Living Lucky® Podcast with Jason and Jana Banana

Political Discourse?

Jana and Jason Shelfer Season 7 Episode 32

Feeling Stuck in the Political Muck? Shift Your Focus, Rise Above, and Start Living Lucky®!

Is the daily political grind leaving you drained and discouraged? You're not alone. This episode of Living Lucky® with Jason & Jana Banana cuts through the negativity to offer a powerful perspective shift that can transform your outlook and empower you to create positive change.

Here's what you'll discover to break free from the cycle of political despair:

  • The Hidden Cost of Sensationalism: Uncover how media narratives surrounding everything from celebrity trials to political debates can trap you in a low-vibrational state. Learn how to identify these fear-driven stories and shield yourself from their negativity.
  • From Problem to Progress: Tired of dwelling on issues with no solutions? We'll show you how to reframe your thinking by focusing on innovative solutions and the positive emotions you desire in your life – joy, prosperity, and security.
  • The Power of "Living Lucky": Discover a revolutionary approach to navigating the political landscape. Instead of getting caught up in endless arguments about methods, we'll guide you to define the feelings you truly want to experience in America.
  • Unleashing Collective Consciousness: This episode dives into the concept of collective consciousness and how your thoughts and emotions can influence the world around you. Learn how to raise your vibrational state and co-create a more harmonious and prosperous society.
  • Meet Your "Living Lucky" Candidate: We'll inspire you to seek out leaders who embody these positive values and share a vision for a brighter future.

Bonus  Nuggets:

  • How to stay hopeful and motivated, even amidst negativity.
  • Practical tips for shifting your focus from fear to solutions.
  • The importance of finding your tribe – a community that supports your positive mindset.

This episode is your roadmap to escaping the political drama and stepping into a world of possibility, collaboration, and collective progress. Are you ready to start Living Lucky®?

P.S. Feeling stuck identifying your ideal America? Reignite your passion and start dreaming BIG again!

Politics, Positivity, Solutions, Manifestation, Collective Consciousness, Living Lucky, Hope, Inspiration, Change, Motivation, Community, Vibrational State, Trump Shot, Assassination Attempt 2024, Political

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The 4 pillars of Living Lucky
Believe in yourself
Believe in the people around you
Believe in your circumstances and
Believe that God is working through you, for you, and always conspiring in your favor.

*Previously Recorded

Jana Shelfer:

Are you ready to create a life you crave? Let's spin that doom loop of negativity into an upward success cycle and start Living Lucky® Good morning.

Jana Shelfer:

I'm Jana Shelfer.

Jana Shelfer:

And this is my husband, Jason Shelfer, and we are Living Lucky®. You are too. There's been some political upheaval. It's crazy out there. Not only just over the weekend, but for the past months Well, not 18 years, but months. I mean literally, if you zoom out. Jason and I don't normally like to talk politics, but I feel that it is necessary because our mission in this world is to raise the consciousness of people of our planet and just raise the overall vibrational feeling and beingness of how we want to feel in life.

Jana Shelfer:

It's all about how we feel, and I don't know about you, anyone that's listening to this, but when I hear anything about politics, when I read anything about politics, when I try to engage in politics, I am feeling fear.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, when we show up into a doctor's office, when you show up into a restaurant or something and they have a television going, then it's on a political something. Yes, there's that push of the fear-mongering and the blame and the shame and and and it's coming from both sides so I don't want to take any any side here, but first we had, you know, the.

Jana Shelfer:

We had the trial, the actual court trials of your previous president's, a criminal yeah, and we were told that trump is a felon, he's a convict, and and so we're living in this. Oh my gosh, the the morality of america to have a convict so we have all of that yes, and then we have President Biden in the debate and it almost feels like Diminished capacity. Yes, and whether it's Parkinson's or dementia.

Jason Shelfer:

Or jet lag.

Jana Shelfer:

And we're literally like putting down elderly people and again we're feeling the fear of oh my gosh, like what's going to happen in four years if? Is this the best we've got?

Jason Shelfer:


Jana Shelfer:

You know, it almost feels like we have created this impossible.

Jason Shelfer:

Mission impossible Situation for ourselves Pick the cream of the crap.

Jana Shelfer:

The cream of the crap. Oh, my God, that is so good, it's the cream of the crap. The cream of the crap, my God, that is so good, it's the cream of the crap. And so then you know again, both political sides, which are the extreme right and the extreme left, they want people to feel the fear and the despair. And if you read any of the news we're hearing about I mean, we're all feeling it in our pocketbooks and if you read the news, you're feeling that the economy is in the toilet and everything is in this lower vibrational state.

Jason Shelfer:

And it's because of the other party.

