196. James & Bersabeh Ray -- Redemption
Seemingly Ordinary
Seemingly Ordinary
196. James & Bersabeh Ray -- Redemption
Jun 25, 2024
Tim Wuebker

What do you do when you have everything, and it all gets taken away?

James Arthur Ray is a New York Times bestselling author, philosopher, and consultant who has worked with over 1 million people from 146 countries through his coaching and leadership programs. But he lost it all--you have to hear how--and had to fight his way back to recover.

And what do you do when you were born into a nightmare? Bersabeh Ray was born in Iran in 1981 during the Iran-Iraq War. Growing up, her childhood disappeared into a cloud of death, violence, sexual abuse, and instability.  But somehow, she built a great life for herself. 

Their stories are one-of-a-kind.  You what they say might leave you stunned, and yet, inspired.