The Real Path to BYOB(Be your own Boss)
The Real Path to BYOB(Be your own Boss)
Episode 20: Mindset series: Learning and growth
I am super excited to be starting a new series to talk about mindset.
I strongly believe that our lives are shaped by our minds and the thoughts we associate with.
Well, if you think about it more - everything that has manifested in your life was once a thought in your brain that was followed up with action - the power of thoughts is undeniable.
So, today let's dive into the kind of mindset that super successful people adopt in their life. A great deal of research has been done on what is called the growth mindset, and how successful people with this mindset succeed so abundantly in their careers or anything that they choose to do. Because the way you do one thing is usually the way you do most, if not all things in life
What exactly is this GROWTH MINDSET? It's described as a state of the constant state of mental alertness with the desire to learn and get better while doing the needed in alignment with your goals - regardless of external factors.
And people who have mastered the ability to stay in this "zone" or so called "flow" state described it as one of the most fulfilling states. These people were able to stay motivated despite the many obstacles that stood in their way to success.
This is because the growth mindset allows individuals to love what they are doing and also to continue to appreciate it in the face of problems
And as a consequence of this -there is no fear of failure.
And guess what ???
With the absence of fear, people are able to take action towards their goals without the mental pressure from the past or future, by just being in the moment. This mindset allows you to see failure as a chance to learn, grow, and perfect your approach to success.