The Proverbs Podcast

The Proverbs Podcast Episode 41

Ron Nelson Season 1 Episode 41

A devotional reading arising out of a study of Proverbs 11:14

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Text:  "Without guidance a people will fall, but with many counsellors there is deliverance"  - Proverbs 11:14

 There is something powerful about symbiotic action.  When diverse groups interact in ways that are mutually beneficial, the outcomes tend to be more effective and productive. Not only are relationships improved as each takes the time to affirm and to strengthen others, but combined efforts are more likely to help us to succeed.

  Pictured here is not merely the authoritative voice of an individual leading and commanding compliance to a singular vision.  No, in this text we see the benefit of a more detailed and complex process whereby many counsellors contribute towards actions taken.  Thus, we see informed contributions of individuals leveraged against objections and obstacles that hinder forward and creative thought.

  Concerning salvation, we also see in this text an allusion to our blindness.  Most are unaware of their true spiritual condition.  Some believe that we have, inherent within ourselves the ability to achieve Godlikeness.  The bible portrays our fallen condition differently.  Biblically, in our current state, we are estranged from God and "at enmity" with Him(Romans 8:7).  This would mean that influences beyond ourselves are necessary to bring us to the place where we can experience Godliness in the fullest of terms.  I remind you that conversion is not the modification of behaviour, but a sovereign act of God where He replaces our stoney hearts with hearts of flesh.  Living hearts that beat in harmony with Himself.  

  In this, I am truly grateful for the ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose Presence is able to break through and to bring us to a place of willing, intentional surrender to the will of God.

  In Romans 2:4, the Apostle Paul asks the question, " you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and long-suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?"  For many years in my life, I didn't give God much thought at all and looking back, it was as if "sin" was a bully that had me pinned, flat on my back, helpless... My attempts to escape were futile.

  But then, the Holy Spirit reminded me of my mothers words, "Ron, if you want answers to this worlds questions, Read the bible."  I went and bought a bible and the rest is history.  I have found answers and more importantly, I have been rescued from the tyranny of sin.  I am free to live my life, surrendered to God and the terms of His blessing that give me peace, joy and the assurance of salvation.

   Contrary, to the words of a popular pop song, "I did it my way", I recognize that I have not been saved to do my will, but to be a faithful vessel of His grace, and I am anxious to do His bidding.  I'm not first.  The Lord is truly Lord, He is first and His goodness lead me to a place of deep commitment to Him.

   In Romans 6:16-18, we read, " Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered.  And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness."

   Is this your experience, or are you content to shoulder the weight of sin and the burdens of this life alone?   The bible would teach us that we default to subjection to satan, choice is not the issue in that battle.  We are born chained to the destitution that marks his kingdom.  But Jesus offers us much more.  He offers us life, abundant, full and free.  Life to grow.  True happiness.

   Deliverance from our failings comes when we recognize our inability to do it alone, and reach out to experience the community of others that are also on a journey to fully experience the reality of God in the most practical of terms.  Through bible study and prayer, we come into contact with the will and the way of God.  Through the combined efforts of others, we can find the clarity we need to best navigate through the challenges of this life.   I certainly did and by the grace of God, will be eternally thankful.

    "Without guidance a people will fall, but with many counsellors that is deliverance."  As you join Godly counsellors to seek the Holy Spirit's blessing, the promise is that the Holy Spirit will guide you "into all truth"(John 16:13).  May God bless you as you continue to intentionally choose to pursue this clarity concerning God's will through bible study and prayer.