
Empowering Natural Healing: Highlights from the Healing for the Ages Initiative and Upcoming Conferences

September 07, 2024 Hutt Season 5 Episode 13

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Discover the incredible power of the human body to heal itself as we explore the Healing for the Ages initiative with Dr. Ardis, Dr. Ealy, and Dr. Jenna Schmidt. Find out how our first event in 2023 transformed lives by educating people on how the body's natural defenses, designed by God, can combat diseases without constant fear. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and the exciting plans for our next conference, emphasizing natural solutions and scientific research that promote health and reduce medical anxiety.

Hear the moving journey of Dr. Janice Schmidt as she recounts her son's severe neck injury and the vital role of emergency care, the body's miraculous healing abilities, and natural therapies. She passionately discusses the importance of having a medical advocate, maintaining faith, and the influence of her holistic upbringing. Listen as she shares heartwarming interactions with trauma surgeons and stresses the need to educate the medical community on natural healing methods, inspired by figures like Dr. Patch Adams.

Get a sneak peek into upcoming conferences focused on natural health solutions, such as the Cancer Solutions Conference, where experts like Dr. Jimenez, Dr. Carlos, and Dr. Diana Wright will provide actionable insights. From creating herbal remedies to understanding transhumanistic agendas, our events promise a wealth of knowledge. Finally, we cover the holistic health conference, including discussions on proper nutrition, mineral intake, and ethical considerations in medical practices, all taking place at the supportive Hilton Plano in Dallas, Texas. Don't miss this enlightening and empowering episode!

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Thank you for listening to this episode of HuttCast, the American Podcast. We hope you enjoyed today's discussion and gained valuable insights. To stay updated on our latest episodes, be sure to subscribe to our podcast on your preferred listening platform. Don't forget to leave us a rating and review, as it helps others discover our show. If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for future topics, please reach out to us through our website or social media channels. Until next time, keep on learning and exploring the diverse voices that make America great.

Speaker 1:

2, 3, 4. 2, 3, 4. Secretly recorded from deep inside the bowels of a decommissioned missile silo, we bring you the man, one single man, who wants to bring light to the darkness and dark to the lightness. Although he's not always right, he is always certain. So now, with security protocols in place, the protesters have been forced back behind the barricades and the blast doors are now sealed. Without further delay, let me introduce you to the host of HuttCast, mr Tim Huttner.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, sergeant-at-arms. You can now take your post. The views and opinions expressed in this program are solely those of the individual and participants. These views and opinions expressed do not represent those of the host or the show. The opinions in this broadcast are not to replace your legal, medical or spiritual professionals. Welcome to the Huttcast. Today is September 8th 2024, and today we have an exceptional panel with us. We have Healing for the Ages and we've got a couple of doctors that I want to introduce you to, one of which is Dr Artis, and they've been on the show before. We've had Dr Ile and then Dr Schmidt, who we've never interviewed, so she's new here. So Jenna Schmidt is joining us. We are three guys. Are you there?

Speaker 3:

We are here, Okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, we're going to jump right into the topic here right after pre-roll and we will go for a conversation. Stand by. The current healthcare system is not meeting the needs of real people. People are demanding better, better care, better options and want results. So Gareth Care has launched and is advocating for those in the US and internationally, as people are realizing the controlled system has not been there for them. If you want your own independent advocate that is not controlled by big corporations, call or text and enroll today to get your advocate for your needs, serving all ages, for any health care needs you might have you matter. Here's how you get started wwwgarethcarecom. That is G-R-A-I-T-H-C-A-R-Ecom. Call Gareth Care Direct at 469-864-7149. Call or text the questions to Healthcare Sucks and get an advocate with Gareth Care, 469-864-7149. Mention HUTCAST and you will get an additional 10% discount on your first advocacy bundle. The staff at Gareth Care will take care of you. Remember, mention HUTCAST and get that extra 10% off your first bundle of time. And this is all brought to you from Gareth Care.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to HuttCast. As I said in pre-roll, we have a panel with us today. It's a fantastic panel and we're going to talk about their healing for the ages. Now, if you haven't had a chance to get to their website, peek in, because they can read their bios. You can read what they do. I mean, it's crazy, crazy, crazy cool stuff and I know I've interviewed them before in the past and when anytime dr artist comes on, he's good for a hundred thousand downloads and I and you know, hey, you can come on every week, dude okay, I would love it because that that helps.

Speaker 2:

That helps my downloads tremendously. So let's start out with this healing of the ages and tell me what the premises of this is.

Speaker 3:

This is great, Tim. Once again, I'm so excited to be here. It was great to be with you just a few months ago in South Dakota at the Red Pill Expo with GF Griffin. I'm so excited to be on your platform one more time to actually educate the audiences about topics that are exciting to us. I mean, not a lot of people get really excited and nerd out on science, medicine, health, deceptions. I mean, that is what we love. We love research, studies. We love articulating to the audiences around the world or our patients in our clinic or our family and loved ones.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to be afraid of all the things you're hearing in the media and social media, all the threats by your medical doctor standing in front of you saying you cannot survive the next flu season without a flu shot. We do not operate that way. Nor do we believe you have to escape throughout life, every single day, feeling the threat of unforeseen pathogens or an underlying risk for cancer in your body. We do not think you ever for a second need to live in fear of those things, and that is why we built and created last year, for the first time ever, the first annual last year in 2023, Healing for the Ages in Dallas, Texas, and it was an incredible event. Every medical doctor, scientist, student, lay person, each of us that were speakers there Dr Artist Group, Eileen Schmidt, each of us have been to hundreds of medical conventions, health conferences for decades and all of us in unison, every person who attended, said it was a unique and incredible experience to participate in the Healing for the Ages last year, and everyone before they left said we want to come back for next year.

Speaker 3:

Well, even when they said that at the event we didn't have a plan for a second one, we just wanted to see if we could do it the first time, and it created so much of a buzz, so much excitement, and all we did was focus on educating people on what we know as a group of doctors four of us how the human body was designed by God to defeat pathogens, infections, bacteria, viruses, parasites, EMFs. How the earth has been given to us to help neutralize EMF toxicities, 5G radiation and that kind of stuff. We know nature provides the solutions we trust. God gave us those solutions and created those solutions, and we want to make sure all of you know what those solutions are, are published, what's already been proven through science, through clinical experience in all of our personal lives and in the scientific realm, and once we show the world that everybody's fear, anxiety and panic disappears, and that is why I'm so honored to have these guys with me all the time we work together every week.

Speaker 3:

It's been really a godsend for us and we're so excited to add to our event this year Other doctors. The first year it was just two chiropractors and two naturopaths Me, Dr Ed. Group of the chiropractors Dr Janet Schmidt, Dr Elia the naturopaths. This year many docs want to participate and are begging to come and contribute. We have our first medical doctor on stage with us, Dr Lee Merritt, who's a thoracic surgeon. If you know who she is, she's phenomenal.

