The iamthepossible Podcast

How To Stop The Suffering And The Suck In Your Life

Treveal C.W. Lynch Season 6 Episode 127

Does your life suck?

Do you always seem to be suffering and have no idea why?

Have you listened to a David Goggins video, gotten excited, tried to "embrace the suck" but it didn't work?


In this episode, I discuss the concept of expectations and how they can rob us of our enjoyment of life. 

I'll go in-depth on the importance of being aware of our expectations and the narratives we create, and explain how practicing the 'no narrative, narrative' helps with letting go of expectations we can't control and focusing on enjoying the present moment. 

I also cover the role of attachments and how they cause suffering and provide simple solutions like "the pause and ponder method" that aids us in learning to truly enjoy life.

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  • Expectations can rob us of our enjoyment of life.
  • The degree of suffering is determined by the gap between our expectations and our experiences.
  • Being aware of our expectations and the narratives we create can help us reduce suffering.
  • Practicing the 'no narrative narrative' involves letting go of expectations and focusing on enjoying the present moment.
  • Attachments to narratives can cause suffering and prevent us from experiencing joy.
  • In situations of physical abuse or toxicity, it is important to take action and seek help.


00:00 Introduction and Welcome
02:18 Helping Emerging Leaders
06:26 Why You Suffer and Life Sucks
09:21 The Impact of Expectations
13:08 The No Narrative Narrative
22:02 God's Plans and Our Journey
25:29 Attachments and Letting Go
28:55 Practicing Awareness and Enjoyment
35:11 Important Note: Seek Help in Dangerous Situations
36:06 Conclusion and Encouragement


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Treveal C.W. Lynch (00:00.)
Hey, hey and hey again welcome. Yes. Yes. Yes. You know what time it is. You know where you is. You know who I is. You know what this is. Welcome once again into the I am the possible podcast experience. Yes. The place where possibilities become perspective guys. Thank you so much for rocking with me once again.

in the place to be so many amazing things to see. Yes, welcome once again to the I Am The Possible universe. Thank you so much for rocking with me, man. Thank you so much for rolling with me this week. Thank you for being who you are. I love you. I appreciate you. I honor you. I celebrate your life. I am so excited to be with you once again for a brand new season of the podcast. We're going to kick this thing off.

Right. Okay, we don't kick it off. Right, man I'm so excited about the guests that I am so privileged and I'm just so honored to be able to Expose you guys to to share their stories their experiences their expertise. Oh my goodness This season is just value packed and I'm just so so grateful for the opportunity to meet these amazing people from all around the country man, and so

Every Sunday, every Sunday in this new season, we're going to be releasing a new interview episode. And every Wednesday, we're going to be releasing my personal episode, the bonus track. All right. So right now you're listening to the bonus track of our brand new season. This is the kickoff. This is the launch of our new season. So just again, thank you for continuing to support me. Thank you for every email, for every, you know, reach out, man, for every question, for every comment.

You guys are so, so valued in my heart. I treasure you in my heart. So, man, let's get into it. So today, as you guys know, I am really, really, really excited about moving into this space where I am really positioning myself to be like super effective, super effective in helping people to regulate and to elevate.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (02:18.536)
Okay, to regulate as a person and to elevate as a professional. Those that are in leadership and more specifically, those emerging leaders, those who maybe are a little younger and they're still finding out how life works. They're still finding out. And really life is a lifelong lesson, right? Life is a lifelong lesson. It's a lesson to be learned. So none of us truly figure things out, but truly,

I have a heart for the young emerging leader, those who are, you know, coming up and they were never exposed to the things that I am now being exposed to, right? At 46, I'm just learning emotional intelligence. I'm just learning intrapersonal communication. I'm just learning interpersonal communication. I'm just learning all of these fascinating things around how the mind works, how the body works. And, um,

I'm growing and I'm learning and I'm being set free from so many areas of bondage, areas and places where I've been held back. And so I want to pay that forward. I want to take all of my experiences and all of my expertise and I want to share it with those who can benefit from it most. So if you are listening and you know a young leader, if you're listening and you know someone who is, you know, maybe graduating from high school,

Maybe they're one or two years into college. Maybe they're about to graduate from college. They're just starting a new job, a new career. They're just in that middle -aged space, right? Where they know enough about life, where they know that they don't know what they're doing, but they're yet not so old, right? Where they kind of give up and they kind of say, uh, you know, it is what it is. They're still in that...

