Ormston House

Inês Cavaco & Hamish Rhodes

Ormston House

For our final podcast of 2020, Inês Cavaco and Hamish Rhodes share their experience of curating and coordinating the Govan Production Residency for our Scottish partner, Fablevision, amidst shifting COVID-19 restrictions. Following the warm welcome from local artists, activists, businesses and communities during the research residency last year, the Memory of Water team was determined to stay connected and to deliver useful artistic projects in real life but remotely.

Memory of Water (2018-2020) is an artist-led project exploring post-industrial waterfront heritage in the context of community development and urban planning in six European cities. We are funded by Creative Europe, and Ormston House, the Irish partner, is co-funded by the Arts Council of Ireland and Limerick Culture and Arts Office.
