello ladies and welcome to 204. I hope you're doing amazing. If not, that's okay too. Today I have a very excited topic for you. No, no, no, I already said excited. Okay, hello, ladies, and welcome to episode 204. I am so happy that you're here and I hope that you're doing well, and if not, that's okay too.

Speaker 1:

Today, I will be sharing what is possibly slowing your progress down. What is slowing you down to make progress if you're not making any progress and if maybe you're making some progress but you're not moving at the pace that you would like, and that is either in a goal in your life or just in something in general that you know you've been struggling with and you want to keep going, but something is holding you back. I'll be sharing that with you during today's episode, but before I get into that, I want to invite you to join me in my Facebook group. If you haven't already, all you have to do is go to bitlybitlycom so that you can join us on Thursday, february 1st at 12 pm Eastern Standard Time, where I'll be sharing with you and teaching you how to throw away your to-do list, I know, and optimize a routine. It's going to be very simple. I'm going to keep it very simple and easy for you to start implementing a process for your routine that you need to set in place, if you haven't done so already and you guys, I already have a template for you waiting over at the Facebook group in order for you to get started.

Speaker 1:

Now. Today's episode was already planned. The topic is already planned, but it happened to be that last week I had actually scheduled this event on our Facebook group to actually be live on January 25th. As you guys probably were there, I probably joined right for that event because a recording is going to be available there too. If you aren't able to make it at that time, I completely understand.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing everything that was technology that could have gone wrong went wrong, and at first I was like, okay, maybe this is just my computer, my Facebook, you know, haven't been on it too. It's been a while that I was on actual Facebook live, so, like, maybe it's just you know me, let me restart my phone, let me go on my computer and do all the things that I know I know how to do in order to get on live. So, needless to say, I'm like I need to really share with you all not only how I overcame that, but also really how I'm now preparing for it not to happen again, because it was all some admin permission issue. My zoom and my Facebook account were really communicating how I was supposed to, and that's what I want to share with you today as the example on why we're not making progress with our goals or maybe just with our day-to-day tasks, because we don't do this one thing, and it's evaluate. We typically call this or we have this term in the army, not sure about the other services or the branches, but it's called the after-action review.

Speaker 1:

You know, the after-action review can become a little intense and detailed when it comes to, obviously, having an after-action review after a training event, after maybe something that we did as, even as a recombinant, or something that we took the time to do. But now we need to evaluate, and so, in order for us to make progress or really get to our goal and accomplish the mission per se, we have to evaluate. Think about it for a moment. Why is it so important that we do that carefully after the fact? Why do we take not only sometimes hours, but days to fulfill this task which is an after-action review? It's because it's important and it's helpful and it's beneficial for all the leaders to really examine themselves, examine and evaluate what they did right and what they did wrong, and how they are going to improve for the next time. How are they going to make it even better Maybe not necessarily perfect, but how are they going to do it better? And so there's always an issue, and then there's a recommendation, the solution or recommendation that's provided during an after-action review, and so it's going to be very similar, based on whatever your goal is or whatever you want to make progress in.

Speaker 1:

So, for example, if yours is using weight, if yours is writing a paper, whatever it may be for you, specifically transitioning out of the military, for me, I am doing my, or I did my evaluation after I completely failed at the Facebook live last week, and so, again, being accountable is very, very important when it comes to us making progress. But we don't want to be accountable. We don't want to feel that negative emotion of us not being accountable at that time or being able to fulfill that task, that mission, right. So for me, yes, I was completely embarrassed, I felt discouraged, I felt disappointed in not catching this beforehand and I'm talking about my Facebook live, because it's something that I know I should have caught beforehand. But here's the thing things happen. We can't have control over all of the technology, especially technology, but what we can do is make it better. And so, again, going back to this example, I was all ready to go.

Speaker 1:

I had done a checks technology with Zoom, with Facebook live, the streaming code, everything that comes along with ensuring that I could share my screen and that everybody could see what I was doing real time on my computer, because I have this template ready for everyone to start implementing. Very simple, it's very generic, but it's also very simple, a great place for you to start to start adding your weekly routine items on there, and I break it down into pretty much a month and I break it down by week. And so, in my mind, I had already rehearsed what I was going to say. I had rehearsed the walkthrough on my screen and also doing it through Zoom. But here's what I didn't do. I did so many things right, but here's the one thing that I didn't do I didn't confirm that my actual coaching account because I have my personal profile account but also the life coaching business page wasn't connected, permissions wise, through Zoom and Facebook.