in that space where there's hope, right? Hope for change, hope for transformation. And I hope and pray that no matter what age or stage you are in life, that you still have hope for change and hope for transformation and hope for improvement in whatever area of life that you desire, because truly it does come down to the way that you think and what you believe, okay? So with no further ado, man, after that intro, I just want to dive right into today's topic and content.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (04:43.496)
If you're listening and you haven't subscribed, you're listening via a podcast platform, please do me a favor. Subscribe to the podcast that helps me to continue to expand my reach, right? If you get down with what I'm throwing down, then help a brother out. Subscribe to the podcast, leave a review.

Right only takes you a few minutes right the good the bad the ugly let me know what you thought about this episode or let me know what you thought about just the the overall podcast again that helps a brother to expand right that's a free way to help me to grow and to reach more people and if you're watching on the tube right and you should be watching on the tube the video version of this podcast then again please subscribe please hit that notification bell.

so that you are notified when any new content is dropped. I'm dropping new content every week. And not even if it's, you know, even if it's not for you, there's sometimes messages that may not hit home for you, but you may know somebody who's going through something and the message can really help them. All right? So either way, man, just help a brother out. I'm asking for that assistance. Cause if you don't ask, you don't get, right? He that asks not, gets not.

And I just made that up, okay? All right, so today on a more serious note, why you suffer and life sucks. That's the title of my message. I got my notepad. I'm ready. I'm ready to do this thing. I got some bullet points that I want to go through with you guys, because I'm a teacher. So I want to educate. I'm going to break it down. And then of course, I want to give you a CTA, call to action, some things that you can actually implement in your life to see some improvements. Okay. So again, the title of today's message, why...

why you suffer and why life sucks. Sometimes we suffer and life sucks, but it's one thing to suffer and for life to suck. It's another thing to suffer and for life to suck and not know why. That's a big one. I've always said, I don't mind going through the fire as long as I know how to put on some protective gear. I don't mind going through the trial as long as I know the why I'm.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (06:56.456)
the why, right? I don't mind climbing the mountain as long as I got some chalk for my hands. Like I don't mind going through and maybe you're the same way. You don't mind going through stuff, but you do want to know why. You do want to kind of figure out why is this happening to me? Where's this coming from? Right? And so some of it is just like the not knowing piles on and just adds fuel to the fire. It just adds more pain and more suffering to what's already

not going your way. So today, while I respect there are many reasons why your life could suck and there's many reasons why you could be suffering, I specialize in working with the emotions and I specialize in working with the intrapersonal stuff, the stuff that we can control, the stuff that we can do, the work within, right? Because life is lived.

from within, right? Our world is created within, right? I've always said, ever since I heard it, it's not mine, I got it from someone else, but I've always said since I've heard it, there's one earth, infinite worlds. One earth that we all share, but there's infinite worlds. Why? Because your world is within you. It's made up of your thoughts, your perceptions, your perspectives, your beliefs, your ideas, your thoughts.

your ponderings, your considerations, your imaginations, that and so many more things, but that creates your world and only you have to live in that world. No one else has to live in that world. So I love helping people to reform, redefine, reshape, redevelop a world that they want to live in.

Right? Is that fair enough? Right? To create a world that they want to live in. So many times we're suffering because the world within us, it ain't going right. It ain't going our way. So today I want to talk about this thing called expectations. Expectations. Expectations robs us of our enjoyment. I'll say that again for the people in the back. Expectations can rob us of our enjoyment.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (09:21.16)
of life. And this is, let me just break this down really quickly. Without an expectation, it's hard to be disappointed, deflated, discouraged. Maybe it's not impossible, but it's really hard to experience a letdown if you didn't expect anything. Right? Like the other day, we just, our son is turning 20 years old and...

So we had a little early birthday party just because of our schedules and everything. So we had a birthday dinner for him this past Sunday and we celebrated him and we gave him some gifts and we sang happy birthday. But he wasn't expecting that. It was a surprise. So let's say we said, hey, let's have family dinner. And we invited our son to the family dinner, right? We invited everybody to the dinner. So everyone shows up to the dinner and we have a great meal. We eat, we laugh.

And that's it. We get up and we're done. Well, he's not disappointed. Why? Because he never expected a birthday party. He never expected cake and ice cream. He never expected balloons and a gift because there was no expectation. Then there was no let down. So many times, guys, our suffering and that's what I want to talk about today. Our suffering is a result of expectations.