Speaker 3:

I did read that we have Dr Judy Mike of it's an immunologist and a virologist PhD coming to speak. We've got Dr Robert Scott Bell, a homeopath and, like you, that's had a radio broadcast for decades, but his entire platform is about educating people on the natural principles of healing, and that's what we're so thrilled about.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, a lot of people. I mean, you feel the steam growing and rolling in and every time I turn around there's just like a bunch of new people jumping in. That's got to be exciting it is very exciting.

Speaker 3:

in fact, tim, if you want to know the truth me, dr janna and dr ely on this call right now yeah, when we see in the media that they're telling you there's an outbreak of monkeypox in boston or wherever, and that's the news, and everybody's talking about social media, while some people are becoming anxious and fearful of going outside being with a partner wanting to get on a dating app because they're scared of monkeypox, the four of us but the three on this call right now we all start laughing because we find this stuff funny, because no one needs to be afraid of it. In fact, tim, if I told you or asked you have you ever heard of monkeypox?

Speaker 2:

Yes, needs to be afraid of it. In fact, Tim, if I told you or asked you, have you ever heard?

Speaker 3:

of monkeypox? Yes, I've heard of it. Yes, okay, so you've heard of it. Did you know that they actually publish in scientific papers? When you go to look up and research monkeypox, they actually say it doesn't come from monkeys, it's actually found in rodents.

Speaker 2:

Is that?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like rats and mice. Well, we want primate mocks this kind of stuff just is humorous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're just making up stuff and trying to scare you. Who are they? Who are they? That's all your federal health agencies, by the way, around the world. They are the ones who are allowing to publish the lies and deceits. And why do they do that? Have huge, deep, lobby-filled, financially, with $100 bills, pharmaceutical lobbyists dumping and bribing them to publish these publications. And there's lots of them. There's tons of them that are doing it.

Speaker 3:

So when you see COVID-19, it was brought to you by Pfizer. All you had to do was turn on TV or social. The whole pandemic was brought to you by Pfizer. Yeah, the whole thing was created by Pfizer, who gave the money to the governments to promote it. Pfizer Moderna never even had a drug or vaccine. So, yeah, this is all promotion, all propaganda and all marketing to sell drugs and vaccines to the public. And you don't need them. And that's why Healing for the Ages was born. We want to restore back your faith in nature before pharmakia came up on the scene. I don't know if you've read it, but in revelations, chapter 18, it says in the last days, pharmakia will actually deceive all nations.

Speaker 2:

and that's exactly what's happening right now they're doing a pretty good job of it. Yes, they are every time you turn around.

Speaker 3:

That's why I love dr janice schmidt. I want dr janice to come on here and talk about it because I would like to throw a few prayers from the hundreds of thousands, if not not millions, of people that will hear this radio show. She has a circumstance in which we have actually taken advantage of about the only thing modern medicine provides value in, and that is emergency life-saving care and surgery. And so she had a son and she can get into it. But she had a son that had a horrific accident and he has benefited from surgeons being quick to act to try to help him. And now we get to witness God's ability that he provided the body to heal. And I would like Dr Jana Schmidt to join us here on the call and talk about what she's excited about with the Healing for the Ages conference, what she's going to talk about a little bit, but I would really like the audiences to throw out their thoughts, focus their thoughts and prayers on her son, Ellis, Dr Schmidt are you there?

Speaker 4:

I'm here, thank you so much Dr Artis.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Tim, for having us on. It's wonderful to talk to you.

Speaker 1:

Sorry to hear about your circumstances Very sorry, who wants to lead this prayer?

Speaker 2:

Did you want to pray for your son?

Speaker 4:

Sure, definitely. Just to give you a little background, he was in an accident and broke his neck and the information came at us really fast and decisions. I mean, this is emergency medicine and we had some amazing surgeons that just jumped right in there. But I also had an advocate to to help me navigate some of these situations. I know how the body works. I was, you know, I was raised all natural, but the terminology and some of the medicines were not my forte, and so I definitely recommend people having an advocate in situations like this just to navigate.

Speaker 4:

You know someone who was an ICU nurse to tell you what's going on and what they say. This it means this and tell them that it was. It was amazing. But so he is off critical list and he is in therapy now and he has his body is amazingly strong and we are using all so many natural therapies and I just keep praying that God allows us to keep bringing them in here, because people look at us funny, but we're doing it anyway.

Speaker 4:

So, yes, that's our situation right now. He's 25 and he's strong and amazing and has great faith and just so determined and we're just doing everything we can to help come alongside his healing what God's already doing. So, yeah, I'd be happy to pray. Awesome, thank you God. Thank you, god for this moment, thank you for your time together, thank you for the ability to call upon you in any situation. Lord, we pray. We pray specifically for our youngest son's situation. We pray that you go before us and you remove those obstacles and that you make the path straight, illuminate the path we should take. I pray that everyone that comes in contact with him not only blesses him, but he blesses them as well, and we thank you in advance for the miraculous healing power that you have within all of us, that you give us, lord, and we continue to trust you and your amazing timing, and also thank you for the peace that surpasses all understanding, in Jesus' name, amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen Amen.

Speaker 4:

Yes, this world is definitely not. It turns my stomach when they talk about a medication. I'm like, no, my son not only has not had medications, but he's never been vaccinated. We're still not vaccinated, by the way, but I just they just look at me like I'm crazy, but we've made it. He's.

Speaker 4:

He's really involved in all his care, sharp as a tack and also able to refuse medicines which they think we're we're nuts. We're doing it anyway and we've actually been able to educate when, if you do it kindly, you can circumnavigate some of the things that they just do because it's protocol but not necessarily what's best for you. But you can circumnavigate that and say, well, if we're concerned about this, why don't we look at this? Oh, the iron is low, let's look and see if it's deficient in copper and they're like what. And copper and they're like what. And so I have been able to, you know, print out documentation and read and talk about the trauma surgeons and most of them, honestly, have been pretty receptive. They didn't know many of those things, but they were receptive to learn and they wanted him to heal too. So we were, we were just, you know, very blessed by that. There are some people that are a little hard-headed, that uh kind of walk circle around us these days, but that's okay, we don't care. But there's been many opportunities to shine some light on how natural healing works. They're all stunned at how fast he's healing. They're like well, let me tell you what we're doing. So that's been amazing. That's been amazing and I grew up with this.

Speaker 4:

I grew up in a natural holistic lifestyle, even though my father was a physician, my mom was a full-on hippie and we grew our own food and I never had medicines and I ran around barefoot and it was wonderful. And if you know Dr Patch Adams, he was the healing doctor. He was our communal living hippie, communal living doctor and I just learned so much from him and I was totally inspired, as was Dr Artis inspired. I didn't know this until I met Dr Artis years and years ago, but we were both inspired by Dr Patch Adams to go into a field that we could help people, that could be fun and it could be amazing. So that was pretty cool too. So, yes, I've grown up with quite a few wonderful influences from Native American Indian grandmothers and botanist relatives and just put it all together to come up with what I do now. And we never stop learning. There's always more to learn.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that's a heck of a story. It is awesome, and dr Janice Schmidt will be one of the presenters there. She's gonna be teaching all kinds of stuff about how to make natural remedies, like how to bring back faith that you at home can find ways to create therapeutic products that don't require a prescription. How miraculous is that.