Speaker 1:

So anytime I tried to stream directly from my business page, it would not allow me to come in, not knowing that. I didn't even consider to go to that profile, that business page and do it through there, because I was logged in as my profile or I was on my actual, just a Winnie Ray profile. Tried it on my phone, I'm like, okay, maybe it's just my computer or my wifi is not strong enough because it's not allowing me to broadcast, so I give you permissions, whatever it may be. Went to my phone, tried to go live from my account my Winnie account not the Winnie Life Coach in one, but my Winnie account and it still said the broadcast could not take place at this moment. And so here I am, hard beating really fast. I have no idea what's going on. I'm telling the group that I'm not able to join.

Speaker 1:

So all of these things are going through my head and at the same time, time is ticking because I don't like to waste other people's time, and so I said you know what? What I'm going to do now is go to plan B, do the entire training, the entire session that I had planned. I will record it on Zoom and then I will post it on the Facebook group. So I did it, I got done. I think it took less than an hour, maybe like 45 minutes, I can't even remember. I'm like oh, this is gonna be great, submitted it.

Speaker 1:

And because I like to tell people that you have to go, you know, in order, if you wanna skip through, you know the 10 minutes of my intro and everything else you wanna go directly to the template, I wanted to say go to minute 12 and start taking notes from there. So I did that and what happened is, as soon as I started sharing my screen, my audio was completely lost. You cannot hear anything. You can only see what was going on, and so, because of those reasons, I'm like you know what, forget it, I'm gonna tell everyone what happened. Here's the template, here's the partial recording. But I will also come back next week and I will do this again because I wanna do it in a way where it serves the people in the group, but also, if they have any questions, to be able to come back and ask those questions, because that's the whole point, right?

Speaker 1:

So for me, I could have been completely in my own feelings and just be like okay, well, this was very embarrassing. This was, you know, complete failure on my part, because I wasn't thinking ahead of the profiles and all these other things. And so, for you, I wanna ask you are you still in your feelings if you didn't lose that one pound that you intended? Or you forgot to set your alarm, or you set your alarm but you didn't make it to the gym that one day out of the week and that completely just put you at a standstill and you didn't continue to do what you know you needed to do go to the gym, or continue to a meal plan, or continue to type up a one-page paper or however many words that you needed. Have you stopped your search or your networking when it comes to your transition, because you had one bad encounter? And so today, I wanna offer you to take my example, take your example.

Speaker 1:

Maybe from today alone, maybe you forgot to do something and that discouraged you. That emotion, that negative emotion, discouraged you and it's keeping you now either stuck or at a standstill. And I wanna offer you today that, whatever it is that you, whatever you're in, I wanna offer you that you are able to continue to make progress, no matter where you are. And so for me, it was a matter of okay, I'm feeling embarrassed, I'm feeling disappointed in myself. What can I do better the next time. So what worked, right? What worked? I already told you everything that worked. You write it down, you type it up whatever you wanna do. You put it in a voice memo. This is what worked one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. All these three items worked. We're good there. What didn't work and that's the hard one, what didn't work? You didn't lose that pound because why you missed three days of the gym.

Speaker 1:

Maybe your diet was not where it needed to be or what it needed to be. Maybe you didn't have enough time to focus, or maybe you weren't in the right environment to focus, to write that paper. Maybe you're not talking to the right people. Maybe you weren't able to communicate what you needed effectively and that could be in a relationship. Right? Maybe you're like my relationships are getting better. I can't solve this. This is not getting any better. It's not going anywhere. Maybe you're not asking the right questions, right? Maybe there are different questions that you need to ask. Maybe there are different things that you need to do or that you want to offer others to do for you that is going to help you keep moving in that relationship or be entertained, or whatever emotion. You need to be excited, to be feel loved or whatever it may be.