We have expectations and I'm kind of jumping the gun as I always do. And I'll be breaking this down in just a moment, but the expectations are built on narratives that we've written that may or may not have anything to do with our lives. They were just narratives that we wrote. And I don't have time in this episode to break down narratives and the creation of narratives, but I will say this much.

Narratives are a story that we're telling ourselves, that we build expectations around, and when we don't see that narrative play out, we experience disappointment, deflation, letdown, discouragement, discontentment. It's a story. And the origin of that story can come in a million different ways. So again, I don't want to go into all of that because that'll take up too much time.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (11:40.456)
But the idea is that we are all storytellers. We are all telling ourselves a story. Good, bad, and ugly. We are all telling ourselves a story. And that story motivates us to do certain things, say certain things, go certain places. And if things don't pan out and don't work out according to our story, AKA our narrative,

It can definitely set us up for a great disappointment. And then that disappointment can lead to the internal suffering that I want to talk about today. And through that internal suffering, we arrive at a conclusion that life sucks. Life sucks. My life is this. My life is that. I don't like this. I don't like that. God, why are you doing this to me? That's a big one. God, why are you letting this happen to me? God, why are you doing this to me?

God, why me? Right, we're asking all the wrong questions. And then we'll look at the Bible and we'll quote, you know, we will quote scripture and ain't nowhere in the Bible where God says, hey, I'm gonna tell you exactly how this thing is gonna pan out. I'm gonna take you to point A to B to Z to D to E and it's gonna flow linear. It's gonna be just like in this perfect straight line, right? Just like this pen I'm holding, this perfect straight line. Life is gonna just float.

along perfectly just like this and you're gonna start here and then you're gonna end here and everything's gonna be okay. Ain't no scripture you can find that will ever support that narrative. Not a one.

Not a one, man. In fact, you will find more scriptures that are the complete opposite of that. Right. And I'm gonna get into some of those scriptures in just a moment. So one of the things that I like to share with people, and this is something that will, you know, really equip you. Okay. So, so don't forget this one. Write this one down, right? Get a pen and a pad, take a note, note in your phone. Our level of suffering or the degree to which we suffer.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (13:52.488)
is determined by this. The space between our expectation and our experience. How far those two things are apart determine the degree in which we suffer. And I've been saying that for years. I think God dropped it in my heart maybe three or four years ago. To the degree that we suffer.

is determined by the space, the gap between what we expected to have happen and what we actually experienced. If those things are super far apart, the suffering increases. If the gap is smaller, then the suffering diminishes. So really what I want to talk about today is bringing forth my favorite word, awareness.

to the fact that you even have expectations, because sometimes we have them and we're just not aware that we even have them. So A, I wanna make sure that you are aware that you have an expectation. B, I wanna make sure that you are aware that your expectations are built upon a narrative in which you've written. And here's the good news, if you wrote the first narrative, you can always write another one. And I'm gonna give you a spectacular, fat -tabulous, okay?

Awesome, dope, crazy. Okay. I ain't got enough adjectives to go around for this one. I'm going to give you one of the most amazing narratives to write and it's called the no narrative. The no narrative narrative. Okay. And I'll be getting to that in just a moment. Okay. The no narrative narrative. Okay. So I want to draw this analogy.

This is the one I think Guy gave me, okay? Maybe you've gone to an amusement park, all right? And I know I love roller coasters, okay? I'm not afraid of the roller coasters, maybe you are. So maybe in your context, maybe not a roller coaster, but just choose maybe something else. Maybe you go to like the water parks, the water slides, but any type of ride or adventure or something where you don't know the route.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (16:15.208)
And I use roller coaster because a roller coaster, even if you walk up to it and you're looking at the roller coaster before you get in line, you can look at it and know in general, oh, it's gonna do a loop to loop. It's gonna go up and it's gonna go down. But you don't really register it. You just kind of look at it and say, yep, I'm getting in line. I'ma do this one. But you know how you get on a roller coaster and you start going up?