Speaker 4:

And be confident in it. It's so simple, simple to use, simple to make, and when you have that confidence, then you take back your own. You take back the power that I feel has just been taken, stolen from us. It's our God-given right to know how to heal our bodies, heal our families and teach them how to do that. So we're going to turn back time, right away from the artificial methods and back to our roots of the way God has designed us to live and heal Exactly right.

Speaker 3:

And the primary theme for this coming Healing for the Ages 2.0 second year is knowing the causes of cancer and addressing those. So we're going to be going through what a huge summary of what we know triggers the risk and increases the risk for developing cancers in the human body. And why are we targeting that? Because it is probably the thing they try to push on all of us to be the most afraid of. It is literally right now affecting almost every family unit in the world. They know somebody that's affected by cancer or has cancer right now. It's never been as highly diagnosed ever in the history of man than it is right now. So we want to make sure we can bring to you what we know is all the causes of cancer, and we're going to be bringing specialists from around the world to come into the conference and do a free live presentation on Thursday night, september 12th. All you do is go to healingfortheagescom. When you come on the homepage that evening, there's going to be a live broadcast for hours and you're going to be able to watch a live Q&A and participate in it with three people Dr Jimenez, dr Carlos and then Dr Diana Wright, who are going to be there, who all have clinics in different states and different countries, who they focus for decades on curing people of cancer, all naturally without chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. So this is going to be a very high, powerful, energy-filled celebration of solutions where you start to grasp the reality that you do not need the traditional, conventional medical model for every disease process on earth. It is required in certain situations, but, like 3% of everything you'd ever encounter that you believe right now you need, so you don't need.

Speaker 3:

I'm just going to say, right now you're going to learn and I'm going to show you that you never need an antibiotic for a bacterial infection how your own body has cells. I'm going to show you the cells and actually let you watch it live. Watch the cells in your human body that we all call the immune system. We're going to show you, I'm going to physically show you those cells eating HIV cells, four at a time, all by itself, without any drugs. I'm going to show you our cells in our body killing parasites without ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine even needed. I'm going to show you cancer cells from the breast, cancer cells from the cervix. I'm going to show you all these cancer cells, and I'm going to show you that your own body has everything in it to actually protect you and defeat those issues all by itself, without the need of drugs or vaccines like so many of us are conditioned that we require.

Speaker 3:

God gave us everything we need in our immune system, and what man and science it appears and it feels like to us has tried to do for the last many, many thousands of years is convince you that God screwed up on day six when he made you and forgot an immune system of any kind. So now we found man, thank God, figured out how to inject inside of you stuff chemicals, formaldehyde, abortal fetal tissues, kidney cells of dogs I'm not kidding, that's in the flu shot, by the way. When they inject that inside of you, they're telling you that'll help you prevent an infection. No, it doesn't. That's never been proven in history, ever. The immune system is already in you. It knows what to do and, as Dr Ely can tell you, we just have to get out of our own way. And, as Dr Group always says, our immune system behaves based on the amount of poisons that we introduce into the body physically and what we allow around us in our environment. Toxic relationships, toxic emotions all of those suppress the body's ability to protect you from infections, diseases and even cancers. Dr Ely is the genius at doing that and I want everybody to listen here.

Speaker 3:

We went from 300 people in person at our conference last year and we had thousands of people. It is unlimited how many people you can have digitally watching this. We asked for 300 in our first one. We've doubled that this year. We're already sold out and we have many more tens of thousands of people that are going to be online this year and already registered, which is exciting. All tickets in person are sold out. So when you go to healingforthagescom, use the promo code HUTCAST H-U-T-T-C-A-S-T and you will get $50 off of the digital stream live. Now, once you're watching it for $99,.

Speaker 3:

Two and a half days of just experts galore dumping information on you. When we get through those days, we're going to be downloading all of the video recordings, all the PowerPoint presentations. Even if we don't get to the slides because of time, all of it gets downloaded and then emailed to you. You're going to have the entire PowerPoint slide as a PDF to be able to review, download, save, print. You're going to have the entire PowerPoint slide as a PDF to be able to review, download, save, print.

Speaker 3:

You're going to have the videos to be able to go back and pause, watch, rewind, go back and learn as we educate you on how to take care of yourself and take care of your loved ones. All of that is packaged up and given to you. There's even a workbook we're going to be giving to you digitally and in person when you're there, that has tons of definitions, graphics to help lay out for you and help you understand that what we say when we say it. God got it right the first time. We're going to show you what he designed and why it is. It outperforms anything that science can ever try to replicate. And so, dr Ely, tell them how excited you are about the conference and what you'll be talking about.

Speaker 5:

Brother, I am super excited. I just want to clarify one thing. We're not emailing you the presentations. You'll be able to log in and download them for yourself.

Speaker 1:

We have an easier way for everybody to do it.

Speaker 5:

But, yeah, super excited, I mean, like right now, tim, I'm actually working on the presentation one of the presentations that I'm giving and everything the presentation, one of the presentations that I'm giving, and everything. And you know, you just get excited as a teacher because you're like for us, for the majority of our careers. It was like we are the fringe, we're the ones that everybody wants to look at and go oh, those witch doctors and everything. Meanwhile they're pumping kids full of aborted human fetal tissue and nail polish remover and formaldehyde. But I'm a witch doctor, you know what I mean. And it's just we're at this total flip of the script for everything that we needed to happen. I never thought we would have a moment, an opportunity like this. I know Dr Artis didn't.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 5:

Dr Janet didn't, I know Dr Ed didn't. We didn't think we were going to have this many eyes all around the world, billions of people going, hey, what you guys are telling me isn't working, what you're telling me doesn't make sense. And then they look up and they start looking around and say, who knows what they're talking about? And then you go, okay, well, we know what we're talking about, we can prove it. We got an exciting thing on Saturday you get into cleansing the causes of cancer. We're each going to be doing presentations specifically on that topic.

Speaker 5:

Notice the word cleansing right, we got to get the stuff out of the body. We got to clean the environment so it can heal. We're going to actually give you a person who healed completely just got this confirmed yesterday completely healed using only natural medicines from a confirmed cancer thyroid cancer that was initiated by contrast dyes when they were doing imaging. We are going to show that whole thing and show people yes, what we are telling you is not only possible, it's actually how it goes down. You just need to understand sequence, you need to understand purity and need to understand how God divinely designed your body to heal, because undoubtedly God did do that. And we're going to show you the way to be able to affect it 100 percent. No-transcript.

Speaker 3:

One of the things really exciting to Dr Ely is we have a guy coming. His name is Rick. Rick, 50 years ago, was diagnosed with a terminal cancer, told he was going to die, did not do what they said the medical profession and only did what his buddy, g Edward Griffin, and his other friends had told him to do. And he's coming to our conference to talk about how he beat cancer 50 years ago and has been cancer free ever since. How he beat cancer 50 years ago and has been cancer-free ever since.

