The Proverbs Podcast

The Proverbs Podcast Episode 39

Ron Nelson Season 1 Episode 39

A devotional reading arising out of a study of Proverbs 11:2

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Text:  "When arrogance comes, disgrace follows, but with humility comes wisdom.."  - Proverbs 11:2

   Most of us have had experiences when we have had to deal with overbearing people, whose best intentions may be tainted by misunderstanding or erroneous presumption.  While it may have left us feeling disregarded, undervalued or angry, it is easier to forgive or accommodate them, than those whose attitude of superiority just forces situations or outcomes that are contrary to the common good.  Consumed with self interest, these individuals inevitably create chaos and disharmony to advance their personal goals and agendas.  Pretense is never good.

 An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions does not yield favoured behaviour biblically.  While it may allow a measure of success for the perpetrator, it erodes trust and, in the long run, fosters disunity and loss.  Today's text reminds us that disgrace follows arrogance and with it, shame, loss of favour and opportunity.  This is not a pretty picture.

   Divine wisdom and grace is needed, to help us work towards a more balanced consensus of thought and action.  As Christians, our goal is not to simply get things done, but to grow others in the knowledge of God's will.  His "ways are not our ways"(Isaiah 55:8) and as our Sovereign Lord, Christ has resources and means to accomplish that which He pleases.  His invitation is for us to join Him in the fulfilment of His will, that we might more clearly experience the reality of His presence and power.

   Perhaps, this is central to the admonition and counsel of this text. Biblical wisdom is the fruit of God's leading because only He can correctly understand matters of the heart.  The Holy Spirit is able to bring light and discernment to us as we interact together.  He who knows the inner qualities of each person wants to enable us to experience unity of action, as He helps us to respect and value the diversity of individual thought and experience.  On this note, I have often shared that "corporate unity is the fruit of personal piety".  If we individually are in His will, then we will corporately be united by His will.

   It is important that we would feel respected and heard by others.  In Proverbs 24:6, we find that " a multitude of counsellors there is safety."  An acronym that I have used in Ministry to help people find balance as they work through issues is "DREAM".  I would hope that it would help you also.  In decision making

 D.  - Determine and decide to do God's will.

          - Do a thorough work and gather good information relative to the issue.

 R.  - Route the enemy with prayer.

         - Bathe the entire process in prayer and let the Holy Spirit bring conviction to the process.

 E.  - Earn the trust of others.

         - People are more important that programs and relationships are all that we 
           collectively take to heaven.  Guard and preserve them.

 A.  - Act responsibly and respect consensus.

          -  God's timing is essential here and He may have more than one path to fulfill His will.

M.  - Engage in mentoring relationships.

           -  In humility, learn from each other and seek ways and means to bring honour to Him 
               as we prayerfully make and act upon decisions made.