Treveal C.W. Lynch (16:42.056)
how the cart is taking you slowly to the top.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (16:49.068)
As that cart is taking you to the top before it does its big dip, you feel all of that excitement, all of that thrill, all of that anticipation, right? But here's where that no narrative narrative comes into play. The anticipation is built upon what? It's built upon, I'm about to experience this thing. I'm about to enjoy this thing. Remember I said earlier,

expectation robs you of the enjoyment. But not just any old expectation. It's the kind of expectation that you have. See, when you go up in that roller coaster, your mind blanks out. You don't sit there. You do not sit there and calculate. OK, as soon as we get to the top, it's going to drop at exactly 150 miles per hour. And then we're going to swing to the right.

and then we're gonna go up again and then we're gonna do two loop the loops and then we're gonna swing straight to the left and then we're gonna go up again and then we're gonna do two more loop the loops. You don't be thinking about all of that. No, your expectation is pure enjoyment of the moment. You are not sitting there thinking all through the winds and the turns and the bends of that roller coaster ride. You are not interested in all of those details. Nope, you are present.

You are in your body. You are in your heart. You are, you know, and for some of us, our heart is dropping. Okay. Right about now we are experiencing the joy of the moment of the now of the excitement that comes with being like totally engaged in, in that, in that experience right there. But we're not thinking through all the steps. So what happens? It drops us at 150 miles per hour.

and it takes us through the loop to loops and then to the left and to the right and ups and downs and the yada yada yada yada yada. And before you know it, boom, it's over. And you're like, oh my God, I'm getting back in line again. Why is that? Why were you able to enjoy that? It's because you didn't have any expectation of how it was gonna go. Your expectation was, I'm going to enjoy this. I'm just going to enjoy this. I'm just, wherever it takes me.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (19:11.656)
loop to loops, four loop to loops, who cares? I don't even see the loops loops coming because you're not thinking through the steps and such is life. See when we write a narrative, when we write a story, what's robbing us of our enjoyment is because we want to put, okay I'm gonna go over here and then I'm gonna do this and then this is supposed to happen and then I'm gonna go over here and do this and then this is supposed to happen and then I'm gonna go over here and do this and then this is supposed to happen and I don't know where we're getting that from.

Who told you that? Who told you that? Why life gotta go like that? For what? Because you said so? Think about what you're thinking about. Think about how absurd that can be and how that just continues to torment you and rob you of your enjoyment of the experience called life because you got so many expectations of how it's supposed to unfold. And no, you are not the author of life.

So you don't get to make up how it unfolds. But here's the good news. You do get to make up in your mind that you're gonna experience and that you are going to enjoy rather, you're going to enjoy the experience of however it unfolds. That is under your control. That you can control. You know how we like to say, well, we can't control what happens to us, but we can control the way that we respond. In essence, that's what I'm saying.

You can't control the way life unfolds, but you can control your level of enjoyment by just simply making up in your mind that I'm going to live in no narrative narrative. I'm going to live without a narrative. I'm alive today. Praise God. Let's do this thing right now, right here, right now, right here. I'm just going to enjoy the fact that I'm breathing. I'm going to enjoy the fact that I have sight. I can see things.

I'm gonna enjoy the fact that I can hear. I got two ears. I'm listening to a podcast. I've got a mind that can operate well and I can learn new things. So I'm gonna enjoy the fact that I can learn something new and I can improve my life. I mean, the list is, I mean, extremely long when you get into this gratitude thing, when you start to like really plug into the right now thing and not worry so much.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (21:32.312)
about the narrative and how things are supposed to play out for you. Right? I mean, think about that. It's not about how it's supposed to work out. Just enjoy the fact that it's working out for your good, which takes me to a couple of scriptures, man. Check this out. Abraham, you guys heard the story. God goes to Abram. Abram, go to a land in which I will show you. You say what?

God, you say what? Go where? To a land that I will show you, a land in which will be unfolded before you. See, God doesn't tell you, I'm going to take you here, then I'm going to take you here, then I'm going to do this and then I'm going to do that. No, no, no, no, just, just, just go. Come on, just, just, just follow. That's why I say you can't find no scripture where God ever tells anybody at any time exactly how.

their life is going to play out. Now sometimes he gives insight into a certain event, like a very specific event, right? Like, oh, go into the land, do this, and you're gonna find a this, and say this to this person, and then that person is gonna give you this, and then take that thing that they give you, and then go over here and do that. Yeah, I mean, there are instances where he breaks down very specific events. I'm talking about your life. You ain't gonna find no scripture.

where God takes a person, man or woman or child, and says, from beginning to end, I'm going to reveal to you every step -by -step play. It ain't happening. It ain't happening. A lot of people love this next passage. I know the plans. Oh my God, Jeremiah. I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. Plans to give you hope and a future. Oh my goodness. We love to sing that song, don't we? We love to read that scripture. It gives us so much.