Speaker 3:

And how many people do you know, tim, are fearful of ever being diagnosed with cancer because they had family members that were diagnosed with cancer, even though they haven't been, but they live in fear with that? Or how about young women right now who are electing to have their breast cut off? When a medical doctor tells them we believe you have the bronco, one, bronco, two breast cancer gene, we think it's best you just go and cut your breast off now, at 18 years old, 20 years old, and let us reconstruct it. There are thousands of them doing it right now. My neighbor just did it last year, I'm not kidding. A 22 year old girl next door just did it.

Speaker 3:

So to my house and the parents were all in support. And I find that really odd because the dad has the same gene and the parents were all in support. And I find that really odd because the dad has the same gene. And I looked at him after he told me the story and I said wait a minute. She inherited those genes from you. Yes, your daughter inherited those genes from you. Yeah, how old are you? I'm 70 something, 72 or something. And I said wait, have you ever gotten cancer? And he said no and I said why would you have ever encouraged her to do that?

Speaker 5:

that's when they walked off, oh how come?

Speaker 3:

it doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to me, how do it make sense to you? So I am excited to bring him here and have these stories come when we say there's true healing that can occur in the world all naturally, without drugs and vaccines. This conference is intended to not only like tell you, it is to show you and then introduce you to the people who have helped others do it, and then have those people stand there and go. I did it, you can do it too, and that's why we want everybody, as many as possible, attending, watching, downloading healing for the ages 2.0 coming up september 12th, 13th and 14th, which is just next week, which we're very excited about so how about at this point?

Speaker 2:

so we're at 22 minutes into this first segment. Let's take a break commercial and come back with the layout of how this works. Can we do that? Amen, okay, stand by for HUDcast. We'll be right back and I'll have them describe how this conference works, if you're actually in person. So stand by. Need a quick, healthy boost to start your day? Try SuperFuel. Superfuel by Casmo is loaded with vitamins and healthy ingredients that will give you a quick, healthy boost. Make SuperFuel a great-tasting, low-calorie addition to your daily regimen. Order SuperFuel at wwwsuperfuelme or call 833-FUELX12 or 833-383-5912. Superfuel. Welcome back to the podcast. Dr Ile, dr Artis, dr Schmidt they're all online. Excellent panel. They're giving ages for the healing, healing for the ages Program coming up. Log in, sign up, do the HuttCast promo. Make that work for you. All our HuttCast money goes back to a charity of their choosing. So we're in this for the win. And let's start out. Dr Artis, about show us this conference. I mean, what does one expect when they get there?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when they come in person, man, it's going to be quite the show and a lot of energy is going to be there. So we're all about celebrating life actually, and it's been too depressing for the last four years. Nobody wanted to promote in the media public gatherings, family gatherings, holiday gatherings. They wanted to keep everybody isolated, afraid, terrorized, terrified, and this was a. It is time to bring all of you out of your home, out of your isolation. It's time to celebrate humanity again and gather in groups, be human again, like we used to do with firesides, and celebrate with storytelling and excitement, and that is exactly what Healing for the Ages is. It's a celebration of science.

Speaker 3:

We actually present a lot of science and we bring it down to the lay people level to make sure they all get it, because that's the only way we understand it. We just happen to have brains and have been clinically educated. Not that nobody has brains. We have the brains that have been pumped full of Latin terminology in medical schools, chiropractic schools, acupuncture schools. It's been hammered into us All this Latin terminology that a lot of people have a hard time understanding when they read science, research papers, medical journals. We love that stuff.

Speaker 3:

We've just spent decades doing it and then dumbing like for real. We have to dumb it down for ourselves first and then we want to be able to give it to you, and we have found a lot of success in doing that for people in our own personal lives and with our own personal family members and our own patients, and it is really exciting to watch people in audiences, media personalities and other who come and watch and attend. All of them are blown away that we can take these very difficult concepts, bring them back to simplicity so that you now have confidence to leave and go home with solutions and the wherewithal of where to start your own research. This is really the goal of healing for the ages. I'm not joking.

Speaker 2:

So I get there.

Speaker 3:

Most people believe they have to go somewhere else to get someone to tell them how to help them heal. The truth is, you can learn how to do that on your own. We all have to do it for ourselves. We're going to teach you how we navigate health in our homes all of our lives, all of our adult lives, and so you can do the same thing and not have to run to the Home Depot for a vaccine. You don't have to run to a clinic for Advil for a headache.

Speaker 3:

I'm just going to say right here anybody out there who has lupus, fibromyalgia, migraines you don't have those. Or heart disease you don't have any of those issues. You don't even have high blood pressure. You don't have those things because you are deficient in a prescription drug. There is a whole list of reasons why you have them, and if we can help you understand what those are and teach you how to start looking for what might be causing it and you get that out of your life, you're going to see all of it go back to normal and then all those symptoms disappear and your life will improve. It is miraculous and that's what we're excited about.

Speaker 2:

So walk us through the setup, we get off the plane.

Speaker 3:

Where are we going? Good, All right, Dr Ely, take them to the agenda. Tell them what they're going to experience on Thursday night, the 12th of September, the Friday the 13th, which is ironic and Saturday the 14th.

Speaker 5:

All right. Well, first of all, let's say 13 is a lucky number.

Speaker 5:

That's something they don't want you to know there are supposed to be 13 months. That's talking about the priests of Ra on another show after the conference. But on Thursday, what we're going to be talking about are what are the causes of cancer? So we got a wonderful free, virtual master class, just like we did last year, before the conference. Bring everybody together, start setting the stage for what the topic is going to be. We got Dr Carlos Garcia, dr Antonio Jimenez, dr Diana Wright all coming, all whom own their own natural cancer healing centers, and we're going to bring them on with the four of us, plus Dr Judy Mikevitz, plus Dr Lee Merritt, plus Dr Robert Scott Bell, and John O'Otta will be there too. Our honorary doctor will be there as well, and we're all just going to be talking about, in our opinion, what are the causes of cancer. Let's set up the problem. Then what we do is we get into Friday and it starts getting real fun.

Speaker 5:

Friday we got Dr Janice starting us off with Dr Robert Scott Bell Beautiful presentation, the power of botanicals and Homeopathy for you, healing you. So they're going to actually show you how to make a whole bunch of remedies, because everybody's like well, I don't know this herb and I don't know how to do this or that. Yeah, they're going to show you how easy it is so you can go. Really, that's all it takes to do that. You're going to go. Yeah, that's all it takes. Then, after that, we got Dr Ed Group and Dr Lee Merritt coming on the stage, turning off the Truman Show transhumanistic agenda. Dr Group has some phenomenal research that he's going to be sharing Images from the microscopes that we purchased last year wonderful things proving what we're saying. And again setting the stage, dr Lee Merritt beautiful presentation. She just sent it in last night. She's always a winner on stage as well. That's going to be one you definitely don't want to miss. Then after lunch, by the way, if you're there in person, it's going to be organic and it's going to be delicious.

