reWorked: the Workplace Inclusion Podcast

Series 4, Episode 11: Authentic Communications for LGBT+ History Month & Pride

EW Group: Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy Season 4 Episode 11

In this latest episode of our reWorked podcast, Polly Shute and Tash Thomas, EW Group Diversity & Inclusion Consultants, discuss how organisations can create authentic communications to acknowledge LGBT+ History Month in February in the UK and Pride in June.

With 2022 marking its 50th year, Tash and Polly share insights into the history of Pride as a protest, how it has evolved over the years and explore how brands can meaningfully support the LGBT+ community and Pride all year round.

Polly said: "It is important organisations remember Pride is an emotional brand and make sure they understand the history of Pride and what it actually means before creating an internal or external campaign. Discuss with your ERG networks, colleagues, communities and charities to engage with it effectively and make a positive contribution to your employees and clients."
Tash commented: “One of the challenges is some companies may not even be aware of what their staff demographics are – Out Now’s research in 2020 found only 45% of LGBT+ people in the UK feel able to be out to everyone at work. Just because they might not be visibly out and proud, doesn’t mean they don’t exist in the organisation.”
You can also download our factsheet with 10 top tips on how brands can meaningfully engage with Pride.

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EW Group has worked with organisations to build more diverse and inclusive cultures for almost thirty years. Get in touch to explore how we can work with you to build safe and inclusive environments at work.