So much joy just to read that scripture. Oh my goodness, I'm so encouraged. We love that scripture. We love to read it. We love to sing it. I know the plans. You know your boy can sing. I have for you. Come on, sing with me. Says the Lord. Yeah, you didn't know your boy could blow. I know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got them skills. I got them skills. No, no I don't, no I don't. But listen, my point is we love to read it.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (24:01.544)
We love to sing it. You know what we don't love? We don't love to live it. Because that scripture says, I, I, God, I know the plans I have for you. He didn't say you gonna know the plans I have for you. He says, I know the plans I have for you. So we love the scripture. We love to sing it. We love to read it, but we don't love to live it. So again, guys, I'm just making these points and bringing up these scriptures to help support the argument.

for the no narrative narrative, because our narrative is causing us to suffer, man. It's robbing us of enjoyment that's right here in front of us. Like today, you can choose to enjoy your life right where you are, right how you are, right? Or you can enjoy, or I'm sorry, or you can choose to decide that life sucks and that you are going to suffer today. I can't make that choice for you. And no one can make that choice for me.

It's a personal decision. I just love to bring awareness to the fact that you can, that you can make that decision. It actually is within your power. The last thing I'm gonna share before I give you guys the CTA here is this word called attachments. And I'll be breaking this down in other episodes as well, because I really wanna get into attachments. But basically an attachment, whether it's mental, spiritual, it's this clinging to.

that's holding on to the whatever, right? It can be a belief system, it can be an idea, it can be a narrative, a story, right? But these attachments to our narrative, this is what's causing us to suffer because we won't let them go. Sometimes something will cause you to suffer and you suffer for a while and then you say, you know what? I'm gonna stop doing whatever I'm doing to like cause me to suffer.

Attachments are a little different. They're a little more tricky because they don't show up. They don't like come and wave their hands and like yell to you, hey, I'm an attachment. Hello. They just kind of fly underneath the radar and they're always there, but they don't really like let you know that they're there. You can always point out an attachment when someone comes with good advice and you quickly find a way.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (26:28.008)
before allowing that good advice to have any influence over you or to allow you to consider a different perspective, you immediately shut it down. You immediately look for three to four ways to like, if you were like a lawyer in a courtroom, like you are trying to build a case quickly to shut down whatever that other perspective was or that other way of thinking about whatever you're attached to. That's a great sign that you're attached to something. Cause you're just not even open. You're just afraid to,

Like you not even trying to hear nobody out. You ain't even trying to look at that situation like no differently, right? That's a good clue that, oh, there may be an attachment here. But these attachments to these narratives, by not letting them go, then they continue to cause you suffering and they continue to create a life that sucks, right? So if you wanna stop the suffering and if you wanna stop a life that sucks, and I know for some of you guys who get into David Goggins, right? And I forgot what his...

exact phrases, but it's something about like embrace the suck or love the suck or just, you know, like roll with the suck. Um, but that's a different context. That's a different context. He's talking about something different. He's talking about a willful engagement and something that is painful temporarily. That's going to help to improve you. He's not talking about embracing depression, you know, embracing a life of just grudgingly and just grinding out.

day by day just barely hanging on by a thread emotionally and barely hanging on by a thread before you consider suicide. Like that's not the suck he's talking about. The suck I'm talking about is the one I just described. Like life is miserable. You don't like your life. You don't like the way things are going. David is talking about a suck where you just, you know that whatever you're going through, most of the time you're willingly going through it. You're putting yourself in that situation.

to create a better version of yourself or you're leveraging a hard situation and you're embracing a hard situation for your improvement. I'm talking about you are not intentionally using anything, but the idea that your life sucks and your life is spiraling down. Okay, so that's the context in which I'm using this. So if you wanna stop the suck and you wanna stop the suffering, here's what I want you to do.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (28:55.528)
I want you to begin to practice, okay? Practice over perfection. This ain't about being perfect. This ain't about nailing it. This ain't about doing something one time and perfecting it and never having to suffer again. You know, suffering is going to happen. Emotions are going to happen. So, you know, these are more of a practice that's going to continue to help you to regulate and it's going to continue to help you to elevate over time, okay?