Speaker 5:

You have me on the stage with Dr Judy Mikevitz. One of my dreams come true God lives in every single cell of you. We are going to just put it on stage for everybody, show you exactly what's going on with the cells, exactly where God exists. And here's the fun part, tim. We're going to be showing people this is where this nutrient works, this is what this nutrient does within the cell, and we're going to be breaking that down for everybody. So now they can have a real good understanding of why am I taking that multivitamin, why am I taking those nucleosides, why did you tell me to do this? I'm going to show you firsthand why, which is one of our exciting new things we're adding in this year on Friday, where you have all of our teenagers and really some a little bit above teens but our kids coming together to share an incredible presentation. Five simple ways to stay sick, five simple ways to get well, and it's going to be a great thing to see the kids out there.

Speaker 5:

Then later that night we're going to be celebrating Dr Rashid Buttar and the Hope, humanity and Freedom Award dinner. Can't wait for that. It's going to be a great night for everybody, all of our VIP plus guests and all of our special guests. And then it gets ready for Saturday the big enchilada. What do we say from Independence Day? Tim Right, anybody want to see the big tamale.

Speaker 5:

Let's go take a look. Big tamale. Everybody is Saturday, september 14th. We got Dr Jenna on stage right cleansing the causes of cancer. Number one she's going to be showing you your immune system's best friends forever Again, more things that God gave us for you to be healthy, so you don't have to worry about it. You can think of cancer like you think of a cold. That's going to be really cool. Then Dr Group's going to take the stage next. We finally found the Trojan horse. Now let's wipe it out. Never seen before. Footage, never realized before. How are they getting the bioweapons into your body? Dr Group's got the answers. After lunch.

Speaker 5:

We're going to get it started. I got the music ready to go. We're going to put on a dance show. We are going to get it started. I got, I got the music ready to go. We're going to put on a dance show. We are going to get down with some education. It's me on stage with you all having a great time.

Speaker 5:

We are going to be talking about self-assembly, nanotech, how to chelate for the modern healer. We're going to update all the information on chelating, getting these heavy metals out if you get the building blocks out, folks, and I'm going to show, update all the information on chelating, getting these heavy metals out. If you get the building blocks out, folks and I'm going to show you all the testing we've done you get the building blocks out. You don't have to worry about their evil messing with your health, and then bring it at home. Dr Brian Artis, the quarterback we got long COVID, just the facts, and he's going to be talking about that from his number one selling book on Amazon right now, and we can't wait. He's going to be going into Chapter 14. I'm sure I can't wait to watch. Everybody can't wait to watch and then, after that, we throw down. We're going to have a big old after party that everybody's going to love.

Speaker 2:

Whew. So how does, how does hot cast get some behind the stage tickets to this thing?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm sure we can work that out.

Speaker 5:

We can. We can work that out. Just just let us know if you want to come.

Speaker 3:

We've got the organizers and the team to set it up for you, buddy.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's incredible. Wow, that's a lot going on. That's a lot going on. That's a lot going on. So the people online, when they watch this, are they going to just like have break sessions, or how does that fit for them?

Speaker 5:

They're going to be catching their breath. We're going to give everybody a break.

Speaker 1:

We say buckle up.

Speaker 5:

But you know, you got to have those nice little scenic tour rest stops too. You got to have some bio breaks, stuff like that.

Speaker 5:

Right scenic tour. Rest stops too. We've got to have some bio breaks, stuff like that, right. But when we start to teach and we are going to slow down, you've got to keep up with us. We're ready to roll. We're putting our whole heart and soul into this, so everybody just needs to come and lock in. And the beautiful part about it, tim, is you don't got to write like a crazy person, try to scribble every little thing down. You can just sit and listen. Why? Why? Because you're getting the replays and you're getting the presentations. Just take your notes where you need to take your notes, but listen, because that's how you're really going to get what we have to say you mentioned that you were sold out twice.

Speaker 2:

So last year you had 300, this year you have 600. This year we're over 500. We were supposed to cap at 500.

Speaker 5:

We're now over 500. What? What venue is this going to be at 500. We're now over 500.

Speaker 2:

What venue?

Speaker 5:

is this going to be?

Speaker 2:

at. I mean, this sounds like it's getting really big.

Speaker 3:

It is really big. It's actually at the Hilton Plano in Dallas, texas, just north of Dallas, about 20 minutes from both airports. So yeah, it's an incredible facility. We used the same facility last year. I could not be more proud of how the management has supported us, helped us. You should have seen how incredible it was. When we say this to him he mentioned it a minute ago those who attend.

Speaker 3:

Last year we decided to ask the Hilton executive chef what it would cost us if we had him source all local organic farmed ingredients for all food items and it took our per plate price from like 20 bucks to $76. We didn't care. We actually put in all the money to pay the extra ourselves so that people could come and enjoy that food. And I have to tell you, a lot of people there had never had organic food before and probably were like I don't know what that is. They probably thought it was like looking at an eel out of the ocean and trying to eat it. But everybody loved the food and it was incredible to watch people's reactions to how delicious organic chicken, fish, shrimp, wild caught, everything. How incredible it was all the vegetables, the seasoning, everything was just amazing. We actually gave a huge tip to the executive chef, because we could not believe how he went out of his way to source all that for us in the last few weeks before, and we're going to do it again.

Speaker 3:

So you have nothing to worry about but to celebrate and be excited, and it's a complete, safe environment. It's going to be just an incredible ride for all of us. In fact, when he says all the teaching starts and we ain't going to stop, it's like going to a concert and you're wondering okay, I'm gonna be at this concert celebrating all these incredible songs, but when's the bathroom break? Oh no, there are bio breaks after every presentation. You don't have to worry about that. If you're at home, of course, you can do that, but we already have these built in and we have multiple q a sessions live, and this is the only reason we keep the audience in person.

Speaker 3:

Smaller is because lots of people love question and answer time and we give that to them and we're going to do it multiple times in the two days where all the docs are on stage, even those we've invited to attend or speak. Also, we're going to bring them up, like, for example, sherry Tempany is going to be there. We're going to bring her up on the stage in these Q&As. She'll be able to participate in those things. It'll be a lot of fun. Those things, it'll be a lot of fun. There's going to be many people there and a lot of experts in their fields, like the docs we mentioned earlier. That'll be a part of the Thursday night event. They're going to help us with other Q&As on the other days and we cannot wait for their presentations and the opportunity to feel all of these individuals looking at people, looking for guidance and encouragement that they too do not have to live in fear anymore that they to succumb to some medical disease diagnosis or the fear of worrying about side effects from horrific drugs like we're already aware of.

Speaker 2:

So, like in the movie Fourth of July, when he's hauling that alien in on the RV, I want you to picture all these RVs coming. A lot of people listen to me in the RV world. What do you got for these guys? You got parking. You got how you set up to handle those kind of groups.

