World in Flux

Interpreting Military Coups and Security Dilemma in the Sahel Region

August 10, 2024 Val Karanxha

In the last ten years, the Sahel region in Africa has been ravaged by violence, political turmoil, and a series of military coups. In domestic politics, the balance has shifted from slightly conventional democratic processes to violent overthrowing of governments by military juntas.. Insurgencies such as Jihad, Tuareg rebels, and allied Islamists overran Northern Mali in 2012, causing turmoil and great grief. A French intervention deterred the insurgents as part of a military operation.  In 2015, the conflict in Mali spilled over to Burkina Faso, where Islamic insurgents and Jihadists controlled approximately 40% of Burkinabe territory.V iolence perpetrated by Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda affiliates and the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) – eventually spread into Central Sahel countries and resulted in abuses and crimes against humanity.
#Africa #France #Russia #China