The Adoption Law Firm Podcast

S2: E1 Special Guests: Ross and Joanna Hodges

April 21, 2021 Samuel McClure, Esq. Season 2 Episode 1

Publish Date: April 21, 2021

Show Notes: Today Sam and Mary Beth McLure are pleased to welcome special guests, Ross and Joanna Hodges, to the podcast for season two.  Today we hear their amazing adoption stories.  The Hodges faced infertility as a couple, but kept saying yes to adoption.  They looked at all their adoption options and kept open hands and hearts.  Despite some very challenging circumstances, their family grew quickly through adoption and they now have four beautiful children.  


Highlights and Links:

1:20 – Ross shares his background, going to seminary and story about meeting Joanna.

3:35 – Joanna shares her background and passion for serving in the church and serving her family.  

5:00 – Ross and Joanna share the beginnings of their adoption stories.

10:07 – Hard waiting.  And then suddenly, the baby is coming.

19:15 – Things are not what they seem to be.  Hard news.

26:10 – Sam comments on where is our heart in adoption.

28:52 – Ross comments about keeping the right perspective about children and adoption

34:50 – Four stockings on the mantle – the Hodges’ family grows, and then faces more difficulties.

40:22 – Are the Hodges interested in adoption a biological sibling of one their adopted kids?

46:34 –The risk of loving an adopted child.

48:17 - Sound advice on making decisions in adoption

49:55 – Will adoption make you happy?  Sam gives some comments.


The End of Orphan Care by Samuel J. McLure

Amazon Kindle or Paperback

Did You Know You Can Place Your Embryos For Adoption? By Sam McLure