Speaker 3:

This place has amazing parking. It's got a huge parking garage, it's got parking outside. And I'll just tell you Patriot street fighter. His name is Scott McKay. He brings his big old RV bus and he parks it right underneath the port of cachet, on the back end, right by the conference entrance, and there's tons of room out there. If he can bring his big old bus, your bus most likely isn't bigger than his, so come on out there, there's plenty of room for you.

Speaker 2:

So you RV people that listen to me. That's a thing if you're in Texas. You want to light this up.

Speaker 3:

They got room for.

Speaker 5:

RVs is what I'm hearing. Let me jump in right there real quick. We had room for one RV, the patriot street finder. That's all we got. There was an issue, uh, with that last year. We have solved that issue, but we are only contracted for one rv. Everybody out there, we love your rvs and we love you in them, but you're gonna have to find someplace else to park them, so just okay, and actually I'll throw it out there right now.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you where to go. Go to shops of legacy west. It's right across the highway from there. They've got tons of parking shops of legacy.

Speaker 5:

Shops of legacy west but we, we do have always solutions and that's the one thing you could always count on there and I I was. I neglected to mention two things. Uh, one for everybody listening virtual vip to watch it. Live streaming is wide open, so don't feel like you can't attend because the the in-person is all sold out, the virtual vip is going and what's the promo code? Again, dr artis hut cast h-u-t-t-c-a-s-t all right.

Speaker 5:

And then the second thing I forgot to tell about this new thing that we're all excited about there's a session after my presentations on uh. On friday and saturday we're doing an audience solution session, and what we're going to do is we've already designed what questions we have for our audience, both in person and virtual, and we're going to have doctors like Sherry Tenpenny and Judy Mikevitz and Lee Merritt and all of us walking around the crowd and also working on a couple of terminals for everybody. That's on the virtual, so that you get this direct interaction. Having real teachers who really know what's going on really help you understand how you can solve these problems. We're going to show everybody how to read through all the pharmaceuticals. They're on all the pharmaceuticals their loved ones are on and know whether they are actually healthy for them or not or just how poisonous they are. We're going to show you how to find that, because it's all hiding in plain sight, wow.

Speaker 2:

Wow, this is going to be a hang on and see where this goes thing.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's a party. It's actually everyone who attended last year, I'm telling you, everybody said they never attended anything like that. And if you want to see a I don't know how many conferences you've been to, I know you've been to a lot there. Tim how many of you seen a doctor get up on stage and break dance his way to the mic?

Speaker 5:

you're gonna see it when dr ely gets up there wait till you listen to the music I got for me on this one. Oh, this one dude is going to shake them. I love it. We're about to get down.

Speaker 4:

A little Chaka.

Speaker 5:

Khan for us. Well, that would be next year. I did put Chaka in. We're actually building out our soundtrack for next year. This year, we're going to go with one, we're going with actually, well, I'm going to leave it be a surprise.

Speaker 3:

Surprise us.

Speaker 5:

So it's going to move your booty. Let me tell you.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's the fun, dr Jana, just for people now, because some people may want to be there virtually this year because that's all available off of this broadcast. But if they get super pumped and after watching that they want to come next year, I want you to tell them about what your son and his band provide as a value in attendance.

Speaker 4:

Oh yes. So Saturday night is a party. It's our dance party. So he's going to have his band come and play. He's also presenting, as part of the teenagers as well, the faith-based component of how to stay well. But he's also an incredible musician. He's actually a missionary musician and he's going to have his band and then, after the band plays, he's going to break out the DJ stuff and just it's yeah, it's on, it's on for the rest of the night. So much fun.

Speaker 3:

Wow, disco balls and dance floors at a medical conference, health conference how about that? Oh, and in case you were wondering, there are student tickets for those who are wanting to learn how to become a doctor, or in naturopathic school, acupuncture school, you name it. If you want to come, there's a discounted ticket even for you guys, but you can get the virtual tickets there. But it is open for students to come attend. If they are coming already Next year, they'll have to come if the tickets are sold out. But it's also open for students. We want them to learn and we're so excited for this, the party's on. We want to celebrate life, we want to celebrate humanity. We find the most joy out of finding like-minded individuals who share the same values and view of health that we do. When so many of us found ourselves in the last 30 years very isolated and feeling alone, like we were the only ones man did COVID explode that, and we very quickly figured out. Man, did COVID explode that and we very quickly figured out. Oh, we were not alone and I think the powers that be realized. There's a lot more of those guys out there and girls out there who have been ready to defend their brothers and sisters. They never knew. As you know, tim, that's what we attempted to do with you on your broadcast educating people on the hospital protocols of COVID, the COVID-19 vaccines.

Speaker 3:

It was making sure you guys are safe, because each of us I can speak for me and Dr Ely and possibly Dr Jana we have all lost people to the medical profession and their outright use of poisons, even if they thought they were doing it correctly. They are poisonous and all poisons have detrimental effects on the body. Those who survive it come out of the medical profession, who have survived. They really are survivors. It's not that they survived their disease, they survived their horrific poisoning treatment and so I've lost those very personal. So for me it is how can I protect as many people around the world as possible and not allow them to feel what I have felt when my father-in-law was killed in a hospital, when Dr Ely lost his mother, the way he felt when she died from treatment in a hospital by medical professionals that were very incompetent in their decisions, as well as my own, and Dr Johnny, I'm sure, shares the same thing, and Dr Group I know he lost both of his parents being treated for cancer. So this is a very tender moment and tender topic for him. So this is all very personal to us. We want you to know you do not have to succumb to the same outcomes, and nor do your family members or those you want to continue to enjoy life with.

Speaker 3:

Come celebrate with us at Healing for the Ages. Use that discount code HUTTCAST H-U-T-T-C-A-S-T. It'll take $50 off the I think it's $149 for the entire weekend's presentations and participation and assets. So you're going to get $50 off of that. It'll be $99 after putting in that promo code. How many of you are not going to spend $99 at a restaurant this weekend? Right, just one meal.

Speaker 2:

And again, all proceeds go to the charity of their choice at the healing of ages, ages of healing.

Speaker 3:

And Tim, I heard you do that and I just want to say something that is an incredible thing. That you're doing is to provide the value of the finances that could come from this broadcast and give it back to the groups that we support. Yep, dr Ely, talk about those microscopes we purchased after our last. I mean, you talk about a microscope Picture. Some of them might be 20 or 30 dollars off the Internet, on Amazon. I want Dr Ely to talk about what we did with the funds that we actually were able to accrue from the people who had faith in us last year, and we're so excited to participate.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we've done so much incredible work. It's in our hearts to be custodians of this community that we're putting together and growing throughout the world, because really, our greatest currency is trust. The thing that's been so just damaged throughout the world is people don't trust. People are looking for people to take it. They expect to be taken advantage of. So what we were able to do last year was we were able to buy and purchase a second microscope. These microscopes are so powerful to get down dark field into the resolution spectra that only the pharmaceutical industry has these, and NASA has these microscopes and healing for the ages. We have two, wow. And we were able to purchase also a scanning electron microscope as well, which is something no other group has as well, so that we can validate for the world conclusively. Hey, this is what we've been saying, this is what the peer-reviewed literature shows, this is what's going on. There's no doubt about it right now, and we challenge anybody who thinks that we're full of it to prove us wrong.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we had a little bit of that discussion on the Facebook page of HuttCast and I think we got over 60,000 comments and I'm just like, okay, so you're going to armchair quarterback these guys who do this for a living and you're going to doubt them. How about we just pay attention and maybe learn something from them? And they all said this is spoof science, it's all this naysayer stuff. And I said, well, you go ahead and and think that, because I'm going to think the other way.