Jana Shelfer:

It's the stories that people are telling, it's the narrative being pushed. It's the narrative, the narrative. And now, over the weekend, trump gets shot. And now the narrative is people don't feel safe and people are feeling like the democratic process isn't working, and I mean there's and they're feeling like is this what our nation has come to? Right.

Jason Shelfer:

Like are we at the very bottom? And when you back people into a corner, people come out swinging and fighting. And this is kind of where we've gotten to is hey, whenever you're in an argument, they're planting seeds in the swamp. Oh yeah.

Jana Shelfer:

That's what they're doing. I mean, when you plant a dream out of fear or out of despair, or out of the obstacle, you're not rising above it and you're going to create the same thing, yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

And even if you do achieve that dream, it's not fulfilling and it's not satisfactory.

Jana Shelfer:

So let me put this in layman's terms. If we are wanting to create america that we all want out of all of this lower vibrational state, guess what we're going to create? We're going to create the exact same thing, and it's just going to continue this vicious cycle until somebody or some Group, some idea, some group emerges and said says OK, you know what, let's think differently, let's unite together, let's stop going at the extremes of the political spectrum and let's Start building the America that we want, instead of focusing on the things that we don't want.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes. I mean it comes down. It's that simple and that complex all at the same time and, as a citizen, we feel conflicted because now we feel trapped. We literally feel trapped and we feel like, oh my gosh, I want to vote because I feel like it's my civic duty civic responsibility.

Jason Shelfer:

I don't have a right to complain if.

Jana Shelfer:

I don't vote.

Jason Shelfer:

And then also, if I do vote and it's not my candidate now, I have a right to complain, which really we're creating our own reality all the time, right? Yes, so it's about deciding okay, what is the feeling that I want and what is the feeling that America wants? We want to be prosperous, we want to feel safe, we want to feel heard, we want a beautiful, amazing America. That's really what we want. And I think sometimes it's about saying, okay, well, how do we stop arguing together? Because when you argue against someone, you start pushing blame, you start pushing your narrative of where someone else is wrong.

Jason Shelfer:

You start focusing on the problem and you're right, instead of building the solution and building the better product, yes, you start getting innovative.

Jana Shelfer:

I feel right now Americans feel trapped. I mean, they go. They feel like budget wise, they're feeling strapped. I feel like even going to the polls to vote they feel like there's not options. There's a feeling of fear.

Jason Shelfer:

I feel like also there's a lot of animosity at the polls.

Jana Shelfer:


Jason Shelfer:

People are actually sometimes saying who are you voting for? Like there's news people out there saying doing the exit polls, like there's always been exit polls, but are people even open to being honest about it? Because it's like if you can't be honest about your vote, then where does that even feel?

Jana Shelfer:

You know, before I started pushing record, jason, you made a point you said it's kind of like when you're in an argument with someone you can't zoom out and see the bigger picture because you're stuck in wanting to be right and placing blame and making the other person wrong.

Jana Shelfer:

Here's what I'm trying to say. The people who are running these campaigns, the people who are at the top facilitating the narrative that they throw out, they know the secret formula, and the secret formula is to create these low vibrational feelings and then they come out saying that they are the solution.

Jason Shelfer:

Their job is to create the other person as the destruction and the chaos and the car wreck, and their candidate is the ambulance, the resurrector and the provider.

Jana Shelfer:

The hero the one that's going to fix it all. So there's a formula in all stories.

Jason Shelfer:

If you want to feel this way, invest over here. It's just like advertising.

Jana Shelfer:

There is a victim, there is a hero and there is a. I think it's called perpetrator yes, so those are the three roles in every story, and that is what's happening right now with our american politics. That is what's happening, and I hate to say it, but we all feel victimized in a way, because we don't have choices. We don't have the choices that we want, so we're all feeling like this isn't fair. This isn't fair.

Jason Shelfer:

Am I right? Yeah, and we're choosing. I think we're choosing our own victimology if we're feeling that way.

Jana Shelfer:

And so then each side says, well, I can be the hero because I can fix all of this.

Jason Shelfer:

And they're painting the other party as the perpetrator.

Jana Shelfer:

And they're yes, so there's two circles of stories going on right now and they're both just a facade. They're both just shiny objects that are taking us away from our goals and dreams, and we need to meet upward, we need to raise our consciousness and we need to stop getting down in the in the swamp.

Jason Shelfer:

In the swamp, just raise our idea of america and find that person like create I think it's create the candidate and say this is what we want in a candidate we want someone who can lead, someone who is fair.

Jana Shelfer:

we want someone who can see all sides and do make decisions for the betterment of everyone.