It can happen instantaneously and then it can continue to happen over time as you begin to practice this through the awareness, through the acceptance, through the application. Those are always my three steps. Awareness, acceptance to this new information, and then application, applying it to your life. All right? So it's real, real simple. Write this down. Less expectation of...

the narrative, less expectation of the narrative, more enjoyment of the now, more enjoyment of the now. And how do we do this? It's through the awareness. It's through the awareness. The next time something doesn't go your way, pause, take a chill pill.

Remember what you learned here and say, you know what? This moment, my default mechanism is to suffer and to say within my heart, my life sucks. Because I'm aware of that and because I'm aware that God has never promised me to know how everything is going to unfold step by step. And because I,

have created a narrative and a story that told me how this was supposed to play out, and because I know that I have the power over my own life, over my own mind and heart and soul to write a new narrative, a no narrative narrative, then in this moment I'm going to decide to look for, because you find what you look for, I'm going to look for a reason to enjoy this.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (31:21.096)
I'm gonna look for a way. I'm gonna look for the silver lining. I'm gonna look for that positive spin. The law of polarity. Everything has two sides. So if it sucks on one side, then it's good on the other side. Just through pausing and pondering the things you've learned, you're gonna get better and better and better.

at not suffering and not living a life that sucks. It really is that simple. I used to be so caught up when I would prepare to do a podcast episode and when we would get to this part. I used to obsess about it. And I used to secretly, I used to secretly suffer after recording every podcast episode. Like, man, I didn't give them enough. I didn't help them enough. I didn't explain enough. Oh man, oh.

And what I'm being delivered from and what I'm learning is that it only takes one idea. It only takes one revelation. It only takes one game plan to become a game changer in your life. So just through your pausing and pondering and your practicing, you're going to get better and better and better and life is not going to suffer as much. And you're going to begin to write a new narrative.

that says my life doesn't suck. My life does not suck. It's unfolding the way God would have it to unfold because the steps of a righteous man or woman is ordered by God. My steps are ordered by God. And while I may not know even as Abram, the land or the place or the destination for which God has called me, I believe that I am still on a journey and I am still moving toward, though it may not appear that way.

though I may not understand how this thing is working. I know the one who knows and he is looking out for me and I know God is with me. So I'm gonna choose to enjoy my right now. Now, let me say one disclaimer, because I would be irresponsible if I didn't say this. There are some situations.

Treveal C.W. Lynch (33:44.648)
that are happening in some people's lives. And this may be you, where you need drastic change. Something like physical abuse, where you're in a relationship and you're being abused, or there's some other sort of situation that is causing you physical harm. It's detrimental. It's toxic.

It's something that is, it is on the emergency level. To you, I say, take action. Get out of there, get out of it. Look for resources, reach out. Because those are your more urgent, serious, life -threatening situations. The context of what I'm explaining today are those things that just poke at us and irritate us.

and drag us down emotionally because life just simply isn't going our way. But if you are someone out there, man or woman, and you are being physically abused, you are being threatened, you are in a toxic relationship, a toxic environment, there are elements, things like drugs, alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, where things are really bad, to you I say, please.

take action and get yourself out of there. Get yourself out of there. Your life is precious and this world needs you and God loves you and God wants you around and I want you around and the people that truly love you and respect you want you around. Your life matters and you need to take action and get yourself out of that situation. So I just want to make sure that I said that.

Because some people will take this and say, oh, I'm just supposed to enjoy the abuse. I'm just supposed to enjoy my situation that is really toxic and really bad and could even possibly end your life. You, I'm not speaking this to you. I'm saying get the heck out. Take some action, okay? All right, guys. I wanna go ahead and wrap it up there. I hope and pray, man, that I've said something, shown something, illustrated something that is...

Treveal C.W. Lynch (36:06.536)
been a blessing to your life that's added some value to your life that has encouraged you, inspired you, and blessed you at a soul level. All right, guys, that is it, man. Yep. This has been another episode, another experience in the I Am The Possible universe. This is the place here at the I Am The Possible podcast experience where possibilities become pers -

I am your host Mr. Trevail C .W. Lynch. Mr. What What. I am here to help you to regulate and to elevate and to be encouraged. And yes, as always, and most importantly, I am here to encourage you to be your possible. Until next time guys, God bless.