Speaker 4:

Well, here's my I think this happens, um, quite often when people don't want to admit that they they were wrong or that they potentially did something to harm themselves or their family, and so they dig in a little harder. And it's hard, it's a hard thing to swallow sometimes to look back and go oh yeah, I made that, I made that mistake or I didn't listen or I was fooled. Nobody wants to be fooled. So you know, we we just come at it very lovingly and everyone's on their own healing journey and we just meet them where they are and just share the information and we just our hearts are to help people heal. And when people see the motivation behind what we do, then that trust is there. They realize we're not trying to shame anybody, we're not out to make a buck, we're just literally trying to help as many people as we possibly can. I think that helps bring people in the fold so they realize that it's a family, we're not trying to make anybody feel bad. But I've seen that happen over and over again.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and we believe in freedom, tim. So that's what this is all about. Freedom of speech. We should have the right to say what we're saying as well. You know what I mean, especially when we can back it up. But in part into that whole idea of freedom is this people have the freedom to be as stupid as they want to be as well, so we encourage you, keep doing that. Ignorance is bliss until you're in pain, but when you're in pain, find us, because we'll be able to help you.

Speaker 3:

We will definitely still be there. It ain't like when you go into a lot of medical doctors. I've heard from my patients for years who actually would look at me in my practice and go. My doctor just did my physical exam annually and told me that my cholesterol was high for the first time ever and he wants to put me on statins. And I said, look at them. And I go well, what did you tell them? I told them I don't want to take statins. What did your doctor say? They told me if I don't do what they say, they're going to fire me. So what? And then I went like this what'd you do? So I'm taking it.

Speaker 3:

I'm like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, they threatened to fire you because you didn't want to take a drug that is known to increase your risk of breast cancer by 3 000 times, confirmed by ucla, within five years. And they drug called statin drugs that are proven to increase your risk of a heart attack within three years 300 300 times higher. Okay, you're taking the poison because, he said, I'm going to fire you if you don't take my poison. Could you imagine that I think I'd be looking for a job application.

Speaker 5:

Right. Can we do something here with the audience right now, Tim?

Speaker 2:

Go for it. What do you want to do?

Speaker 5:

Because we hear this all the time about the doctor said he's going to fire me, he's going to fire me, he's going to fire me, right? Can you please? The next time a white coat says that to you, can you please ask them this question for me.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead.

Speaker 5:

When's the last time you gave me a paycheck?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

You can't fire me. I don't work for you, you work for me.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

That's the correct nature of things.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 5:

Here's what you do. The second a doctor says something stupid like that to you, report them to their licensing board because that's a violation of their ethics that we're required to renew every single year. Oh boy, so report them to their state licensing board, put them on charges. That is completely inappropriate to have that type of conversation with somebody that you're calling a patient who's under your care. It's absurd.

Speaker 3:

It is absurd and disgusting and it's a us loving, caring and viewing you as somebody who you love, honor and revere as a brother and sister, and I do not appreciate it whatsoever. So for us, if anybody looked at me if I said, hey, I think you should use vitamin C, and they go. Well, vitamin C is not proven to help anybody with a viral infection or a disease and I'd go like this. Really. It only eradicated a plague called scurvy that killed 3 million people worldwide. You don't think a lemon lime can be therapeutic or medicine. It proved to actually cure an entire world of a condition called scurvy and scurvy. You know, whatever I thought scurvy was, it was really funny back in the day. You know that some people thought it was actually a possession of a demon, so they'd have people come in and pray over them and try to cast out demons. It didn't work. Some people thought it was infectious diseases. It wasn't. It actually figured out people on boats, figured out the individuals on boats that ate a fruit a lime, lemon or orange once a day never died of scurvy. And then later on, decades later, science then figured out that it was 10 milligrams of vitamin C in those lemon and limes. That was the cure.

Speaker 3:

It was such a power move to learn this that, oh my God, the military in London, the Navy soldiers what do they call them? They even give them a. There's a cute little term for them they use over there in England. They call them limeys, because all of them had to leave with a certain amount of limes to keep them alive. Notice, they weren't given vaccines. They're not called vaccines, they're called limeys. They're not called vaccinees. They didn't need drugs or vaccines to stay alive. They needed food. And if anybody listening to this thinks that drugs are better than food, I want you to tell me that you are on a prescription pill diet and all you do is eat prescription pills all day and you don't eat food, water or air. And tell me how long you live. Yeah, if they're that great, tell me how great they are. They don't provide any nutritional value. How much carbohydrates, nutrients, are inside your drugs? Zero.

Speaker 5:

Mm-hmm, I hope y'all are listening to this man.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I hope y'all listening to this man?

Speaker 5:

He's just speaking truth.

Speaker 3:

All right. So let's do this for the audience. Do you ready? Let's give it a condition, Tim. How many people in America do you think have migraines? I can actually give you some last numbers I saw 10 years ago 30 million people a year struggle with migraines.

Speaker 3:

Kind of out of my scope of expertise. So I'd like to ask you something If you go to a medical doctor and you complain about chronic migraines, they're going to actually prescribe, very commonly, a drug called Imatrex, which is a shot you can inject yourself with when your migraine starts. I would like to ask you this is a drug, it's not a food, it's not a nutrient. I'd like to ask you do you believe that everybody who has migraines has an Imatrex deficiency? Everybody who has migraines has an imitrix deficiency? Do you believe everybody who has a stress headache or a migraine has an Advil deficiency and that's causing their headache?

Speaker 3:

Do you believe you have a Tylenol deficiency causing your headache? Do you believe a child has?

