The Adoption Law Firm Podcast

How to Care Well For Birth Parents

February 18, 2021 Samuel McClure, Esq. Season 1 Episode 7

Episode Title: How to Care Well For Birth Parents
Publish Date: February 18, 2021

Show Notes -

Here at the Adoption Law Firm, we treasure and deeply care for birth parents, their situations, and their rights.  We make it a point to never forget all that they have done to carry their child and follow an adoption plan for their child.  Today, Sam and Michele talk about why honoring birth parents is so important. 

Highlights and Links: 

1:00 – The real pain about not caring for birth parents well.

4:48 – Birth moms are not “producers” and Helping vs. Enabling.

7:09 – Making informed/educated decisions

8:25 – In some cases, are we jumping to adoption too soon?

14:48 – What can pregnancy resource centers do love birth mothers and educate about adoption plans?

Blog: “An Open Letter to A Chinese Birth Mom”

Book: The End of Orphan Care 
by Samuel J. McLure
Amazon Kindle or Paperback