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and it just feels like we and get people talking without the blame again. It's almost like that it's going in for counseling, it's having that person that comes in and says, okay, I hear you.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, it's almost like a mediator. Yeah.

Jason Shelfer:

Right. Am I right? Yeah, you're absolutely right, because what's happened is is when you've argued for so long, you either stop talking or you just get louder and louder and louder. And when we get louder and louder and louder, we move further and further and further from each other.

Jana Shelfer:

So let's put this in terms of a dream. If you, if you start putting your dreams out there, out of fear, out of anxiety, out of frustration, overwhelm, despair, you're dreaming from a place of pain and suffering. Am I right? Yep, however, if you can raise your consciousness and say okay, you know what? I am grateful for all of these challenges that I've been through. What is this teaching me? And then you can start dreaming on top of it.

Jason Shelfer:

It's dreaming on From a from a higher level a higher from a higher level of consciousness from saying okay, what are the feelings that I want to have, what is the experience that I want to have Like? What are the feelings that I want to have, what is the experience that I want to have Like? What is the world that I want to create and who are the people that can come alongside me and help create that?

Jana Shelfer:

So let's think about that in the political sense. What is the feeling that we want to create? We want to create freedom, we want to create prosperity leadership options. We want choices. As citizens, we want choices. We don't want to feel trapped. We want to feel free. That comes back to freedom.

Jason Shelfer:

Autonomy, humility, kindness, the upper level of excitement. We want to be excited and proud.

Jana Shelfer:

I think we wear the red, white and blue.

Jason Shelfer:

I am so embarrassed to say that Jason and I were just in Estonia last week and the reaction we get when we say we are American is not nearly the respect that we grew up with and that we used to get 20 years ago. And when you watch the news the world news view and we're not news watchers but when you're going to see it on the news when you're in're gonna see it on the news when you're in a hotel in a foreign country, when you're in the airport in a foreign country.

Jana Shelfer:

The debate played non-stop while we were in estonia yeah it played on every channel in every language and I hate to say people were it was they were appalled that we have it was a joke, it was a joke. It was a joke like look at those americans yeah, we're there.

Jason Shelfer:

There are people looking forward to what comes from this, like just to see what happens, and it's our time to say, okay, what is it that we really want and how do we start creating that?

Jana Shelfer:

and how do we start thinking differently? Because it feels to me like America is stuck in this system.

Jason Shelfer:

That isn't working for us anymore, and one side being right and the other side being wrong and two people thinking the same thing.

Jana Shelfer:

Yes, and when we start realizing we're all on the same team. We are all on the same team and most people want to create the same feelings, don't? We all want the best for our children. We all want the best.

Jason Shelfer:

I would say if you put, everybody individually into a room and gave them a survey and a questionnaire and you said what do you want the feelings of America to be? Most people would put the same words on the board.

Jana Shelfer:

What we're fighting about is the strategy in order to create that feeling. And when we argue about the strategy to get there, the reason we're doing that is because we all have different stories we're telling ourselves.

Jason Shelfer:

And we're saying this is the only way and there's a hundred ways to get there and we just need to figure out, okay, what way works best for everybody. And I get that you can't make everyone happy, but that's not what America is. It's about creating the best for the whole country.

Jana Shelfer:

So, instead of trying to create the most pain for one side and the most victory for the other side, what if we balance that out a little bit and meet upward?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, yeah. Because, there's always a better solution when both parties so the best negotiation tactic is where both parties win.

Jana Shelfer:

It's a win-win, okay. So let's come up with a third option that takes the values of what you want over here and the values of what you want over here and let's meet upward. I mean it just from an outside, looking in it just, and I'm not even an outsider Because I'm an American, I'm a citizen, so I'm feeling it as well, but we're not in politics.

Jana Shelfer:

But I'm allowed. I am allowed because of my training and because of all of the tools that Jason and I have acquired. I can zoom out and it feels to me like we're creating this chaos and the more that we live in it and the more we talk about it and the more we feel it.

Jason Shelfer:

Guess what we're going to create more of chaos and it's, it's the doom loop of despair on a, on an american picture and it's a in somewhat of a resource drain, because we keep pouring our resources into proving rightness instead of creating the world that we want create the world we want, create the candidate we want.

Jana Shelfer:

I mean, it's up to us to start saying this is what we want, this is the feeling we want to have, and let's stop arguing about how we're going to get there. This is the feeling that we have now. This is the feeling we want. How are we going to get there?

Jason Shelfer:

Yeah, and then we can start Living Lucky®.

Jana Shelfer:

Yeah, we need a Living Lucky® candidate, that's right. Thanks for joining us. Have a great day. Bye-bye. If the idea of Living Lucky® appeals to you, visit us at www. livinglucky. com.