Speaker 3:

a fever because they're Motrin deficient? Because if you do, you're really confused and really uneducated on how the human body actually performs and I'll teach you how it works. There's a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus governs and regulates your core body temperature. So if you start getting too hot outside, your hypothalamus tells you to start sweating. And you know what happens. When the sweat hits your skin and it's really hot outside, it starts to evaporate and it immediately cools the whole body. If you're too cold, it will actually make you start shivering internally. You'll feel the shiver going and that's actually creating friction energy and heat to raise the temperature of the body, to keep you warmer so you don't die of hypothermia. Your brain does it all by itself. Do you know the hypothalamus requires one mineral every single day to keep the hypothalamus able to regulate your core body temperature so you don't lose your toes in hypothermia, so you don't have a heat stroke when you get too hot on a football field, it actually cools you off. Did you know that there's only one mineral in the world the hypothalamus requires to make sure you don't have a febrile seizure by getting too hot, it keeps you cool and lets the fever spike. I mean. This is what it does. That one mineral is not found in a drug or vaccine, although they do make drugs out of the mineral to make you poop for a colonoscopy but that supplement is called magnesium. If you have an issue with core body temperature, you're magnesium deficient and that is just what it is. You're not having a heat stroke because you got too hot. You actually got overheated because you didn't have enough magnesium in your body and you actually lose 15 different minerals in every drop of sweat. The fourth most lost mineral in sweat is magnesium. And what I find ironic is every high school, middle school in America is being sponsored by Gatorade. And do you know that Gatorade, which is supposedly the greatest sports hydration drink ever, just so happens to not have any magnesium in it. I'd like to know why they left out magnesium out of their formula when it actually prevents heart attacks, prevents heat strokes, prevents high blood pressure. That's what magnesium does. Oh, and the reason why so many people in this world right now are constipated and on Metamucil and being diagnosed with colon cancer because they can't poop every day is because they're magnesium deficient.

Speaker 3:

If you want to know why you're taking Lunesta, being prescribed for the inability to sleep and being put on a CPAP machine because you can't sleep. It's not because you're CPAP deficient or Lunesta deficient. You're actually magnesium deficient. You just don't know that. So this is the difference between treating symptoms with drugs and feeding the body what it needs to recover. No different than with scurvy, people physically died because they weren't eating enough vitamin C, simply. And so to bring it back full circle.

Speaker 3:

For anybody out there listening ever who thinks I don't know what I'm talking about, you actually went to school. You either sat at home school or you opened a book one time, or you were in a science course and you were presented with something called the periodic table of elements, and then they told you to memorize it. And then they told you that the periodic table of elements has been organized and displayed solely to inform you of what science has learned are all the basic elements that make up life, every rock, tree and your human body. Your body's made up of everything you see on that periodic table of elements. You know what's not on the periodic table of elements. Well, let's first talk about what's on the periodic table of elements. You need calcium for your bones. You need iodine for your immune system and your thyroid. You need magnesium for all the things I just mentioned. You need selenium to boost white blood cell count and glutathione production in the liver. All of those are on the periodic table of elements.

Speaker 3:

Do you want to know what's not on the periodic table of elements? Advil, motrin, lipitor, prozac, covid-19, mrna vaccines they're not on there. That's because they're not required for life on there. That's because they're not required for life. But minerals are required. And where do we get minerals? Every mineral in the periodic table of elements is in the dirt or in the air and when you plant a seed in it, the seed grows roots and then draws those metals or minerals selenium, magnesium, zinc into the plants and then you're going to eat the plants. That's where you get the minerals. Once those minerals are in the plant, the sun hits it in. The sunlight then helps take those minerals and convert everything in the plant into vitamins. That's where you get your vitamins and your minerals required for you to live. That's where you get the basics of life that make up. You are on the periodic table of elements.

Speaker 3:

Find me any drugs on that periodic table of elements and you tell me why is it that literally 80% of men and women in America, 65 years and older, are all on prescription medications daily. If life doesn't require drugs, why are they all living on them? I learned early on in life that human beings, in order to survive, required air, water and food to live. The quality of your air, water and food dictates the quality of your life. So if you drink crappy stuff, you're going to feel crappy. If you eat crappy stuff, you're going to feel crappy. If you breathe crappy stuff, you're going to have a crappy life. But if you have clean air, clean water and clean food organic foods free of chemicals You're going to be healthier. Your quality of life will be better. I have never, ever, ever heard that a human being, in order to exist on this life and to live well, requires air, water, food and prescription drugs. It has never been said, but by your medical doctor.

Speaker 2:

Well, I hope you cover that in the symposium.

Speaker 5:

Can I get an amen?

Speaker 3:

Let me get an amen. Oh, also anybody out there that believes that these vaccines are miraculous. I would like to ask you when Jesus Christ returns to the earth, which vaccine will he choose first?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what patches are you going to wear?

Speaker 3:

And then I'd like to ask you, any of you who actually said don't bring your grandkids around me if they haven't gotten the COVID-19 shots. They could spread their germs to me. I would like to ask you do you think Jesus would have behaved that way and said bring your little children to me, only the vaccinated ones? Yeah, incredible.

Speaker 4:

Incredible stuff we know the answer to that one.

Speaker 3:

I think Jana knows the answer to that one, that's pretty easy.

Speaker 2:

So if I can talk the wife into driving the RV down, I'm going to try that and see if she has that, and of course I need some backstage passes here and meet everybody.

Speaker 3:

You show up, tim, I'll make sure you're in. Come on, okay, I promise.

Speaker 2:

We are 35 minutes into this fantastic conversation. I'm not going to drop this on Sunday. I'm going to edit this up tonight. Get this out tonight so you'll hear the dates are going to be wrong. I just think this is that important where we push the agenda and the clock a little sooner than that Any passing words that you guys want to throw out there before we bounce this.

Speaker 3:

I want to hear from Mother Earth, Dr Jan Schmidt.

Speaker 4:

Well, thank you, I'm super excited to see everybody there and even join the people that are coming on virtually. I love this group of people. I'm so thankful that we have a voice to be able to share with people how to heal, how to truly heal. We're God-made, we should be using God-given things, and some of the things we're about to unleash are miraculous Even for us. We're stunned, and so we're really happy to share this with the world and we're excited to see you. And sorry for the background noise.

Speaker 2:

No worries and make sure you guys. Thank Christina for lining this up, because she is like a trooper to make sure that HuttCast is always in the loop on this and anytime she wants to make this work she knows my number okay, tim, thank you so much for having us on.

Speaker 4:

It's been a pleasure.

Speaker 2:

Thank you all very much, and I'm going to try and talk to the wife. So if you hear me, dr Artis, I'll be giving you a ring, but if she says no, well then we'll have to do it virtually to do it virtually.

Speaker 3:

I promise enough of us know you, we'll make sure you're in.

Speaker 5:

Okay, and let us know either way, so you don't have to pay for the virtual either. That's our gift to you, at the very least.

Speaker 2:

No, I want to pay for the virtual. If I get time, I'm going to do that. It's just part of what I want to help give.

Speaker 5:

We appreciate that very much.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, tim. Okay For HUDast, you heard it a three-panel system, incredible information. Join their symposium. Healing for the ages Promocast HuttCast 50 bucks off. How do you lose? I mean, look at the information here. It could save your life. So take the time, save yourself, save someone you know. And HuttCast is signing off and you all have a good day and we'll see you next time. And that's a wrap for HuttCast. Huttcast is again a pragmatic approach to seeing things how some people see them. If you like our show, give us a thumbs up on the Facebook site, again for HuttCast. Thank you again. Have a wonderful evening.

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