The Higher Gear CXO

The Island of Misfit Toys: Outliers, Quiet Quitters and Hemorrhoids

Kelly Kierans Season 5 Episode 1

Key Theme:
The Island of Misfit Toys: Outliers, Quiet Quitters and Hemorrhoids

Leadership Thoughts:
· Outliers

· The quiet quitters

· Hemorrhoids

· Salary bands

· Negative impact of keeping people and not being proactive

· Are you losing money on your top producing client?

· Quiet process ninja’s

· The underlying elements of the great resignation

· Feeling less than utilized and not compensated 

· Some clients cost you money and the question isn’t being asked

· The people that are an issue don’t always know that they are an issue

· The system is built for average/mediocrity

How Do I Reflect on Myself as a Leader? 

· Have you seen the value in letting someone go?

· Are you getting to know cross functional things?

· Are you investing in your team?

· Different perspectives, are you recognizing these?

· Do you have people self-limiting themselves?