Let's Just Face It

30. Trauma Bonding: Why Doesn't She Just Leaves Him?

Rakel Colina

Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. This happens when an abused person forms an unhealthy bond with their abuser. The person that is experiencing or exposed to this abuse may even develop sympathy for the abuser, this becomes reinforced by cycles of abuse and then remorse. 

Trying to leave a toxic or abusive relationship comes with a lot to manage. Not only will you have to figure out how to proceed once you leave this person. It also plays a big part when you have to start planning where you are going to live, and how will you support yourself- if this is something that you could even do, thinking of the things they will use against you, all of these might make you feel like you are tied to this person and it may be hard or even impossible to break away. 

This trauma bond comes by the alternating of kindness, intimacy, and "love", if you want to call it that. The reason why this works is because of the good feeling you get when you remember when you fell in love. Those beautiful days when it started, thinking that this is what he is capable of. 

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