The Adoption Law Firm Podcast

History of Adoption and the Biblical Basis for Orphan Care

February 10, 2021 Samuel McClure, Esq. Season 1 Episode 6

Show Notes:

Episode Title: History of Adoption and the Biblical Basis for Orphan Care

Publish Date: Feb 10-11, 2021

Do you know much about the long history of adoption and orphan care?  If you have a copy of Oliver Twist or any of those other literary classics you are off to a good start.  While there may not be libraries on this topic from church history, it has always been a significant issue.  What do scriptures have to say about how to treat orphans?  Join Sam and Michele as they look at excerpts from Sam’s book on the topic and talk candidly about their own adoption journeys.  

Show Notes - Highlights and Links: 

2:21 – Adoption exists because we live in a broken world. 

3:56 – The Earliest Historical Mention of Orphan in the book of Job

6:09 – Adoption isn’t mentioned in the Bible, but God’s people have always cared for at-risk, abused and neglected children.  (James 1:27)

8:54 – A Pakistan Family Adoption Story – working with international adoption law.

10:50 – The Doctrine of Adoption – The Spiritual Example

12:17  – Introduction - Excerpts from The End of Orphan Care

14:14  – How the Early Church Was thinking about orphan care

17:46 - The Practice of Abortion during the early Church years.

** Trigger Warning ** 17:46 – 22:17 Contains difficult subject matter including descriptions of abortion practices in history and in modern times for stem cells.

22:17 - Early church response to the abortion industry.

23:43 – Modern-day response to adoption of special needs children.

24:35 – George Mueller’s response to orphans

26:34 – Why Aren’t More Christians Aware of Adoption and Orphan Care?

33:18 – Adoption Soap Boxes and closing thoughts

The End of Orphan Care by Samuel J. McLure

Amazon Kindle or Paperback

Blog Post: Evangelism in Orphan Care and The Work of The Holy Spirit

February 25, 2020  

by Sam McLure