Ep 256:Travel English: Essential Phrases for Your Next Trip

July 22, 2024 Thomas Martinez Season 5 Episode 256

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In this episode of Englishway RD, we provide a comprehensive guide to essential travel English phrases designed to make your next trip smoother and more enjoyable. From the airport to the hotel, restaurants, and emergency situations, you'll learn the key phrases needed to navigate any English-speaking country with confidence. Whether you're planning a vacation or a business trip, this episode prepares you to handle any situation with ease. Tune in now and become an expert traveler in English!

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Welcome back to English. Way ahead. I'm your host, Thomas, and today we are diving into the world of travel.
English whether you're gearing up for a relaxing vacation or heading out on a business trip, mastering these essential phrases will make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. So let's get started.
Let's start with airports. Airports can be overwhelming, especially if you are not familiar with the language. Let's start with some key phrases that will help you to navigate your way from check in to.
Let's start with a couple of phrases and tips when it comes to the check in, we can use phrases such as where is the check in in the check in counter where is the check in counter.
Also we could.
Use another phrase such as have a reservation under and the name of the person.
I have a reservation under Thomas Martinez. I have a reservation under Thomas Martinez. No one.
Tip always keep your passport and booking confirmation handy. This is very important because you will be aspirated multiple times through pretty much when you're going through customs and all the process.
Also security.
Couple of phrases that you could use when you go through security is do I need to remove my shoes? Do I need to remove my shoes? Most likely you will have to. Another one is where is the boarding gate? Where is the boarding?
One tip, be prepared to remove laptops and liquids from your carry on.
Always be prepared for that. Also we have a couple of tips whenever we have flight issues which.
Is very common.
You could use phrases such as my flight is delayed or canceled, my flight is delayed or canceled.
Also, can I change my seat? Can I change my seat 1 tip for this for this always download your airlines app for real time updates and use your seat changes.
Now let's move on to the next part of the travel. Check it into a hotel arriving at your hotel and checking in smoothly can set the tone for your entire state. So here are some phrases that will make your hotel experience pleasant and stress free.
When checking in.
You could use phrases such as I have a reservation under in the name of the person. You could say I have a reservation under.
John Smith have a reservation under John Smith.
Also, you can make a request such as can I get a room with a view? Can I get a room with a view?
Mentioned 1 Tip is mentioned. Any special request like quiet room building your checking. This will make things easier, faster and less traumatic. Also when it comes to requesting services you could use forces like can I have extra towels? Can I have extra towels or eat?
Breakfast included his breakfast included.
One tip is don't hesitate to call the front desk for any needs or questions.
And last but not least, dealing with problems.
You could use prices like the air conditioner isn't working. Or can I change rooms? Or if this is not the?
Room that I.
Asked for or the heater is not working. Things like that always be polite but firm when addressing issues to get prompt assistance their customer service.
Is usually really good and they will try to deal and solve any type of problems that you as a guest may have.
Now when you travel or go to new places, you don't want to stay in a hotel room the entire time you want to get around, and these phrases will be really useful, like getting around any place can.
Be really tricky.
But with these phrases that we're going about that we're about to practice.
You will be able to find your way with.
Let's talk about first transportation. Couple of phrases that you could use when it comes to transportation is where can I find a taxi? Where can I find a taxi? Or where can I find a bus? Or where can I find the metro station? The nearest metro station? How much is the fare? How much is the fare meaning?
How much you have to pay for the?
A couple of tips or one tip is have the address of your destination written down to show your drivers or any person that might be able to help you even at the front desk in the hotel.
Also asking for directions.
You could use phrases such as which bus goes to which bus goes to.
And the place that you would like to go to, how do I get to? How do I get to?
Always use maps on your phone to help you understand the directions given. You could use Google Maps or the one or also ways or any other.
Map app that there is other.
Also, renting a car.
You could use a uh, you could say I need to rent a car or what are the insurance options for this vehicle?
One tip always.
Shake if your credit card offers rental car insurance to save money.
Now let's talk about one of the joys of traveling and is experiencing local cuisine. Here are some phrases that will help you to navigate restaurants and enjoy your meals when ordering food. You could say things like can I see the menu, please?
Can I see the menu please? Also you could ask to one of the waitress what do you recommend? What do you recommend?
One tip is look up local dishes beforehand to know what to expect and also try to have an idea of what you should be ordering.
It's good to mention what your dietary needs are, such as I'm allergic to nuts.
Or is this vegetarian? I don't eat meat.
One important tip is learn the names of your allergens in the local language to avoid confusion. If it's English well, it should be English learning in English. That way there won't be confused in the will understand immediately what you are allergic to, so you don't have to run to the hospital. Now when it comes to paying the bill.
You can say phrases like can I pay by credit card? Can I pay by credit card or can I pay by cash? Can I pay by cash? Is service included? Is service included?
Make sure that always you ask for you. Ask if the tip is included to avoid double tipping and of course avoiding paying more than it should.
Let's move on now to emergency situations.
Hopefully you won't need these phrases, believe me, I hope you never need them, but it's always good to be prepared for emergencies.
When asking for help, you can say I need help.
I need help like desperately or call an ambulance.
Call an ambulance. 1 tip is to know the local emergency numbers before you travel. Local emergency numbers is not 911 around the world. Every country has their own local emergency numbers. Some countries are 112119911, of course.
But it varies in changes from country to country, so I'll recommend it to beforehand. Just know them by heart or at least have them written down somewhere.
Also reporting lost items, you can say you can go to the embassy and say my passport is missing or someone that is next close to you. My passport is missing or I need to report a theft. I need to report a thief.
Always keep copies of the important documents in case that you need them.
Last time when I travel.
Well, well.
When I usually travel, I always have with me a copy of my passport and driver license, just in case I misplaced my passport.
When it comes to medical assistance, you can say where is the nearest hospital. I need a doctor. Where is the nearest hospital? I need a doctor. Always consider travel insurance.
Especially if it covers medical emergencies. This will help you to save a lot of money. And of course it will save you a lot of headaches. It's never too much to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
That's all for today's episode on Essential Travel English phrases. Remember practicing these phrases before your trip? This way you can make a huge difference in, and of course, your confidence and overall experience will be boosted.
If you find this episode useful, please share it with your fellow travelers. And don't forget to subscribe to English lyrics for more great content.
Safe travels and until the next time, keep exploring.