Speaker 1:

So I want to ask you today to focus on what did not go right, what went wrong, what went wrong. And so when I did that list and I'm like, okay, this is what went wrong, I'm going to ensure that I figure this out, I am going to rehearse it on there on the actual Facebook group with my actual approved permissions Facebook business page, and I'm going to do that over and over until I know that I am good to go on that scenario. What else did I do? What else didn't work out? What didn't work? I didn't have anything in place to ensure that it was going to be live and share my screen. So what can I do? Differently? Maybe is send out a link, a different link that ensures that I'm able to share my screen.

Speaker 1:

So, again, things like that, instead of just feeling stuck and getting into this whole of everything just goes wrong all the time and I don't know what I'm doing. I'm a failure, whatever it may be, whatever thoughts you have about you, you know never going to lose way. I'm never going to be able to change my diet. I'm just going to be overweight forever, I am not going to find the love of my life, I am not going to transition into a successful career, whatever it may be, for you. I want you to evaluate where you are now. So what worked, what didn't work, and now what are you going to do differently? So now I am going to actually go live 10 minutes earlier and share my screen at the same time, just to ensure that I have those 10 minutes of buffer, that I am able to use that link. If not, I will have a link already available and send that to the group even ahead of time. So you see how all these things starts happening. Because I evaluated it, took the time to evaluate beforehand.

Speaker 1:

So an example for you. Let's say you're losing weight. Right, because I'm on the same wagon. I'm on the same wagon, lady. I am on the journey of losing weight, and that's completely okay. Everyone is on a journey of challenging themselves, and that's what I want to offer you, right?

Speaker 1:

So what can you do differently? Maybe you said another alarm, maybe you didn't set your alarm, or you did set your alarm and you didn't wake up. You were too tired. You're going to set two alarms, or you're going to have somebody come knocking your door or whatever. Maybe it's your spouse. You tell them to nudge you or whatever it may be, or you didn't make it at that time.

Speaker 1:

What happens when you don't make it at the time? Are you going to go during lunch? Are you going to go to the gym at another time? Are you going to change your diet and maybe implement something completely new in order for you to see that there will be progress? Because here is the focus. The focus is progress. The focus is how can you make progress, not how many more pounds you need to lose or how many more inches that you need to lose. You want to be able to focus on the progress and, in order to do that, you want to be able to evaluate ahead of time.

Speaker 1:

So again, what went well, what went right, what did you do right, what you didn't do right, what went wrong, what didn't work? I should say so, what worked, what didn't work and what will you do differently? So what is it exactly that you're going to do differently in order to help you see if anything changes? Because what happens if we don't change anything that we're doing? We're constantly, you know, eating the same diet. I'm eating a salad and, you know, some chicken. I'm drinking coffee and I'm eating a donut, and whatever it may be, my body is not changing. Is it my diet or is it something else? Do I need to explore something different? 90% of the time, it will be our diet, believe it or not. Maybe you're drinking alcohol. Maybe you're drinking too much coffee. Maybe you're drinking too much coffee with too much sugar. That could be it. Maybe it could be just something as simple as adjusting, but you won't know until you evaluate.

Speaker 1:

So I want to offer you today to evaluate wherever you are in your journey, whatever goal you have, because by that time that you listen to this episode, it'll be the last day of January and I want to offer you to start fresh on the first. And what a better way to start fresh? In a Facebook group with other women that are going to help you and encourage you and help you stay accountable. So come join us over at the Facebook group. I want to meet with you and learn how I can better help you as well with your time, with your overall well-being, because that's what it's all about. And you can start also on Thursday at 12 pm, eastern Standard Time, where I will give you the template. I will give you a basic and simple template for you to get started on this routine. There's no more excuses. I've asked so much to do. I don't know where to start. Come join me. I will be there.

Speaker 1:

I will be answering any questions that you have and also helping you along the way with your routine and also with the challenge that you want to take on for February. It could be using weight, it could be going to the gym five days a week, it could be anything that you're inspired to challenge yourself with, because, again, this is why I want to build a community and I encourage you to be a part of any community. It doesn't have to be this one. Find a community. Find a community where women are going to empower you and are going to encourage you to keep going to make progress, because that's what this is all about making progress. So what do you need to evaluate in order for you to start making progress? All right, I hope that this episode blesses you and encourages you to continue on your journey. All right, have a beautiful rest of your week. Bye.

Identifying and Overcoming Progress Barriers
Evaluate Progress and Make Necessary Changes
Building a Community for Progress